At the Regular Meeting and Organizational Meeting of the Town of Eaton Council held on January 12, 2016 at the Town Office Building, 35 Cedar Street, Morrisville New York, there were present:

Cliff Moses, Supervisor

Bill Donnelly, Councilman

Paul Orth, Councilman

Ross Whitford, Councilman

Joe Wicks, Councilman

Larry Phillips, Highway Superintendent

Brenda Herrick, Deputy Town Clerk

The Meeting opened at 6:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion to accept Dec 9 minutes by Councilman Wicks. Second by Councilman Whitford. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion to accept Dec 30 minutesby Councilman Wicks. Second by Councilman Whitford. All ayes. Motion carried.

At 6:03 Supervisor Moses recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Organizational Meeting.


Cliff Moses, Supervisor: 2 yr. Term 01-01-2016 thru 12-31-2017

Colleen Stella, Justice: 4 yr. Term 01-01-2013 thru 12-31-2016

Larry Phillips, Highway Superintendent: 4 yr. Term 01-01-2014 thru 12-31-2017

William Donnelly, Councilman: 4 yr. Term 01-01-2014 thru 12-31-2017

Paul Orth, Councilman: 4 year Term 01-01-2014 thru 12-31-2017

Ross Whitford, Councilman: 4 yr. Term 01-01-2016 thru 12-31-2019

Joseph Wicks, Councilman: 4 yr. Term: 01-01-2016 thru 12-31-2019

Debra Clark, Town Clerk/Tax Collector: 4 yr. Term: 01-01-2014 thru 12-31-2017


Elected/ Appointed Officials: All amounts are annual rates unless otherwise stated.

Supervisor: Cliff Moses, $ 8,103.00 paid biweekly

Town Council (4) $ 1,967.25 each, paid semi-annually

William Donnelly-Paul Orth-Ross Whitford-Joseph Wicks

Superintendent of Highways: Larry Phillips $ 52,054.00 paid bi-weekly

Town Clerk: Debra Clark, $ 2,063.00 paid bi-weekly

Tax Collector: Debra Clark, $ 5,873.00 paid bi-weekly

Town Justice: Colleen Stella $ 11,797.00 paid bi-weekly

Town Council meetings are held on second Tuesdayof the Month at 6:00.


Assessor: Brian Fitts, $23,324.00 paid bi-weekly annually

Assessor: Brian Fitts, $10,000.00 paid bi-weekly for Revaluation of Town Assessments if Board approves Reval.

Budget Officer: Cliff Moses, $1203.00 annually, paidbi-weekly

Building Custodian: Debra Clark, $3,327.00 annually, paid bi-weekly

Codes Officer: John Fewer, $18.73 per hour paid bi-weekly

Deputy Registrar: Brenda Herrick $77.00 paid bi-weekly (hourly)

Deputy Supervisor: Paul Orth no compensation

Deputy Tax Collector: Brenda Herrick $2,480.00 paid bi-weekly (hourly)

Deputy Town Clerk: Brenda Herrick $5,099.00 paid bi-weekly (hourly)

Dog Control Officer: Gordon Baker $3,753.00 annually paid bi-weekly

Historians: Harry Riggall and Sue Greenhagen no compensation

Justice Court Clerk: Brenda Herrick $4,222.00annually,paid bi-weekly

Registrar: Debra Clark, $1,776.00 annually paid bi-weekly

Secretary to Codes and Planning Board: Karen Jacobs $ 7,231.00 annually paid bi-weekly (4 hours per week for Codes and 7 hours per week for Planning.)

Sexton: Pratts Hollow Cemetery-James Taylor $ 800.00 paid annually

Sexton: Route 46 Cemetery (Fairview) Ray O’Herion no compensation

Supervisor’s Clerk/Bookkeeper/Secretary: Patricia Casler $ 11,710.00 annually pd. bi-weekly

Town Attorney: James Stokes & Associates, per engagement, by letter-($145.00 per hour)


Board of Assessment Review: $150.00 each-paid annually (5 year terms)

Chairman: Roy Roher term 09/30/2018

Donna Isbell 09/30/2017

Don Kelley 09/30/2019

Planning Board no compensation (5 year terms)

Chairman: Paul Rhyde 12/2015 Motion to reappoint______Second______

Diane Lodor 12/2018

Michael Johnson 12/2019

Pat Utter 12/2016

Terry Mosher 12/2017

Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the Month at the Town Office Building at 7:00.

Zoning Board of Appeals: no compensation (5) year terms

Chairman Stephanie Mosher term 12/2016

Fenton Groves term 12/2018

Murry Ames term 12/2017

Michael Mazza term 12/2019

Jennifer Vaill term 12/2015

Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at the Town Office Building at 7:00.


Highway Employees: (Regular full-time week is 40 hours)

Working Foreman: Glenn Brown, $21.72 per hour (overtime $32.58 per hour)

Jeff DavisRegular $20.81-overtime $31.22 (DA months 1-person plow $22.31-$33.47 overtime),

John VonDauber Regular $20.81-overtime $31.22 (DA months $22.31 1 person plow-33.47 overtime)

Jeff Schenk $18.36 per hour-overtime $27.54 per hour(DA months 1 person plow $19.86-$29.79 overtime)

Tom Schmidt$ 18.73 per hour overtime $28.10 (DA months $ 20.23 1 person plow $ 30.35 overtime)

Part Time Highway Employees: $11.44 per hour (no benefits)(OT $16.83 per hour)

Newly Hired Highway Employees Full Time: 75%-90% of regular pay depending on experience and Board approval.

MILEAGE: Council approved mileage at the current County rate.


OFFICIAL BANK: Community Bank.

Motion made by Councilman Orth to accept the following Resolution. Second by Councilman Orth.


WHEREAS, the Town of Eaton Council has reviewed Supervisor Moses recommendations for appointments, rates of pay, official newspaper meeting times, as well as other organizational data, and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Eaton accepts the recommendations and data as submitted.

With the Organizational Meeting completed, Supervisor Moses closed the Organizational Meetingat 6:12 and continued the Regular Meeting.


Taxes collected to date: $ 322,222.23


Supervisor Moses reported that he is looking into Time Warner Cable for phone service.

Supervisor Moses informed Council of a presentation given by Williamson Law Book on software for accounting, payroll, and highway.


Abstract 600-2015

General Vouchers numbered A 158-161 $ 540.85 SL $1,128.33

Highway Vouchers numbered DA 158-161 $ 3,357.59 DB 34 $4.00

Abstract 1 0f 2016

General Vouchers A 1-3 $ 3,116.45; B-1-2 $ 59.07; SL 1 $ 752.38

Highway Vouchers DA 1-2 $ 483.67

Motion by Councilman Orthto accept and pay the bills. Second by Councilman Donnelly. All ayes. Motion carried.


With no further business to bring before the Council, Councilman Donnellymoved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Councilman Wicks. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22.