Special Called Session August 22, 2007

7:00 p.m. H. O. Porter School at College Hill


Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order immediately following a Budget Committee Meeting and an Attorney/Client Meeting.

Chairman Daniels stated the purpose of the Attorney/Client Meeting just held was to explore possible legal action against the County Commission if the budget process fails.

The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Jerry Lassiter, Chet Rhodes, Hoyt Gardner, Talvin Barner, Loretta Goodloe, Steve Kindler, Greg Ladd, Joe Foster, Daniel McCulley and Tommy Dudley.


Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved the Agenda.


Vice Chair Gardner asked to speak. He voiced his concerns regarding the funding appropriated by the county and expressed his frustration that the county’s funding would not be sufficient to meet the school system’s needs. He urged Board Members to vote against what the county proposes and asked any Board Member who could not, to resign from the Board tonight.

1. Budget Committee Chair Shaw Daniels

a. 2007-08 General Purpose Budget.

Budget Committee Chair, on behalf of the Committee, made a motion to accept the proposed budget as presented in the amount of $74,445,009, and the budget then to be carried back to the County Commission.

Mr. Lassiter’s amendment to the above motion to change the name of grant writer/public relations position to a full time grant writer position was seconded by Mr. Gardner and passed.

Mr. Rhodes amendment to (1) add $500,000 to the budget and raise salaries to 3.6% (an additional .6%) and (2) move 1.4 million dollars from fund balance to balance the budget did not receive a second.

The original motion carried

Mr. Foster voiced the comment that all Board Members present wanted to see employees receive the raise as proposed and not be construed as voting against raises for teachers and support personnel.

2. Personnel

a. Interim Elementary Supervisor Position. The Director provided information related to his request to have the Board waive Policy 1.108 in order to allow him to name Dr. Debbie Wiles as Interim Elementary Supervisor for the 400 days (approximately 13 months or until he returns) Elementary Supervisor Scott Gaines will serve in Afghanistan. A motion to approve waiving the policy was made by Mr. Ladd and seconded by Mr. McCulley. Mr. Foster asked to recess 2 or 3 minutes to speak with the Director. Motion carried with a roll call vote. Mr. Kindler, Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Lassiter, Mr. Ladd and Mr. Gardner voted yes and Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Barner voted no.


Upon a motion by Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Chairman Daniels adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m.





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