Post a sumptuous lunch at Hotel Le Meridian, Pune, The Honourary Vice President, Capt. Pramod Kohli (Capt. PK), called the meeting to order at 2.00 pm, and announced that since the quorum was not sufficient, the meeting was adjourned to 2:30 p.m., as per the rules and regulations of TAFI.

At 2:30 p.m., The Hon. General Secretary, Mr. P. Sampathkumar, (Mr. PS), called the meeting to order, welcomed all the members and requested The Hon. President Mr. Ajay Prakash, (Mr. AP), to take the chair and then to deliver his Presidential Address to the house.

Thereby, Mr. AP, took the chair and became the chairman of the meeting, and welcomed the members to the 17th annual General Body Meeting of TAFI. He expressed his gratitude on behalf of TAFI and himself, to the members present in the house for coming to the AGM and The Pune Chapter for making excellent arrangements for the conductance of The AGM.

Mr. AP addressed the house as follows:-

a.  Mr. AP urged the Members to attend all AGMs of TAFI in good numbers so as to know each other and also to discuss the past years’ performance and future plans of TAFI.

b.  The annual convention at Dubai, was spectacular and the most profitable one till date, which is evidenced by the accounts. The house applauded and thumped their desks, in appreciation of the said fact.

c.  Sub-Committees were formed so that TAFI could function more efficiently and effectively.

d.  TAFI would now get more involved in tourism arena, since the commissions on ticketing, has dwindled.

e.  TAFI has been made a part of Ministry of Tourism’s decision making team, and is now invited often to make its suggestions.

f.  Relationship between Travel Agents, Airlines and IATA, have ebbed considerably.

g.  Markets have changed and the travelling public’s preferences have changed too.

h.  ADMs from Airlines to Travel Agents (TA), in spite of guaranteed fare quote on the GDS systems, have been at the forefront of disputes across the globe, and has been taken up by TAFI, World Travel Agents Associations Alliance (WTAAA), and other TA organizations, but of little relief from IATA, and IATA has shown its inability to control its member airlines, on the ADM issues.

i.  IATA is pushing very hard to introduce resolution 818g globally. TAFI has made India specific suggestions in Agency Programme Joint Council (APJC) Meetings and also through the Passenger Agency Program Global Joint Council (PAPGJC) Meetings, like arbitrary capping of an agent and in case of consecutive bank holidays, payment deferment should be allowed, etc., however the suggestions were not accepted at Passenger Agency Conference (PAC) which is the supreme body governing TA and airlines relations. These issues and other ADM issues will be again taken up by TAFI in the forthcoming PAC.

j.  Due to TAFI’s relentless efforts, a certain Middle Eastern carrier, who had issue large ADMs to TAs, has refunded certain amounts to TAFI members, however, retaining 15% ADM fees. TAFI has put a lot of pressure upon the said airlines to return the ADM fees, and have succeeded in getting the same refunded.

k.  The Travel Agents Handbook has been now made available by IATA to a TA, only as a soft copy, on the IATA website. No hardcopy of even CD is available now. When IATA changes any rules therein, there is no information given to the TAs. Therefore, it is advisable for each and every agent to print the same at the beginning of each year so that IATA could be questioned as to why it was necessary to effect the change.

l.  TAFI filed a suit against unilateral implementation of 818g in India. As a result of the same India is still governed by 810i and not 818g, unless DGCA gives its approval. DGCA and Ministry of Civil Aviation have also been made parties to this suit along with IATA. DGCA has been directed by the Hon. Court, to consult TAFI before giving its approval.

m.  Under 810i, which is the present governing resolution in India the payment cycle as of now can be either monthly or biweekly, and not weekly as envisaged in 818g. However, changes may be implemented, (like in Sri Lanka), by unilateral action at PA Conference.

n.  Under 818g, each airline can negotiate the payment cycle with each agent, which is absolutely unfair. However, practically the payment cycle may be shortened by the airlines under 818g.

o.  Highly popular, TAFI annual convention will be shortly announced.

p.  TAFI members should attend chapter meetings and also look up the TAFI website, which has been revamped so as to provide latest information as and when it occurs.

At this point, Mr. AP concluded his address by thanking the Managing Committee Members, along with the Chapter Chairmen for their support. Thereafter, he requested Mr. PS to conduct the business of the meeting.

Hence, Mr. PS started to conduct the business of the AGM as follows:-

1.  Item Number One on the Agenda: --

“To confirm the minutes of the previous years Annual General Meeting Held on 31st of July, 2010”.

The minutes were considered as read by the house. Mr. PS invited objections if any to the minutes of the previous AGM. There being no objections to the minutes of the previous AGM, they were confirmed by the house and it was:-

RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the previous AGM, held on 31st July, 2010, are hereby confirmed;

PROPOSED BY:-- Mr. Darshan Mehta, of World Travel Services, Mumbai,

SECONDED BY: -- Mr. Jayesh Tharani, of Hopco Travels Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai,


2.  Item Number Two on the Agenda: --

“To adopt the previous year's audited statement of accounts”

Mr. PS asked the house if there were any questions regarding the same. Since there were no questions it was put to the house to vote, and it was:-

RESOLVED THAT the previous year's audited statement for the year ending 31-3-2011, are adopted.

PROPOSED BY:-- Mr. K. Shashidharan of Orbitz Corporate & Leisure Travels (I) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai,

SECONDED BY:-- Mr. Shivesh Anand of Om Orient Travels, Pune.


3.  Item Number Three on the Agenda: --

“To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration.”

Mr. PS informed the house that Mr. Bharat Bakshi had expressed his willingness to continue to audit the books of accounts of TAFI, for the same consideration as the last year, that being of Rs. 18,000/-, and it was:-

RESOLVED THAT Mr. Bharat Bakshi is hereby appointed as Auditor for the current year for a remuneration of Rs. 18,000/-, for the year.

Proposed By : Mr. Jay Bhatia of Tulsidas Khimji Pvt. Ltd. _Mumbai.

Seconded by: Mr. Harish of Air Puspak Travels Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.


4.  Item Number Four on the Agenda: --

“To consider any other matter, due notice of which has been given to the Managing Committee five days prior to the General Body Meeting.”

No notice had been received five days prior to the Annual General Body Meeting, therefore, Mr. PS informed the house about the same.

5.  Item number Five on the agenda: --

“To consider any other matter with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting.”

At this point, Mr. PS invited suggestions and questions and consider the same, if permitted by the chairman Mr. AP.. Mr. AP opened the session to the members for the same. The following points were suggested and/or considered:-

i)  Mr. Harish of Air Pushpak Travels [P] Ltd. Bangalore, wished to know the status of the co-operative society promoted by TAFI although not a subject matter of TAFI in its current Avatar. Mr. AP informed him that the formation and/or taking over an existing co-operative society, has been kept on the back burner as of now, so as to revive at an opportune moment.

ii)  Mr. Darshan Mehta of World Travel Services Mumbai, suggested that a Private Limited Company could be made to enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining, to which Mr. AP said that this was out of the purview of TAFI’s constitution and the earlier vision was to create a separate co-operative as successful, if not more than, AMUL Co-operative.

iii)  Mr. Shivesh Anand of Om Orient Travels, Pune, wondered if a TAFI web portal could be set up so as to promote collective bargaining, to which Mr. AP replied that it would cause a problem of ownership issues and favoritism etc., furthermore, such portals are already functioning with some consolidators. TAFI will call for a meeting of interested members and if a critical mass of members is achievable then, TAFI may think of venturing accordingly.

iv)  One of the members from Pune, enquired about Joint Bank guarantee Scheme (JBGS) to which Mr. AP responded that refunds are being given on day to day basis. If JBGS is revived, then it perhaps would be in three or more slabs.

v)  Another member enquired about passport issue, to which Mr. AP replied that biometric passport is in the offing and the agents will have to let go that business or charge service charges for filling forms.

vi)  Mr. Madhav Oza of Blue star Travels Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, suggested that service charges could be adjusted against the purchase made by such a client, who has paid the service charges for travel advice.

vii)  Mrs. Sapna Rateria of Cirrus Travels, Mumbai suggested that, if airlines issue a wrong ADM, the agent should be compensated for having wasted professional time, to which Mr. AP replied that this very issue has already been taken up with IATA.

viii)  Mr. AP informed the house that ADM cannot be countered by BDR and should be dealt with separately.

ix)  Mr. PS added here that he had addressed the very issue in the Western India chapter meeting, the minutes of this chapter meeting are available to anyone who desires to have them.

x)  Mr. Shivesh Anand of Om Orient Travels, Pune, informed the house that, was aggressively chasing his clients, just because he had bought the tickets from them, to which Mr. AP replied that the clients details should not be passed on to such Online Travel Agencies.

xi)  Regarding Service Tax issue Mr. AP informed the house that Service Tax is a very complex tax and susceptible to double taxations and TAFI has brought this to the notice of the Finance Ministry and shall be taken up again when Indian Tourism Association is formed which is right now on the anvil.

At this point, since there were no more questions and/or suggestions, Mr. AP requested the Hon. Vice President Capt. PK to deliver the Vote of thanks, who concluded the meeting with a Vote of Thanks to the Managing committee, the Pune chapter, and other chapters, Le Meridian Hotel, TAFI Secretariat, TAFI’s Legal Advisor and its Auditor. Thereafter, he requested Mrs. Aditi Bhende Chapter Chairperson Pune, (Mrs. AB) to inform the house about the evening program.

Mrs. AB, on behalf of Pune Chapter, invited the members for cocktails and dinner, at The Hard Rock Café, at Koregaon Park, Pune, and requested the members to arrive there at 7.30 pm, onwards.

Ajay Prakash


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