McLean-Great Falls, Virginia Chapter 489
Chapter Newsletter 5, Volume 45, May 2012
Meetings: Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Avenue, McLean, VA
(Second Tuesday of each Month at 1 PM)
Board Members for 2012:
President – Raphael Wong (703-948-0090);
First Vice President – Sue Sottile (703-759-3554);
Second Vice President – James J. Lynch; (703-759-2862);
Secretary – Susan Seymour (703-536-3164);
Assistant Secretary - Pat Mowry (703-356-5650)
Treasurer – David Bettwy (703-759-2882);
Assistant Treasurer - Robbye Jo Quinter (703-356-1554);
Directors– Betty Quinn; Marvin Quinn;
Past Presidents: Joseph R. (Dick) Spann, Richard Bowen, Airleen Gray, Robbye Jo Quinter,
Richard Raybold, and Stuart Vogt
Evelyn Rogers, Alzheimer Chair; 703-356-8074
Richard Raybold, Legislative Chair
Stuart Vogt, NARFE VFC Service Officer
Welcome from the Chapter President: Delivery of our March and April newsletters was delayed due to problems with the postal delivery system. Progress is being made to correct the problems. Our newsletter will continue to be posted on the web at and at your request can be sent to you by email. We are now making progress in the processing and delivery of our Chapter Newsletter. On another front, I would like to express my thanks to Dave Bettwy in stepping up to serve as our Chapter Webmaster. He and I are now working out the details to have our own Chapter Website soon. Also, I am happy to receive requests from the membership electing to receive delivery of our newsletter by email. I am still in need of assistance from members to step up to help in 1) overseeing our monthly newsletter, 2) serving as custodian for supplies for our monthly meeting, and 3) serving as membership chair to help with recruiting and retaining members
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 8, 2012. Board meeting will convene at 11 AM with potluck luncheon at 12:00 PM and then followed by a special Hawaiian Entertainment at 1 PM. The Hawaii State Society (HSS) Ukulele Hui, under the direction of Carol Takafuji, will present the audience with Hawaiian music by the Ukulele Hui and hula performed by HSS members. [All members are requested to bring extra food of entrée’s and desserts to allow the HSS entertainers to partake of the luncheon with us]
Upcoming Event: Please reserve your calendar for the June Chapter luncheon meeting at J Gilbert Restaurant on Tuesday, June 12 at 12:00 PM. Please RSVP your reservation by Sunday, June 10 to Susan Seymour. We will have a recess during the summer from July to August and will resume our monthly meeting again in September.
April Presentation: The speaker for the April meeting was Steve Gouterman, who was very enthusiastic about his involvement with jewelry and coins. His presentation was very interesting and members enjoyed the program. Steve expressed his interest in coming back to allow him the opportunity to value member’s collectibles.
Area Meeting: Raphael Wong attended the Area X meeting at the Glory Day’s Grill in Fairfax, VA on March 27 to discuss items for the upcoming VFC Convention in Richmond, VA.
Northern VA Caucus Meeting: Raphael attended the Caucus meeting for Area 9 and 10 chapters on March 16 to discuss various topics of interest to area chapters and in preparation for the upcoming VFC Convention. Annandale Chapter has volunteered to lead a group to discuss, review and hopefully advance our communication efforts within our chapters. Dave Bettwy and I have provided our names to represent our Chapter on this committee. Since the McLean-Great Falls Chapter 489 is looking at ways to enhance our communications to our membership, this is another way to learn how to improve our communications among other chapters.
Washington DC Dragon Boat Festival (May 19-20, 2012): This is a reminder to the memberships that your Chapter 489 President, Raphael Wong, will be racing at this year Washington DC Dragon Boat festival. It is also a great opportunity to see what the 2000 year old Dragon Boat racing is about especially this year is the Year of the Dragon. Come to the Thompson Boat House in DC (near Watergate) on either day (or both) to cheer Raphael, racing as a member of the Booz Allen BetaFish team. The BetaFish team has done well in winning medals in the past Washington DC Dragon Boat Festivals.
Contact Us: Members can contact us via the President's email () with suggestions of areas of interest, upcoming agenda topics, ideas, etc. Also, if you would like to receive your newsletter electronically rather than hardcopy version, please contact the President and provide your email address.