TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018, 5:15 PM


Present:Adanne Bagby, Kristen Pearson, Robert McClelland, Richard Dawahare, Mark Maddox

By Phone:Robin Boggs, Becky Smith, Shari Polur, Eileen Walsh, Dianne Feltham

Not Present:Bill Schult, Linda Keeton, Danny Keeton, Betsy Browning

Call-In Number: 319-527-9125; Access Code: 127529

The meeting was called to order at 5:18 pm.

Our secretary, Linda Keeton, was not at the meeting so the December 2017 Minutes will be reviewed and approved at the February 2018 meeting.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Becky Smith. Motion to approve was made by Eileen Walsh, 2nd by Richard Dawahare and passed by voice vote.

Becky Smith reported that the committee appointed to discuss and develop financial policies and controls has not meet at this time. However, Bill Schult, committee member, has been involved with other non-profits that have these policies and procedures and will be working on something for the committee to present to the Board at the February meeting. Richard Dawahare expressed he had some ideas also that could be incorporated into Bill Schult’s draft.


Marty Chiles from eLink attended the meeting. He brought a status report with him and discussed the results. Since September 2017, we have had 606 likes on our Facebookpage. He explained that over 2% on the Pay-Per-Click part of our media campaign based on key phrases was considered good results. We were consistently over this on 8 key phrases. The full report is attached to these Minutes.

Discussion ensured and a Motion was made by Robert McClelland and 2nd by Becky to extend the Social Media Design & Management, Social Media Advertising and Pay-per-Click through March 31, 2018. The Motion carried. The Board asked Marty Chiles to attend our March 13 Board Meeting to present and update to the status of our campaign.

Kristen Pearson reported on the next KGA Newsletter which will be released mid-February, 2018. She will need articles by February 1. Since this is KGA’s 10th year, this edition will include remembrances from past members and older members about the last 10 years of KGA. Adanne Bagby will reach out to Dr. Pam Teaster who incorporated KGA in November 2007.

Kristen also gave the Board an update on the distribution of Manuals and DVDs. 300 Manuals were sent to 2017 Conference attendees, KGA Elder Law Section Members and District Judges before Christmas. The Judges’ package also included a DVD. Approximately 120 more Manuals along with DVDs are ready to be sent to County Attorneys.

KGA has been asked to advertise in the Lexington Family Magazine again. It costs us over $1,400 previously. Robert McClelland suggested we look into where this magazine is distributed. Becky Smith will check on “Today’s Transitions” in Louisville. Robert suggested we spread out our advertising campaign since we are a statewide organization.

Adanne Bagby reported that since no one indicated that they would attend the first 2018 Conference Committee planning meeting today, it was cancelled. She then asked the Board what they suggested. Robin Boggs and Sheri Polur indicated their willingness to serve. Dianne Feltham said Shannon Gadd would like to be on the committee. Bill Schult had indicated through e-mail that he would be at the February 13 committee meeting. The next meeting of the 2018 Conference Committee will be held at Serafini’s restaurant in Frankfort at 11:00 am. Teleconference can be available to any who can’t make it in person.

Becky Smith had a 2017 membership list attached to the Treasurer’s Report. Dues are due on January 1 each year. Adanne Bagby e-mailed a reminder to all current members on January 5. It was noted that it has been KGA’s practice to carry over any dues paid during conference registration or anything after the conference through the end of the next calendar year. Becky Smith was going to review payments to determine which current members will have their dues carry over through December 2018.

We had no Pooled Trusts reports because the Bank Statements have not been received.

Robert McClelland and Kristen Pearson will send letters to Universities giving notice that applications are being accepted for the Reg White Scholarships that will be presented at the 2018 Conference. Adanne Bagby and Kristen Pearson will review the scholarship information on the website and get it updated.

Robin Boggs told the Board that 18 RS BR 341 has been filled to amend KRS 210.290 and parts of KRS 387. Also a JOINT RESOLUTION to create WINGS – Working Interdisciplinary Networks of Guardianship Stakeholders has been filed as 18 RS BR 378. Daniel Elliott from Garrard County is the sponsor and these are Governor approved. Adanne Bagby will forward this to all present at this Board meeting tomorrow morning.

There being no further business, Robert McClelland made a motion to adjourn, Becky Smith 2nd and it carried by voice vote.

Next Board Meeting will be February 13, 2018, 5:15 pm at McClelland & Associates.

Phone: 859/543-0061 P.O. Box 25173

Fax: 859/543-9228 Lexington, KY