Nom: ______Date: ______
French 9: Final Exam Study Guide
The French Final exam is a Three-Part exam: a Speaking exam, an oral exam (Listening) and a written exam. The Speaking Exam will take place during class on Thursday, ______. The Listening Exam will take place on Friday, ______, during regular class time. Both the Speaking and Listening parts are of the Final Exam and students that are absent will not be able to make up this part unless they have a valid excuse (ie: Death in Family, Family Crisis, Medical note from Doctor). In such a situation, students will need to contact Mrs. Wedel & the school as soon as possible and bring a written note explaining their absence. The Final Written Exam will be written on ____________ as per the exam schedule posted on the school website.
Students should be reviewing the following topics and grammar concepts for their French 9 Final Exam. We will spend a bit of time doing review before the exam, but not more than two (2) classes. Students are expected to be studying and reviewing independently. Please feel free to see or email Mrs. Wedel if while studying, you come across a question with which you need help. I am more than willing to help you during lunch or after school!!
Grammar Concepts:
A. Present tense conjugation of regular verbs (ER, IR, RE)
Parler / Choisir / Attendre / Parler (négatif)Je
Il / elle / on / qui
Ils / elles
B. Present tense reflective verbs: se laver
se laver / se coucher (négatif)Je
Il / elle / on / qui
Ils / elles
C. Present tense conjugation of irregular verbs (avoir, être, faire, aller, devoir, vouloir, pouvoir, prendre, voir, boire, lire, écrire, dire, venir (de), mourir, vivre, PLUS all the “crazies & stem-changers!) *you must know the meanings of all verbs as well*
Avoir(to ___) / Être
( ) / Faire / Aller / Devoir / Pouvoir / Vouloir / Prendre
Il / elle
Ils / elles
D. Imperative conjugation of verbs (ER, IR, RE + Avoir & être)
Parler / Choisir / Attendre / Parler (négatif) / Avoir / ÊtreTu
E. Le Futur Proche conjugation of all regular and irregular verbs : aller + infinitive: je / danser = je vais danser (I am going to dance)
Parler / Choisir / Attendre / Se laverJe
Il / elle
Ils / elles
F. Le Passé Composé of all regular and irregular verbs with the helping verb avoir and être (DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP + “se” verbs)
- PC with avoir: je / danser = j’ai dansé (I danced)
Parler / Choisir / Attendre / Parler (négatif)Je
Il / elle / on / qui
Ils / elles
- PC with être: nous / venir = nous sommes venus, tu / se laver = tu t’es lavé(e)
Partir / Arriver / Se coucher / Aller (négatif)Je
Il / elle / on / qui
Ils / elles
Mont Être: (draw)
Another memorization trick:
D: devenir (to become) DEVENU V: ______
R: ______A: ______
N: ______
M: ______D: ______
R: ______E: ______
S: ______R: ______
T: ______
R: ______
A: ______
M: ______
P: ______
G. Identifying parts of speech in a sentence (noun, verb, helping verb, adjective, adverb)
Pn V. Nom Adj
Je suis un étudiant intelligent. Nous avons une voiture bleue. Tu étudies fort pour l’examen
H. Writing / asking in 3 different ways :
«Tu aimes les vêtements rétros.» «Vous jouez du piano.»
1. Intonation: Tu aimes les vêtements rétros? ______
2. “Est-ce que”: Est-ce que tu aimes les vêtements rétros? ______
3. Inversion of subject-verb order: Aimes-tu les vêtements rétros? ______
I. Answering questions in complete sentences.
EX: Où est-ce qu’on utilise le métro légère? On utilise le métro léger en Tunisie
1. Quand est-ce qu’on célèbre la St. Jean Baptiste? ______
2. Qui a gagné une médaille d’or? ______
J. Using negative expressions “ne…pas”, “ne…plus”, “ne …jamais”, “ne…rien”
Tu as mangé quelques choses? (You ate something?) ® Non, je n’ai rien mangé. (No, I ate nothing)
Il aime la cuisine française? (He likes French cuisine?) ® (ne…pas) Non, ______
Vous avez joué au foot? (You played football?) ® (ne…jamais) Non, ______
Elle adore le groupe «the Jonas Brothers»? ® (ne…plus) Non, ______
K. Using partitive articles: (de, du, de la, de l’, des)
- de + le = ______ 1. _____ biscuits (m, pl)
- de + la = ______ 2. _____ allumette (f)
- de + l’ = ______ 3. _____ œuf (m)
- de + les = _____ 4. _____ goutte (f)
5. _____ pain (m)
L. Using «Il faut» + un verbe à l’infinitif: (Il faut ajouter des gouttes de couleurs)
1. ______(avoir) de la curiosité.
2. ______(enlever) les morceaux de papier des bocaux.
3. ______(lire) les articles historiques.
Transform the following to the contruction«il faut + verb»:
4. Coupez le papier filtre à café en longs morceaux. ______
5. Ajoutez des œufs au mélange.
6. Finissez le travail avant de jouer au PS3.
7. Mange plus de légumes.
M. Writing comparative sentences:
«Julien est plus grand que Mme Wedel.» «Emma danse mieux que Mme Wedel.»
1. Mariah Carey / Justin Bieber / + bon / chanteur ______
2. Heena / Shawna / = / grand ______
3. Mme Wedel / Mme Cousar / - / grand ______
N. Writing superlative sentences:
EX: Ish / + grand / étudiant «Ish est le plus grand étudiant dans Français 9»
1. La corvette / voiture / + / rapid ______
2. Celine Dion / chanter / + / bon ______
3. Micheal Jordan / jouer au basketball / + bien ______
O. The preposition «à» (to, at or in) before places:
(the) / Le (m) / La (f) / Les (pl)(to, at) / à (no gender) / au / en / Aux
1. Je vais _____Vancouver. 2. Qui va _____ Québec?
3. Nous sommes _____ France. 4. Il est _____ îles Seychelles.
P. Stating decades and years in French:
«En mille neuf cent soixante-neuf, Neil Armstrong a marché à la lune.»
(In 1969, Neil A. walked on the moon.)
1. 2004 / l’école ATSS / commencer. ______
2. 1986 / la Columbie-Britannique / célèbrer / l’Expo. ______
3. 2015 / je / aller / finir / l’école! ______
Q. Adjective placement and agreement:
1. Most adjectives are placed (before / after) the noun they describe in French.
2. The following adjectives are placed before the noun they describe:
B – beauty ______
R – rank ______
A – age ______
G - good and bad ______
S – size ______
3. Adjectives agree with the noun they describe in NUMBER (usually and an “s”) and Gender (usually add and “e”).
- some exceptions are: personnel(le), cher/chère, blanc(he), heureux/heureuse, actif/active, flatteur/flatteuse, neuf/neuve
4. Some irregular adjectives are:
Adjective: / Masc: / Masc. vowel / Fem / Masc plural / Fem pluralBeautiful / Beau / belle / beaux
New / Nouveau / nouvel / nouvelles
Crazy / Fou / fous / folles
Soft / Mou / mol
old / vieux / vieille
Vocabulary: Use this section to write down words you think are important to the topic.
**All vocabulary on your Vocabulary sheets is testable*** All MOTS-DU-JOUR are testable!
En Route vers la Francophonie:
- Countries & their currencies
- Market vocabulary: foods, prices & costs, quantities (4 kilos, 2 cans, etc), la politesse
- Cultural aspects: typical festivals, typical foods, typical means of transportation, cultural symbols, Francophone celebrities
- Interrogative words:
Qui que/qu’ quand
Où pourquoi comment
combien de quel/quelle/quels/quelles est-ce que
Le monde mystérieux de la science:
- Steps in the scientific process
- Adverbs of time
- Materials and objects used in experiments
- Verbs (actions) used to conduct experiments
- pop culture categories & examples (films, activities, music, cars, etc)
- major historical events as in your workbook & textbook
- descriptive adjectives/adverbs
- clothes & vehicles, music & descriptive adjectives/adverbs*** (vehicles & music will depend on how far into the final unit we get)
Review Vocabulary & Holiday package:
- numbers & dates
mille =
cent =
milliard =
- family vocab
- parts of the body
- typical school vocabulary: objects, school subjects
- animals
- sports and leisure activities
- clothing
Exam Format:
1) Approx. 100 Multiple choice questions (vocab, verb meanings, verb conjugations, sentence translations, adjective meanings/agreement/placement, comparatif/superlatif, responding logically to questions…)
2) Short answer section: (40 points) fill-it-the-blank, answer in complete sentence, write the question (verb conjugation, comparative/superlative, responding logically to questions…)
3) Reading comprehension: (20 points)
4) Written response: short paragraph response to a choice of 3 prompts (60 – 80 words) (20 points)