Mayor: Cllr P WilliamsClerk: Cath Ferrie
C/o C.R.I.Centre
Beaufort Street
Crickhowell Powys, NP8 1BN 01873 855939
11thSeptember 2018
The next Planning Meeting of Crickhowell Town Council will be held on
Tuesday 18thSeptember 2018 at 7:00pm
at the Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre.
Cath Ferrie
Clerk to Crickhowell Town Council
- To receive and accept apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000 and The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct)(Wales) Order 2008 as adopted by the council.
- To receive and sign the report of the Planning meeting held on the 17thJuly 2018.
- Information from the above report.
- To consider planning applications:
18/16592/FUL – 8 The Green, Crickhowell. NP8 1EX. Fitting a garage door to one bay of a two-bay car port, no change of use.
- Planning Applications considered and returned during the Summer break.
18/16385/FUL – 65 Darren View, Crickhowell. NP8 1DS. Proposed Two storey Rear extension, front amendments to the porch and new timber cladding. No adverse comments.
18/16486/FUL – Conservative Club, High Street Crickhowell. NP8 1BW. Proposed conversion of the first-floor residential accommodation at the former Conservative Club to a storage area linked with the ground floor accommodation (use class A1, A2). No Adverse Comments.
- To receive Planning decisions
Permission Granted;
17/15567/FUL – The Courtyard, Upper House Farm, Crickhowell. NP8 1BZ. Conversion of Barns from Workshops (B1 Use) to Retail Units (A1).
18/16327/FUL – 7 Llanbedr Road, Crickhowell. NP8 1BT. Single Storey flat roof extension to the rear of the property.
18/16061/CON – Fonthill, Bellfountain Road, Llangenny, Crickhowell. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 16/13212/FUL relating to site layout plan.
17/15571/FUL – Danycastell Presbyterian Church, Castle Road, Crickhowell. NP8 1AP. Conversion of Church to one dwelling.
18/16198/LBC – 50 High Street Crickhowell. NP8 1BH. Listed building consent application for the conversion of ground floor (former banking hall) and basement to A1 retail use and the conversion of upper floors to a single residential use.
17/15224/FUL – Ysgol Uwchradd Crughywel, New Road Crickhowell, NP8 1AW. Installation of floodlighting to one existing sports pitch.
18/16192/FUL – 3 Orchard Court, Bridge Street Crickhowell. NP8 1BG. To clad and render exterior of existing home.
18/16210/CON – Former Conservative Club, High Street, Crickhowell. NP8 1SW. To vary opening hours and delivery times.
18/16193/FUL – 3 Orchard Lane, Crickhowell. NP8 1BU. Proposed two storey extension to the main dwelling together with amendments to the ground floor level. Construction of single storey study/separate unit to the rear of the property.
18/16385/FUL – 65 Darren View Crickhowell NP8 1DS. Proposed two storey rear extension, front amendments to porch and new timber cladding.
Delegated Decision Report;
18/15993/FUL–Llanfair Farm House, Crickhowell. Two storey extension to existing dwelling.
- Cwt y Gollen Update
- To receive items of correspondence
- To receive items for the clerk to action
The above planning applications will be available to view at 6.30pm prior to this meeting in the Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre.