McClain County Cloverbud
Record Book
Name: ______
My Name is: ______
I am a: ___ Boy ____ GirlI am ______years old
My birthday is: ______Grade in school: ______
My 4-H Club Name is: ______
There are ______members in my club
____ are boys
____ are girls
My Club leader(s) name is/are: ______
Number of meeting held: ______
Number of meetings I attending: ______
I went to ______regular meetings: ______
The Motto:“To make the Best Better”
The Slogan: Learn by Doing
The 4-H Emblem is:
A green four-leaf clover with the letter “H” on each leaf. Each “H” stands for a part of the pledge –
Head, Heart, Hands, Health
The 4-H Colors Are:
Green and White
Green symbolizes nature’s most common color
White symbolizes purity
4-H Pledge
I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinkingmyHEARTto greater loyalty
my HANDS to larger service /
/ and my HEALTH to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world.
The American Flag Pledge
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
(When repeating the pledge, your right hand should be placed over your heart which is on the left side.)
Cloverbud Activity Record
Check the activities you participated in.
Club Activities:
___ Community Service
___ Conservation/Environment
___ Demonstration
___ Health/Safety
___ Pledge of Allegiance
___ 4-H Pledge Leader for Club Meeting
___ Short Speech or talk at a Club Meeting
___ Picnic/Pot Luck
___ Recreation
___ 4-H Week Activities (display/newspaper)
___ Other (list) ______
County Activities:
___ Fall Fair Exhibitor
___ Spring Livestock Show
___ Fall Horse Show
___ Spring Horse Show
___ National 4-H Week (Displays, Cookie Appreciation)
___ Pumpkin Fair
___ 4-H Impressive Dress Contest
___ 4-H Demonstration Contest
___ 4-H Speech Contest
___ Holiday Events (Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Lake Lights Tree, Holiday Float)
___ Cloverbud Camp
___ Achievement Banquet
___ Other (list) ______
Fill this page as you participate in each event and/or activity. Draw a picture and/or write a note about what you did and what you learned.
You can add more pages if you need to.
*Please include what you liked and/or didn’t like about each activity.
4-H Reflections
(Complete this section at the end of the year)
My 4-H Cloverbud Story
Tell us what you liked about 4-H. What did you do in 4-H and what was your favorite thing?
4-H Cloverbud Picture Pages
Share pictures with captions of you participating in 4-H activities
or representing 4-H in the community!
Parent/Guardian Reflections….
Share some thoughts about your child’s year in Cloverbuds:
Cloverbud Record Book Comments
(to be filled out by Record Book Committee)
Name: ______
Club: ______
Reader’s Comments:
- ______
- ______
- ______