Thomson City Council
McDuffie County Board of Commissioners
January 28, 2016
5:00PM City-County Government Center
Present Also Present:
Kenneth Usry, Mayor Linda Green, McD. Progress
Charlie Newton, Chairman Donald R. Peach
Doris E. Johnson, Councilmember Riley Stamey
Alton Belton, Councilmember Bonnie McCorkle
Paul McCorkle , Commissioner Sammy McCorkle
Sammy Wilson, Commissioner Michael Reardon
William Jopling, Commissioner Don Powers, City Administrator
John Smalley, Councilmember David Crawley, County Manager
James Jones, Councilmember David Peeler, WK Dickson
Clifford Lunceford, Councilmember Michael Joseph, WK Dickson
Philip Cannon, WK Dickson
A joint Meeting of the City of Thomson Council and McDuffie County Board of Commissioners was called to order by Chairman Charlie Newton. The invocation was done by Rev. Smalley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag by all.
Presentation led by W.K. Dickson:
Members of our Airport Engineering Consulting Engineers, WK Dickson, led a discussion about our updated ALP or Airport Layout Plan. The group included David Peeler, President, Philip Cannon, Atlanta Office Manager, and Michael Joseph, Aviation Program Manager.
The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) update has been through FAA and GDOT review and comes back to the City and County at this meeting in order to obtain final approval and signatures.
The ALP is an airport planning document for both short and long term, is required by FAA, is a placeholder for future funding, and once approved, it will remain on file at GDOT and FAA until updated again. It includes airside (runway) and landside (hangars, apron, etc.) development potential. Any development at the airport has to be economically justified, approved locally and submitted to GDOT/FAA for approval and funding. GDOT/FAA’s first priority is safety and security. Our shorter term (5 year) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), approved and submitted late last year, reflects the priority on safety and security
WK Dickson then presented and led discussion on the tentative allocation (TA) of funds received by the airport from GDOT last year, which is tied to safety in general and in particular, obstruction removal and/or mitigation. In order to lock in the tentative allocation (TA) of entitlement funds this year, used to perform the obstruction removal/mitigation planning, engineering, bidding, etc., WKD is asking work authorizations to be approved to accomplish these tasks.
The first work authorization would cover WKD’s work on:
· Developing the Obstacle Action Plan, a new set of documents now required by FAA.
· Planning, engineering, bidding, and oversight on phase I of the obstruction removal plan (on-site).
· Work on planning and developing obstruction removal/mitigation plans for off-site obstacles (phase2).
The second work authorization would cover WKD’s work on:
· The planning and development of engineered plans to perform runway and apron crack sealing and marking, for use when entitlement or grant funds become available.
After several questions and comments from the Citizens, McDuffie County Chairman Newton called for a motion for the approval of the Airport Layout Plan. Jopling made the motion, with a second by Wilson, and the County approved accepting the Airport Layout Plan by a vote of 3 in favor to 1 opposed. Newton, Wilson, and Jopling voted in favor, and McCorkle opposed.
Chairman Newton then called for a vote to approve work authorizations for (1) activities related to obstruction removal including the Obstacle Action Plan along with phase 1 and 2 of obstruction removal, and (2) work authorization on all requirements for a project including crack sealing and runway markings (performed when funding available). Jopling made the motion, with a second by Wilson, and the County approved by a vote of 3 in favor to 1 opposed. Newton, Wilson, and Jopling voted in favor, and McCorkle opposed.
Mayor Usry then called for a motion from the City Councilmembers to approve the Airport Layout Plan along with both work authorizations as described above.
Councilmember Lunceford motioned to approve the following:
ü Airport Layout Plan
ü Approval of work authorization for obstruction removal activities (FAA Obstacle Action Plan and phase one and two of obstruction removal/mitigation), subject to GDOT review and approval.
ü Approval of work authorization for activities in preparation for crack sealing and runway marking project (performed when funding available).
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Councilmember Smalley moved to adjourn, followed by a second from Councilmember Johnson. Meeting was adjourned at 6:43 pm.
Diane Landers
City Clerk