Date: Monday 8th December 2014
Time: 7.00pm
Location: Anne Shanks’ House
Present: / Apologies:
Eileen Keith (Secretary) / Lindsay Calder
Debbie Stocks (Treasurer) / Gillian McKendrick
Susan Wilkinson (Deputy Head Teacher) / Nikki Motram
Ashley Irving
Carrie Gordon
Alison Campbell
Kerry Speirs
Gayle Boddie
Anne Shanks (Chair)
This meeting was aimed at being as informal as possible as it’s the last of the year and we just wanted to have an opportunity to celebrate success over some drinks and snacks.
Never the less, we did get some useful points out of the session, so I’ve listed these below.
Agenda Point 1: Treasurer Report
Agenda Point 2: Christmas Fayre

1. Thank you letters

Chantelle has offered to do the thank you letters for the Christmas Fayre. Anne will coordinate with her to make sure all people are covered but a few mentioned in the meeting were;
  • Tesco
  • Martin Ellis – West Linton Golf Club
  • Krispy Kreme


Chantelle and Anne to coordinate thank you letters.
We also agreed we would buy Laura Halcroft a bottle of something special for saving our ‘bacon’ with the cooking this year.

2. Class Calendars

It was felt we should re-think the layout again as ideally we want people to pay entry first and then route them to calendars.


Anne/Team to consider for next year.

3. What did go well / not so well

Krispy Kreme did not sell as well this year. We think we should give this a miss next year.
Kids games did really well. A couple of observations were;
  • If the prizes are good, this is a real crowd puller. So, the toys Alison got from Anderson’s Wholesaler for selling, which we used in the games box this year, were a real hit.
  • The games box where kids can choose a prize would be better being smaller like the trays the children have under their desks. This would reduce the time children spent digging for their prize!

Agenda Point 2: Christmas Fayre (continued)
Santa keys left over from last year made £11 this year. Having these where Santa tickets were being sold, was a good move!
We were rushing at the last minute for cooks/a cook so we need to approach the Army earlier and also look to having a few PTA Members with food hygiene certificates.
It was very disappointing to have to drop the Candy Floss and Popcorn at last minute due to the equipment being delivered in a far from hygienic state. A complaint has been raised with the company involved.
P7 helpers are fabulous to have but certain stalls are too busy/risk to appoint them to. These are:
  • Door
  • Raffle
  • Hampers
  • Tombola
  • Santa tickets


No specific actions other than to consider the above in planning for 2015.

3. Ideas for next year

We agreed it would be nice to try a craft room next year where children could come and make things for a nominal charge.
The PTA also felt it would be worthwhile trying to have their own stall next year and possibly have some nights ahead of the event to make items. Alternatively, some volunteers who are crafty and would like to help create a stall of this kind could focus their efforts here?
Ideas were;
  • Cupcakes
  • Ginger bread men (though this could also be a craft room idea in terms of kids decorating them)
  • Sweetie Tubs
  • Christmas themed gifts
  • Children’s themed gifts

Agenda Point 2: Christmas Fayre (continued)
People mentioned it would be nice if Calendars /Christmas Cards could be ordered with more than one class photo on each calendar. So, if you had children in more than one class, that the class photos for each class be on one instead of having to buy individual ones. Even if the one cost a little more, it would still seem a sensible option to try.
Name badges for ALL helpers!


No specific actions other than to consider the above in planning for 2015.
4. Santa’s Grotto

It may be we will have a problem sourcing key personnel for Santa’s Grotto next year. Gayle mentioned she may have some key contacts so we can bear this in mind should this definitely become an issue!

Agenda Point 3: School Requests
The school are keen to purchase 2 visualisers (each costing £300.00) plus organising for an internet connection to be installed in the Assembly Hall (cost estimate is £800.00).
After this, the aim would be to look towards funding a further, permanent Smart Board.
The PTA asked if it would be worthwhile trying to fun something the Janitor could use to help him in spreading salt in the Winter rather than having to move a wheelbarrow and carry a spade?
Anne to raise via Parent Council
All present at the meeting agreed that these requests should be progressed as and when school are ready for this.
Agenda Point 4: Scots Night
This is planned to take place early next year (date to be confirmed). Burns Night is 25th January so it will be just before or just after this.
This is a school led event but the School has asked if the PTA will support and possibly sell refreshments on the night and plan a raffle.


Helpers will be required so let Anne know if you think you may be available to support the event.
Agenda Point 5: Bingo/Beetle Drive Games Night
It was felt we should try this next year as a family night option. We may include it with an Easter Bonnet competition.
Date proposed would be wc 23/03/15 (Friday is the 27th) Easter break is Wednesday 1st April till Sunday 19th April inclusive.
Anne to add this to the next agenda – ALL to discuss this further at the next PTA Meeting in January.
Agenda Point 6: Global Citizenship Evening
Susan advised they are thinking of replacing the Health Evening this year with a Global Citizenship Evening. Health Night has previously taken place some time in May.
Susan to let us know when a date has been confirmed and what format this is to take / level of PTA involvement needed (i.e. we organise Health Night so is this to be the same or will it be a school led event).
Date – 12/01/2015
Day – Monday
Venue - Beeslack High School
Time - 7pm