Warren Road Primary School

Wednesday 4th October 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our History topic and R.E. we are planning a series of experiences to enhance our learning.

Firstly, we will be visiting Crofton Roman Villa on Thursday 12th October. During this we will be exploring the important role that archaeology has played in our understanding of the past. 3B and 3S will be leaving at 9am, 3G and 3J will be leaving at 12.15pm. The children will have their lunch at school as usual on this day.

Following this, we are lucky to be visiting a Hindu temple in South Norwood. For this trip the children will be out of school for the whole day and will need a packed lunch. During our temple visit, the children must have a vegetarian, egg and nut free lunch to maintain the sanctity of the temple. Children will also need a coat or waterproof and comfortable shoes. 3J and 3B will be going on Monday 13th November. 3S and 3G will be going on Tuesday 14th November. It is important that the children are in school for 8.45am as we will be leaving promptly at 9am.

In addition, the Hobgoblin Theatre Company will be coming into school on Tuesday 28th November to perform their interactive production called ‘A Viking’s Tale’. During their visit last year, the Year 3 pupils learned so much and it was also great fun. Then the following week we have Viking story tellers and musicians coming in to carry out a workshop with each class.

Finally, on the 7th December, we will also be having an ‘Invaders Day’ where the pupils will have the opportunity to experience the life of an invader in Roman, Saxon and Viking times. They should make a costume to wear for the day as part of their homework passport.

These experiences give the children a great opportunity to learn in new ways and they will be able to apply their knowledge throughout the term.

We would therefore request a voluntary contribution of £12.00 for each child to cover these experiences. If you are unable to contribute, please can you let your child’s teacher know. Please complete and return the consent form to your child's teacher, together with the completed Educational Visits Consent Form.

For any further questions regarding this, or other aspects of Year 3, please feel free to contact either the class teacher or myself.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Scott

Head of Year


Please return to your child’s teacher

I give permission for my child ______in class ____to attend the temple and Crofton Roman Villa trip.

I am able to help with the temple trip1

I am able to help with the Roman Villa trip1

If you can help please add your contact number here:______

I have sent my contribution via School Gateway 1 enclosed 1

Warren Road is committed to safeguarding all children.

Please advise the school if you have any special access requirements.