Fellow Registrars,
Happy New Year! Let’s hope it is a less challenging year for registries than the past one was.Please know that MCR staff is doing everything in their power to make it a smooth new year!
Data Submissions
I know that most of you have a stack of 2010 cases completed and ready to send to us.All of the vendors that serve MO hospitals have been working the bugs out of their transmission files.We expect the last of them to be tested in the next week. In February I will be designing a schedule to stagger the submission of cases from hospitals by vendor type so that our systems are not overwhelmed with a tsunami of uploads.I will be communicating with the main contact person for each hospital registry to schedule submission of your files.
Live Meeting
Deb Smith is putting together an exciting line up of topics which MCR staff will present using a new (to us) format: Microsoft’s “Live Meeting.” We will send out monthly invitations to register for the meetings and registrants will receive instructions for logging in from the comfort of your individual workstations via the web and phone connections.Monthly meetings are planned for the second Wednesday at 10 am.We are starting with encore presentations of our past talks.In February, Deb Smith will present “Piece of Pie: Memory vs. Modules.” In March, Nancy Rold will demonstrate “Use of Excel 2007 Pivot Tables for Hospital Registries.” While we are not offering CEs for these presentations, the information should be very helpful in your day-to-day registry work.We plan to explore the option to offer CEs in the future.
Spring Training Classes
Save the dates:
MoSTRA and MCR’s spring Basic Cancer Registry Training course has been scheduled for April 19 and 20 at North Kansas City Hospital.This class is an overview of registry processes.
Fundamentals of Abstracting will be offered at MCR in Columbia March 28 & 29. This class teaches abstracting skills using Abstract Plus and the MCR Manual.
Flyers will be published in February-March with details and registration information.
MCR 2011 ICD-9 Casefinding List and Required Fields List
MCR has been working with recently-provided files from NPCR and SEER to create 2011 documents for Missouri reporting facilities.You will find the 2011 casefinding list attached to this email and posted on the MCR website.The required fields list for 2011 cases should be attached to next month’s update.
CoC Standards
If your hospital is CoC-approved, Louanne is offering her own materials that you might incorporate into a proposal to help your cancer committee address the latest standard changes.Since MCR does not deal with CoC standards, please contact Louanne directly if you are interested ()
FORDS 2011
The FORDS 2011 manual is available ( ) When downloaded, your own sticky notes can be added to annotate it.Check the preface and Appendix C for changes.
Upcoming - Collaborative Stage Version 2.03.02
As you will note from the collaborative stage website, the new version was released this month for incorporation into yourvendor’s software program.Watch for an upcoming release from your vendor. Edit sets and a manual are now under development.MCR is staying abreast of these developments and will provide 2011 MO specific edit sets to vendors as soon as possible after the new version is released.
Note: Use of v0203 is required for all 2011 cases, and v0203 may be used for earlier years’ cases.
The new schemas can be viewed on the CS website. NAACCR and NCRA published this instruction: Along with the shift to v.02.03.02 software; the schemas have also been updated. The CS web page ( has both 02.03.02 and the version 02.02 schemas posted. When your vendor updates your software to include the 02.03.02 revisions; Cancer Registrars should immediately begin using the 02.03.02 schemas. While your software is still operating with version 02.02; Cancer Registrars should only use the 02.02 schemas. The schemas for v.02.03.02 will be available in PDF format by the end of January 2011.
SSDI Update
The NPCR-CSS SSDI Web site and extract files have recently been updated with data generated by the Social Security Administration for the 3rd quarter of 2010.To access the NPCR-CSS SSDI Web site, please go to Nancy Rold at 1-800-392-2829 if you have forgotten or need the password.
Hematopoietic Q&A Article
Advance magazine published part four of a series on the hematopoietic database and manual. Find the article at:
It includes links to parts 1-3.
Confused about Class of Case and SSFs?
Check out informative articles on these topics in the current edition of the NCRA Journal of Registry Management.
NCCN Patient Guidelines
NCCN has posted treatment guidelines for patients with Melanoma, Ovarian or Prostate cancers. Details at:
2011 Casefinding List (available on our website)
As always, contact me with any questions or concerns.
Nancy H. Rold, CTR
QA Unit Supervisor
Missouri Cancer Registry
PO Box 718
Columbia, MO 65205