McAuliffeMiddle School

8th Grade Science Honors Curriculum

Mrs. Neufeld, Room 2015-2016

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Science 8 Honors! The following will give you information about this class.

Major Academic Goals: California Science Content Standards

The State of California has established guidelines which describe the knowledge and skills for which 8th graders are responsible. 8th grade students study topics in physical sciences, such as motion, forces, and the structure of matter, by using a quantitative, mathematically based approach similar to the procedures they will use in high school. Earth, the solar system, chemical reactions, the chemistry of biological processes, the periodic table, and density and buoyancy are additional topics that will be treated with increased mathematical rigor, again in anticipation of high school courses. Mastery of the eighth-grade physical sciences content will greatly enhance the ability of students to succeed in high school science classes. A basic outline of the California State Science Standards is listed in the front of the textbook.


During the first semester, students will begin by exploring science lab and process skills through a variety of hands-on labs and activities. These learning’s will be reinforced throughout the remainder of the school year. They will first be reinforced as students explore the world of physics by studying Forces and Motion. In October, we will use Red Ribbon Week as an opportunity to learn about drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Following that we will cover Density and Buoyancy and then Chemistry and Astronomy.

In this class, students will work in groups and individually. Different types of learning styles will be kept in mind as students participate in a variety of activities and assessments. Along with the textbook, students will also use various texts as references, along with films, videos, software, the Internet, and related books and articles.

Grading Policy

Grades are based on individual projects/assignments, quizzes, tests, and class participation. Each assignment or project will have differing point values. Although some activities are completed as a result of team interaction, each student will be held accountable for his or her share of the work. All assignments are expected to be done neatly, be complete, be turned in on time, and show outstanding effort. Since outstanding achievement on all assignments is valued and expected, students may be required to redo incomplete or sloppy work. Late work will be accepted after the due date for half credit, and study halls may be issued to students if work is missing.

Homework/Class Work

Homework is a natural extension of classroom activities, and will be assigned on an as-needed basis. Homework often includes class work that needs to be finished at home and turned in on the given due date. It also may include reading from the textbook. Homework assignments can be found at


Students are responsible for making up both class work and homework on the days that are missed within a reasonable period of time. Students will be required to write assignments in their minder binders daily, so they will be able to check with a friend in the class to see what was missed. Students should expect to stay after school to make up work due to absences, since most of the work we do in class is hands-on. Remember, absence from class does not excuse anyone from completing assignments or taking tests.

Learning Environment

All students should follow the McAuliffe school standards posted in the classroom. Students must be in their seats before the tardy bell begins to ring, and are expected to follow teacher directions and be cooperative at all times. In addition, students are expected to actively participate and cooperate within a small group setting. Consequences used to encourage positive behavior include a verbal warning, detention or study hall with the teacher, home contact, referral to counselor/Assistant Principal, or personal conference with parents. Incentives used to encourage positive behavior may include positive verbal comments to students, display of student work, McAuliffe Complimentary Reports, positive phone calls to parents, positive referrals to counselor/Assistant Principal, and Student of the Month.

Like letter grades, citizenship and effort grades are an important part of school life. A good citizen will participate in class, follow directions, be cooperative, and bring materials to class. Students who try their best and make solid effort on all assignments will receive a positive effort grade. Warnings regarding behavior, failure to bring materials or to complete assignments will result in the lowering of a student’s effort and/or citizenship grade. I hope to give out many outstanding marks to students in these areas!!

Parent Communication

All class work, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests will be graded in a timely manner and the grades will be posted for the students and parents on I am available by appointment before school, during my conference period, and after school for telephone or personal conferences. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call.

Conference period & Availability

I will be available to all students for extra help at least one day after school per week. Students may also make an appointment for additional time. During this time, students may receive help with things that they don’t understand, study for an upcoming test, revise investigations and projects, etc. Students may also use this time to have a personal conference with me about his or her progress or problems he or she may be having.

If you have any questions or concerns, I am here for you and want everyone to have a successful and fun year. You may call me at (714) 816-3320, ext. 77216 before or after school, or during my conference period, which is Period 2 (9:45-10:30). I am looking forward to a great year!!


Name______Period ______

I have received the 8th grade Science Curriculum letter, and reviewed it with my student.


Student SignatureParent Signature

(See Supply List on Back)