May 14, 2001, 7:00PM
I. Pledge of Allegiance, Call to Order, and Roll Call
The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors meeting was held on May 8, 2001 in the Township building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. In the absence of Chair Michael F. Pickard, the meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Vice Chair Helen S. Adams. Treasurer Anthony J. Allen was present. Others in attendance included Township staff and interested parties. Allegiance to the flag was pledged.
II. Public Comment on Agenda Items: There were no comments.
III. Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the April 9, 2001 meeting were approved as presented by general consent.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Allen presented the Treasurer’s Report with the following amounts as of April 30, 2001:
General Fund $ 573,689.13
Parks/Open Space 3,353.91
Capital Reserve 787,649.81
Highway Aid 388,720.55
TOTAL $ 1,753,413.40
Mrs. Adams stated the Treasurer’s Report would be filed for audit.
V. Payment of Bills
On a motion by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mrs. Adams, the Board approved the payment of bills:
General Fund $ 170,424.93
Parks/Open Space 555.87
Capital Reserve 6,385.20
Highway Aid 2,888.45
TOTAL $ 180,254.45
VI. Reports
A. Lafayette Fire Company: There was no report available.
B. Lancaster Township Fire Department: Thomas Schaller reported 38 emergency calls in the month of April for a year-to-date total of 141.
C. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports: These reports are available for public inspection before and after this meeting and during regular business hours.
D. Recycling Report
Mrs. Adams reported a recycling rate of 18.46% for the month of April. She asked for everyone’s cooperation in recycling to help reduce costs and waste.
E. Lancaster Township 2000 Annual Audit & Financial Report to the State
This report was prepared by Dorwart, Andrew & Co. and sent to the state. A copy is available along with the other monthly reports.
F. Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee
William Adams, Township Manager, reported on recent activities of the LIMC, a council of 12 municipalities: it supports co-op enforcement of a state building code which was recently passed; it is working on parks and open space with the prototype Greenway about to be built; and, it is working for Municipal Planning Code changes across municipal lines that will include joint long range comprehensive plans.
G. Questions & Comments for Community Police Officer
An officer was unable to attend this meeting.
VII. Announcements
A. Next Regular Board Meeting: June 11,2001 7:00PM (Workshop at 5:00PM)
The Lancaster Township Supervisors are committed to the goals
as established by the adoption of the Strategic Comprehensive Plan
and the following actions are consistent with the directives of that document
VIII. Old Business: There was none.
IX. Planning/Zoning Business
A. LTPC #167 – Lyndon Sewage Pumping Station
Mr. Allen moved, Mrs. Adams seconded, and the Board granted a modification of the requirements to provide sidewalk and curbing along New Danville Pike (Sections 603.02 and 603.03 of the Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance).
X. New Business
A. Bid Award for Flashing Warning Device at PA Route 324 & Hoover Road
Mrs. Adams moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board awarded a contract in the amount of $6,219.00 to EMR Engineering and Construction, Inc. for installation of the above-mentioned flashing device. This was the lowest of three bids.
B. Bid Award for Asphalt Roller
Mr. Allen moved, Mrs. Adams seconded, and the Board awarded a contract in the amount of $18,750.00 to Plasterer Equipment Co. for purchase of the above-mentioned equipment. This was the lowest of three bids.
XI. Guest Recognition and Participation
Mrs. Adams reminded everyone to vote tomorrow.Mrs. Adams pointed out the Little Conestoga Creek Riparian Restoration Project display with photographs. This most successful project was completed with a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant and the generous volunteer support of many individuals. Mr. Adams added that a $35,000.00 Growing Greener grant will allow for construction of an $82,000.00 project to include walking paths and a natural area continuing downstream. Manor Township, in a display of inter-municipal cooperation, has committed $7,000.00 to this new project. Mr. Eckenrode noted that the Public Works Department has enjoyed a great deal of inter-municipal cooperation with several municipalities. Charles Lardner, Lancaster Intelligencer news reporter, introduced two college interns: Yvonne Langer from Bloomsburg University and Michael Yoder from Penn State. Also introduced were Andrew Linneman who is working on a Boy Scout project and Matt Gish from Lancaster Mennonite High School who is working on a political science project. Joe Ihns, Fairview Avenue, reported some broken play equipment at Lancaster Community Park and asked if there will be repairs and/or an upgrade. Mr. Adams replied Township staff is presently working on this matter. Mr. Ihns commented on the very pleasant neighborhood in which he lives, Bausman, but would request more police patrols for speeders in the area. The number of small children has increased significantly in the past couple of years while the number of “cut-through” speeding drivers also has increased. Bill and Sandy Worley, Bean Hill Road, asked when the flashing light mentioned above would be installed. Rob Eckenrode, Public Works Superintendent, said it would take approximately one month. Mrs. Worley reported the property on the southeast corner of Wabank and Bean Hill has an overgrown yard in great need of mowing. The rental property at 715-719 Bean Hill Road has at least 15 cats running wild and they just keep multiplying. Township staff will report this to ORCA. This same property also needs the grass mowed.
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business, Mrs. Adams adjourned the meeting at 7:31PM.