May 3, 2007 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Report
Amongst many on-going changes and modifications to the agenda, we haveadded:
Saundra K. Schneider, Ph.D., Professor
Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Dr. Schneider will provide an overview of her forthcoming book "Flirting with Disaster (2nd Edition)" drawing parallels between the Hurricane Katrina response and earlier governmental responses to Hurricanes Hugo and Andrew. Dr's Robert Ward and Peter Wamsley have graciously agreed to add Dr. Schneider's presentation to their Thursday afternoon Breakout Session from 1:00 - 2:30. This session has been retitled "Political Science/Public Administration Views on Emergency Management."
Also added to the Disaster/Emergency Management Law and Legislation Breakout Session:
Maeve Dion, J.D., Legal Research Associate Critical Infrastructure Protection Program George Mason University School of Law (Research Faculty)
3301 N. Fairfax Drive, MS 1G7
Arlington, VA22201
Matthew M. Johnson. "Truck Accident Offers California Lessons on Terror
Prevention." CQ Homeland Security, May 2, 2007.
[Excerpt: "These efforts underscore California's determination to treatincidents of this nature in the same manner, no matter the root of thecause. 'I think a more enlightened approach is to consider disasters andemergencies as an all hazards response,' said California AssemblymanPedro Nava, D-Santa Barbara, who chairs the state Assembly's EmergencyServices and Homeland Security Committee. 'No longer do we want to come
up with false categories of some sort of a disaster . . . whatCalifornia is moving in the direction of doing is all hazards responseand training. It just makes economic sense and it is just much better onthe ground,' said Nava. Individual states need to continue to developtheir own emergency response plans because the federal government under
the Bush administration has repeatedly proven unreliable for states inthe throes of disaster, he said."]
Bowman, Lee. "Home Readiness Shows Significant Erosion." ScrippsHoward News Service, April 10, 2007. At:
Curran, David. "Flirting With Disaster Training." San FranciscoChronicle, May 3, 2007. Accessed at:
[Thanks to Valerie Lucas at UC-Davis for bringing this to my attention-- on how not to do disaster education.]
Krisberg, Kim. "Emergency Preparedness a Challenge for Older Americans."
Red Orbit News, April 13, 2007. Accessed at:
B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM
Higher Education Project Manager
Emergency Management Institute
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Department of Homeland Security
16825 S. Seton, K-011
Emmitsburg, MD21727
(301) 447-1262, voice
(301) 447-1598, fax
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