Maximising Performance eLearning Work Book
This work book is designed to supplement the Maximising Performance eLearning package, please complete it as you progress through the eLearning.
An introduction to Coaching. 2
The GROW Model. 2
Stretch and Support 3
Bringing out the best in your team 4
Action plan 4
1. An introduction to Coaching
Did you know there are 3 types of coaching in the workplace? Skills, Performance and Developmental.
What’s your definition of coaching?
Now compare your definition to those given in the eLearning.
2. The GROW Model
The GROW Model is a simple four-step process that helps you structure coaching and mentoring sessions with team members. Here’s a list of coaching questions to help with your maximising performance conversations.
Ø Tell me about..?Ø What would you like to think/talk about?
Ø Explain in a few sentences xxxx?
Ø What are you trying to achieve in the longer term?
Ø What would you say are your essential “must achieve” goals?
Ø What is the specific aim of this discussion?Ø How much personal control or influence do you have over this goal?
Ø What would a milestone look like?
Ø What do you want to achieve by doing this?
Ø Is that positive, challenging, and attainable?
Ø How could you measure this as an outcome? / Ø What is happening now?
Ø Who is involved?
Ø When things go badly on this issue what happens to you?
Ø What is the effect on others?
Ø What have you done so far?
Ø What effect did this have?
Ø What do you feel is holding you back?
Ø What is really going on here?
Ø Is this a symptom or a cause?
Ø What options do you have?Ø What else could you do?
Ø What if….? (time, resources, influence)
Ø What are the costs and benefits of each option?
Ø What are the risks, if any, of doing this?
Ø What are the risks, if any, of doing nothing? / Ø Which option do you choose?
Ø To what extent does this meet your objectives?
Ø What are your criteria for success?
Ø What support do you need and from whom?
Ø What else could you do?
Ø Who needs to know your plans and how will you inform them?
Ø What precisely are you going to do - what steps?
Ø What could hinder you taking these steps?
3. Stretch and support
Plot where you think your team members are on the stretch/support grid below. Consider where more/less support is needed and where team members could either be further stretched or where they are not stretching to meet the demands of the role.
If you are unable to plot any of your team members, you should check in with them at your next 1:1/supervision about how they’re finding the role and where they think they sit on this grid.
This will help you to form an action plan of how you can support team members to stretch further in their role or where some may need more support. By putting this action plan into place, you are ensuring that the performance of each and every member of staff is maximised.
Support(high - low)
/ Lots of support/feedback provided but performance is low or employee isn’t stretched
The team members I think are here are:
One thing I’ll do about this is: / A lot of support/feedback given and performance is high
The team members I think are here are:
One thing I’ll do about this is:
Not a lot of support/feedback provided and performance is low or employee isn’t stretched
The team members I think are here are:
One thing I’ll do about this is: / Not much support/feedback given and performance is high
The team members I think are here are:
One thing I’ll do about this is:
(low - high)
4. Bringing out the best in your team
The book ‘Multipliers’ suggests you can get much more from your team (even twice as much), without adding resources or overheads, if you lead like a multiplier. Read through this page of the eLearning for information about how to leader like a multiplier in 12:42 and the different types of multipliers.
What one action could you take in light of the multiplier information to bring out the best in your team?
5. Action plan
Now you’ve completed the course it’s time to put what you’ve learnt into practice by creating an action plan. Answer the questions below to clarify the actions you are going to take to successfully implement Maximising Performance in your team.
How would you describe how you currently manage performance in your team? What impact do you think this has on your team?What would performance look like at its best in your team?
What could you do to move towards the ‘best’ especially when you think about Maximising Performance?
What option(s) from above are you going to implement? Consider the first steps you are going to take and any support you may need to do this.