Stuart Heights Baptist Church
Mother’s Day Out
Parent Handbook
1505 Cloverdale Dr.10049 Dayton Pike
Hixson, TN 37343 Chattanooga, TN 37373
Dani Vetterick, Director of Preschool Ministry
1505 Cloverdale Dr.Hixson, TN 37343
Stuart Heights Baptist Church - Mother’s Day Out
Our goal is for each child to grow in confidence and social awareness, self-expression and self-control, to learn to function successfully as part of a group, to separate without anxiety from loved ones and to know that he was created by and is loved by God.
We aim to accomplish these goals by creating an environment that promotes security, respect, and learning through exploration and play, and the discovery that God is present in every aspect of our lives.
General Information:
Days:Hixson campus: Tuesday and/or Thursday
Soddy Daisy campus: Monday and/or Wednesday
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Ages: 12 months – Pre K(children must meet class age requirements by 8/31/13)
Registration/Supply Fee: $25.00
Tuition: $15/day
School Year: September –mid-May
Drop-In Rate: $20/day (an unregistered child may drop-in as a guest, depending on space available in his/her age group on that particular day)
Hixson Staff: Director, Dani Vetterick
Toddlers:Betty Reed & Angie King
Twos:Abbey Smith & Lori Sharp
Threes:Sharon Wennerstrom & Dixie Gaddis
Fours/PreK:Tammy Callison & ElizabethMassey
Soddy Daisy Staff: Site Director, Natalie Miller
Toddlers:Tiffany Billingsley & OliviaBillingsley
Twos:Abbey Smith & Dixie Gaddis
Threes-PreKTanya McCallie & assistant
(teachers and classes will be added as enrollment grows)
The following paperwork must be received in our office before your child may reserve a spot in our Mother’s Day Out program (MDO):
- Registration form,completed on both sides
- Registration fee of $25.00
If a class is full upon registration, your child can be placed on a waiting list and we will call when a spot becomes available.
Upon placement and by the first day of class, we will also need your child’s:
- Immunization form
- Emergency Medical Release form
Parent Orientation
We will offer a Parent Orientation Night before classes begin. Please try to attend so you can meet the teachers and become familiar with our program, staff, and classrooms. This is also a good opportunity to meet some of the other parents.This meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.
Soddy Daisy campus orientation: Monday, August 26, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
Hixson campus orientation: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
The $25.00 registration fee is due at the time you apply and request placement for your child. Families must commit to either two days a week or one day a week in order to reserve a spot for their children. The registration fee also covers the supply fee for children.
Tuition is $15 each day that your child is scheduled to attend. Monthly tuition is due the by the 5thof each month. (If special payment arrangements need to be made, please speak with the director.) We accept checks and cash. Checks should be made out to SHBC. Full payment is required for each month’s tuition, even if your child does not attend due to absence. (You will not be charged for holidays or days that MDO is closed due to inclement weather.) Withdrawal from our program requires a 2-weeknotice and payment for all class days through that date.
Health Requirements
A current immunization record, signed by your child’s doctor or the Health Department, must be submitted before your child can attend MDO, as well as an emergency medical release form.
Please keep your child at home if you even suspect that he is sick. No child may be brought to school showing symptoms of illness, including diarrhea, vomiting, fever, or infected nasal discharge. Your child should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Should your child show signs of illness while at school, you will be called to pick him up immediately. The MDO staff cannot administer any over-the-counter medication or antibiotic prescriptions to your child.
Our Classes
The children are divided intofour age groups. The classroom assignment is based on the age of the child as of August31, 2013. (Classes may be added/combined as enrollment dictates.)
Toddlers-12 monthsby August 31st
Twos – 2 by August 31st
Three’s – 3 by August 31st
Pre K- 4 (& up) by August 31st
Children will remain in the same classroom throughout the academic school year.
Drop Off
The door will be opened at 8:50 a.m. on school mornings. Children may not be dropped off prior to that time. Please sign in your child at the classroom. Any questions or special instructions may be discussed with the teacher or the director. The doors will be locked for entry between 9:20 and 1:55. If you need to come inside during that time, please use the entrance at the church office. We are available at any time to check on your child. Please feel free to ask! The MDO officephone number is 423-877-2643.
Pick Up
Children should be picked up promptly at 2:00 p.m. All children must be signed out before leaving. For safety purposes, your child will only be released to individuals noted on their registration form. Please send notes in writing when there are changes in your child’s pick up.Remember, children become anxious when a parent is late, so please make every effort to be on time. Please do not leave other children unattended in the car while you come in for pickup. Please do not leave valuables in the car.
Regular Early Pick-Up
If you routinely plan to pick up your child up early or if your one or two year old child will not be napping, please pick him up immediately after lunchtime, otherwise he will be put down for rest time. Please let the teacher know if you will be picking up early. (Toddlers and twos will sleep or rest quietly each day for about an hour and a half.)
Parents must send a NUTRITIONAL LUNCH and drink for their child each day. Foods should be something that your child can easily eat by himself. Please do not send food that needs to be prepared or cooked. If hot dogs, grapes, or similar items are sent, they should be cut into bite sized pieces. No carbonated drinks, please. No peanuts or peanut butter products.
Parents of toddlers should pack all necessary items (bottles, pre-measured formula, baby food, blankies, pacifiers, etc.…) that the child may need for the day with the child’s name on each item.
Personal Belongings
We ask that you provide an extra change of clothing(including socks and undies) in case of an accident. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for MDO activities. Please remember that we may use messy substances on a regular basis and we play hard!
Tote Bags
Each child will receive a tote bag that he should bring to MDO every day. This bag will be a primary means of communication, so please check it daily. You may place items in it that are needed for class that day like necessary items for naptime, and notes for your teacher. Please leave toys at home or in the car.
Biting Policy
Babies may bite to “experiment” or to relieve teething pain. Young children also occasionally bite out of frustration and sometimes out of anger. The teachers will try to determine the cause of biting, should it occur. Parents of the child that bit and of the child that was bitten will be notified. The MDO staff will closely monitor children that are biters and will work to prevent further occurrences. Every occurrence will be documented. If the biting behavior continues, parents will be called in to discuss the situation.
Discipline Policy
We view discipline as careful, loving, firm training in the direction we want a child to go. It is a process with takes time. At all times, the MDO staff will try to praise children for being good and speak softly and respectfully to each child. When inappropriate behavior occurs, the teacher will follow these steps:
- The teacher will talk with the child and give guidance in correct behavior.
- The teacher will give the child an opportunity to exhibit the appropriate behavior.
- If the child is still unable to choose appropriate behavior, the teacher will sit the child a few feet away from the group for a specified amount of time (usually one minute per year of age).
- If this procedure is not successful, the teacher will separate the child from the group by bringing the child to the MDO office.
- The MDO Director will listen to the child and then discuss appropriate behavior in a firm but loving manner. If this procedure is successful, the child may return to the group.
- If the situation repeats itself, the parent will be notified.
Birthdays and Holiday Parties
We are delighted for you to celebrate your child’s birthday or half birthday at MDO. Please consult with your child’s teacher for an appropriate date, time, and acceptable refreshment ideas. Should you be having a personal birthday party, please do not ask your child’s teacher to hand out invitations unless you are inviting the entire class.
Your child’s teacher will also be asking for your cooperation in providing special treats for holiday parties and special events. Sign-up lists will be posted outside individual classrooms.
School Closing Policy
We will take most of the same holidays as Hamilton County Schools. We will be closed for scheduled breaks such as Fall Break, Christmas & Spring Break and major holidays. (We are not closed for most scheduled in-service days.)
In the case of inclement weather:
If Hamilton County schools are closed, so are we.
If Hamilton County schools are delayed for one hour, we will begin at 10:00.
If there is a delay of more than one hour for Hamilton County Schools,we will be closed for the day.
Scheduled Monthly Tuition for 2013-2014
Tuition is $15/day for registered children.
Monthly tuition is due on the 5th of each month.
September / $120 / $60 / $60
October / $120 / $60 / $60
November / $105 / $60 / $45
December* / $60 / $30 / $30
January / $105 / $45 / $60
February / $120 / $60 / $60
March / $120 / $60 / $60
April / $105 / $60 / $45
May* / $60 / $30 / $30
Soddy Daisy Campus / Mondays
& Wednesdays / Mondays Only / Wednesdays Only
September / $120 / $60 / $60
October / $105 / $45 / $60
November / $105 / $60 / $45
December* / $105 / $45 / $60
January / $75 / $30 / $45
February / $105 / $45 / $60
March / $135 / $75 / $60
April / $105 / $45 / $60
May* / $45 / $30 / $15
*There is no charge for the Christmas program or the End of the Year program.
Christmas programs/Dismiss @ 11:30
HixsonTuesday, Dec. 17
Soddy DaisyWednesday, Dec. 18
End of the Year programs/ Dismiss @ 11:30
HixsonThursday, May 15
Soddy Daisy Wednesday, May 14