McHenry County LEPC Meeting-Senior Citizen Center Drake, ND
March 23rd, 2017
Chairman Jeff Michaenko called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM with the following people present: Jeff Michalenko, Kay Buri, Scott Blotter, Arland Mueller, James Darnell, Kelsey Siegler, Trey Skager, Lexi Heisler, Dustin Welstad, Darlene Carpenter, Katherine Volochenko, Gary Volochenko, Shane Thall, LJ Dusek, Robert Becker, Harry Bergstad, KarlainOlstad, Al Hanson.
(Roster Attached)
Everyone in attendance introduced themselves and the entities they represented.
Minutes of the previous meeting were made available by Kelsey Siegler. The minutes were amended by correcting the spelling of “Michalenko”. A motion was made by Trey Skager and Seconded by James Darnell to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was shared by Kelsey Siegler to show a balance of $14,652.28. A detailed list of the deductions and deposits since the last meeting was also provided. (Both Attached). A group discussion was held regarding if the mileage of executive board members should be taxed. Several Board Members felt that this is a reimbursement of expenses and should not be taxed. The County Auditor, Darlene Carpenter, read a letter that she had obtained from the IRS. The letter explained that travel to normally scheduled meetings is a taxable item. She expressed that this is something she has contacted many other counties and inquired how they deal with such an expense. Jeff Michalenko also had some documentation that he was going to share with the County Auditor after the meeting pertaining to the mileage being non-taxable. Both Scott Blotter and Katherine Volochenko stated that they did not feel it was right to be taxed on the mileage to and from the meetings. The group decided that this is something that will require more investigation. A motion was made following that discussion to approve the treasurer’s report by Trey Skager. Seconded by Katherine Volochenko. Motion carried.
Old Business
Kelsey Siegler addressed the countywide mutual aid agreement, stating she has not received any new parties to the agreement. She asked that this be removed from old business at this time and can be readdressed as new business if any updates are needed. The group agreed to remove this item at this time.
Kelsey Siegler gave an update to the Siren Project. She stated that of the original cities that were part of the grant proposal, Voltaire has opted out at this time. She also explained that a lot of the cities do wish to continue with the project, but are concerned over the cost that will be endured by the cities. She further explained that the grant should cover the majority of the costs, but until more details are known it is hard to estimate that amount. She stated that Dan Gossman from Federal Warning Systems will be coming to North Dakota to meet with communities involved in the project to help write the specifications that are needed in order to get accurate bids for the project. This meeting is roughly scheduled for the week of April 17th. More information will be available after that meeting. Harry Bergstad added that if any of the communities have an older, working siren available after the update, that the City of Butte is in need of something.
Kelsey Siegler addressed the Radio Study, also known as Sirn 20/20. She updated the group that the bill that went to legislation regarding the funding for the project did not pass. Al Hanson and Trey Skager did talk about how this will affect the life service of the current radio system that is in place. They also discussed that by putting this project aside, the costs of implementing the system will only increase. Scott Blotter expressed his opinion, that the State (North Dakota) needs to lead the way with this. Kelsey stated that she didn’t have any more information at this time, but would keep the group updated as things unfold.
New Business
The contact portion of the Emergency Operation Plan was handed out to the group for editions and corrections. Kelsey Siegler stated she will update the plan with any changes that are noted. She stated that the plan needs to be updated with the countywide mutual aid agreement and correct contacts. She also stated she will bring the plan for review to the next meeting. The plan will then be sent to the Cities for approval and then the State DES.
Kelsey Siegler informed the group of an upcoming exercise in the City of Velva. She stated she is meeting with representation from the Velva school next week to lock down some more details. So far, it will be a two part exercise. The first part will involve local emergency responders responding to an active shooter situation at the school. She informed the group that the school has requested that no students be used during this portion of the exercise. Kelsey then inquired if any of the group would be willing to volunteer to act as victims during the exercise. Several of the group stated they would be willing to participate. She then further explained the second portion of the exercise would occur on a school day, where the students would be evacuated from the building and relocated to a secondary location for reunification. Kelsey also asked if the group knew of any contacts to help with the cost share of the supplies needed for the exercise. She estimated $320 would be needed for the simunition rounds for the first portion of the exercise. The group listed several places to approach for donations. More information will be provided to the group after the meeting with the school.
The terms of City Representation and Law Enforcement Representation to the Executive Board of the LEPC have expired. Jeff Michalenko and Dustin Welstad received reappointment nominations, no other nominations were made. The board moved to reappoint Jeff Michalenko and Dustin Welstad to those positions for another three year term. The motions both passed unanimously.
The group decided the next meeting will be held on June 22nd, 2017 in Towner, ND.
Trey Skager made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by James Darnell. Motion carried, meeting adjourned.
The Executive Board Members met and appointed Scott Blotter to be Chairman and Jeff Michalenko as Vice Chair.