Call regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Gerry Thomas

PRESENT: Mayor Thomas, Council Members Taylor, Haag, Oman, with Council Member Capaul leaving early.

ABSENT: none

STAFF: Administrator Murphy, City Attorneys George Hoff and Kim Kozar, City Engineer David Martini, Public Works Greg Lemer and Clerk Maetzold

ALSO PRESENT: Loren Kohnen, Scott Qualle, Dean Mau, Kyle Christiansen, Don Wachholz, Jim McPadden, Barb Splettstoeszer, Les Hahn, Louis Honebrink, Jeff Schwendinger and Gordon Wickenhauser of Waconia Township, and Emily Hedges.

The Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


MOTION made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Capaul to approve the agenda as presented with the additions as presented. Motion Carried 5/0


MOTION was made by Council Member Capaul with a second by Council Member Taylor to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: Motion Carried 5/0.

1.  Approval of minutes of the November 14, 2005 Regular Council Meeting

2.  Approval of minutes of the November 14, 2005 Personnel Committee

3.  Approval of minutes of the October 18, 2005 EDA Meeting

4.  Approval of Out of State Travel Policy

5.  Approval of Letter of Credit Reduction for Fieldstone LOC 220890 the amount of the reduction is $29,852.56 leaving this letter of credit at $32,502.18 this letter of credit was for the grading.

6.  Approval of Letter of Credit Reduction for Fieldstone LOC 220978 The amount of the reduction is $1,812,132.48 leaving this letter of credit at $515,411.07.

7.  Approval of additional Claims #2222 - #2276 for November for a total amount of $153,261.60.


City Development Attorney George Hoff appeared before the Council. He indicated that through many months of negotiations, a Development Agreement for Coldwater Crossing – 6th Addition has been reached with conditions as read by Mr. Hoff.

MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Capaul to approve and authorize execution of the development agreement for CWC6th Addition, signed by the developer on November 28, 2005, and execute the final plat for the same subject to the following:

1. Notarization of the developers signature, attachment of all exhibits to the Development Agreement, subject to acceptance by the City’s Attorney and Engineer, and re-execution of the agreement to incorporate the conditions of this motion as deemed necessary by the City’s Attorney.

2.  Paragraph 15.06 of the agreement be amended to provide that the developer shall be responsible for completion of site work and site grading in conformance with the approved plans for the same and securing certification from his engineer certifying the same.

3.  Title insurance shall be provided to the City insuring dedicated right of way and other dedicated public property in the amount of $45,000 per acre and assuring that appropriate signatures are affixed to the plat

4.  The plat and DA shall be delivered into escrow with Title Mark with instructions that the same are not to be released or effective until all of the foregoing conditions are met and the developer pays in cash to the City the park dedication fees in the amounts provided in the DA and delivers a letter of credit in favor of the City on a form approved by the City’s attorney in the amount $243, 012. The instructions to the closer shall also include that the recording of the development agreement shall occur prior to any conveyance to third parties.

Motion Carried 5/0


·  The Council reviewed the Public Works monthly report outlining activities for the past month.

·  The Council reviewed a list of meeting, projects, and daily activities performed by the Planner for the past month.

·  Administrator Murphy presented her monthly report outlining activities for the past month.


Public Works Greg Lemer presented the Council with truck quotes obtained through the State Bid process. With only a slight difference between a Chevrolet and Ford, most favored the Chev transmission. After some discussion, a MOTION was made by Council Member Capaul with a second by Council Member Haag to authorize the purchase of a 2006 Chevrolet diesel one ton truck cab/chassis, at a cost of $25,662.00. Motion Carried 5/0

After some discussion about a box and hoist, it was tabled until more information could be obtained. Greg Lemer was then instructed to work on obtaining package prices for an installed box, hoist & V-plow for the next meeting.

Council Member Capaul leaves the meeting.


Consistent with the Orderly Annexation Agreement with Watertown Township, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Oman to approve Resolution 11-28-2005-41, authorizing the annexation of 55 acres of Fieldstone 2nd Addition. Motion Carried 4/0

The Regular Council Meeting was recessed.


Administrator Murphy explained that residents were contacted by letter with a date to bring their utility bills current and notifying them of the Public Hearing to assess their delinquent utilities. She also reported that an interest rate of 6% was added to the Resolution as presented.

After review of the outstanding accounts, and noting that no one in attendance wished to be heard, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Haag to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried 4/0

The Regular meeting was re-opened.


A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Oman to approve Resolution 11-28-2005-42, adopting assessment for Utility Bills against the following payable with 2006 tax role:

PID / Amount
50-6500210 / $1,103.94
50-2260020 / $376.43
50-1250210 / $499.92
50-2410400 / $169.19
50-1260060 / $139.27
50-2410380 / $421.31

Motion Carried 4/0


Contract services with Waldron & Associates expire at the end of this year. They have presented a new 3 year contract to the City of Mayer. Staff has also contacted Metro West Building Inspections for a quote.

Loren Kohnen, representing Metro West Building Inspections, addressed the Council. In business since 1976, Metro West is based out of Loretto. They have 15 inspectors serving 40 cities with 3 office staff. They pride themselves in providing service to Cities, the people and Contractors.

Scott Qualle, President of Waldron & Associates since March 2005, addressed the Council. Waldron & Associates have been in business for 21 years, serving the City of Mayer since 1985. They are located in Waconia and have 14 inspectors serving 20 cities.

Administrator Murphy reported that she has contacted several references for Metro West, receiving a few mixed comments.

Other things for the Council to consider is that the City of Mayer has bought into the “Permit Edge” software, being used by Waldron’s, which is working quite well. There have never been any issues with their company in the many years of working with them.

After further discussion, a MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Oman to continue with Waldron & Associates for Building Inspector services, and to approve a new three year contract using the 1997 fee schedule with a 10% fee increase, and to cost share 50/50 the Plan Check and Building Permit fees. Motion Carried 4/0


City Council passed resolution 11-14-2005- 40 at the November 14, 2005 Council Meeting beginning the annexation process of the south one-half of 62nd Street. Waconia Township has since contacted staff about signing the resolution for annexation of the south ½ of 62nd Street. In exchange for the Township signing the resolution they want the City of Mayer to enter into a maintenance agreement for Quartz Avenue. They sight the reason is because of increased traffic from the Fieldstone development using Quartz Avenue as a natural shortcut to Co. Rd. 30 and Waconia.

The Council discussed whether there is precedence to enter into a maintenance agreement for Quartz Avenue, since the street does not abut the City boundaries. A possible suggestion was to conduct a base traffic count now, and again in one year. The City will revisit the issue if Waconia Township can prove that there is increased traffic in the future. It was also suggested to install and enforce “No Truck Traffic” on Quartz Ave, to keep maintenance down.

Louis Honebrink appeared before the Council to discuss 62nd Street road issues. Administrator Murphy will contact Hartman Communities concerning the grading, gravel, snowplowing and drainage issues discussed.


Stan & Sandy Heldt, representing the families of the deployed soldiers, are requesting permission to honor our soldiers by placing yellow ribbons on the tree/light poles on all of the entrances into our City. This will give the message of support and caring to the soldiers and their families that they are not forgotten.

A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Oman to approve the request as presented. Motion carried 4/0.


A MOTION was made by Council Member Taylor with a second by Council Member Oman to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Motion Carried 4/0


Gerald W. Thomas, Mayor

Attest: ______

Lois A. Maetzold, City Clerk