
The minutes of Lezayre Parish Commissioners meeting held on Thursday 5th August 2010, at 7pm, the Community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre.

Members present: Mrs V A Quane (Chairman), Mr C W Roberts (Vice Chairman), Mr A D Radcliffe, Mr C Birchenough and Mr Karl Brew who had advised that he would be late and arrived at 7.20pm. Mrs Maureen Rimmer, Clerk was in attendance. Four members of the Public attended and no Press attended.

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st July 2010, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the chairman.

Matters arising from the minutes

The clerk advised of her contact with the Treasury over ownership of the piece of land to the rear of Carrick Park, who still have to advise the position of this piece of land. The ownership is required so that the Commissioners can request for this land to be tidied up. Mr Morris was delighted to hear that the Commissioners were on the same wavelength as he had been trying for many years to have the area tidied up.

Mrs Vivien Quane advised that she had attended Peel Civic Sunday.on July 11.

Mr Chris Roberts who had undertaken the repairs to the Kella Close sign showed the Commissioners the restored sign, now ready to be sited. Everyone commented that Chris Roberts had done a great job and he was thanked for his hard work.


Isle of Man Government

Department of Infrastructure Damage to uplands. Letter from Mr Gawne advising that he would meet with anyone that had suggestions that may improve the policies and services. Chris Birchenough advised that Mr Gawne had agreed to attend the Municipal Association to discuss this issue. Currently evidence of damage is being gathered.

Sheltered Housing. Acknowledging letter requesting sheltered housing in Sulby.

Local Authority Induction Course 2010. Insufficient demand for course to be ran. A course may be run next year for those who expressed an interest.

Highways Administration NTMLC. Letter sent to incorrect address. Clerk advised correct address. Mrs Vivien Quane advised of Lezayre issues discussed at the meeting held 20th July 2010. Rumble strips placed on Jurby Road near to junction of Bay Ny Hayrey to encourage vehicles to slow down. This would be monitored. Extra 50mph signs at Glentramman Corner. Mr Huntley is to improve his entrance to give improved visibility. A mirror is also to be placed. Any further ideas to improve safety on this piece of road would be welcomed. An electric sign had been placed on the Tholt y Wil road to advise road users of sheep. Advised of heavy traffic using the Ballacaley Road. Mr Birchenough asked if the green bridge on the Claddagh had been mentioned with regard to tractors and trailers which exceed the weight limit. Vivien Quane advised that this had not been mentioned. Chris Birchenough advised that Inspector Flint was now aware of this problem as the Neighbourhood Watch group had reported this.

Highways Administration Traffic Regulation Orders-Handbills-Event Orders. In future only received via email.

Department of Environment Food and Agriculture Christmas Trees. Help no longer being given to erect trees. Vivien Quane advised that in previous years help had not been given and that Raymond Caley and Bob Taylor have erected the trees on behalf of the Commissioners. Their help was greatly appreciated.

Dept of Tourism and Leisure Community Partners sought for development of low cost activity halls.

Commissioners have the Community Hall which is used by various organisations.

Department of Economic Dev Taste Isle of Man 2010-11.The Commissioners agreed to display poster and directories advising the public of various restaurants in the Isle of Man.

RTLC No 315 Advising application to vary regular service licences RS02/12 return journeys between Douglas to Ramsey via Peel to increase the frequency of services and to provide late night bus service. Was this

necessary as many late buses were empty. Noted

Data Protection Supervisor Renewal forms for Mrs Quane and Mr Radcliffe. Signed by both.

MEA Proposed Natural Gas pipeline route within Lezayre. Noted

Mr Britnell Copy letter sent to Mr Gawne in relation to common area at St Stephens Meadow. The clerk was requested to write to advising the current situation.

Mr Slater Common areas at St Stephens Meadow. Asking for the

Commissioners to take action under the Local Government (miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1984 section 14. The clerk was requested to write advising of the current situation.

MGP Clerk of Course Consultation to close the TT course one hour earlier on Saturday 21st August to allow time for newcomers extra. The was agreed on a 3 to 2 majority.

DEFA Designation of Ramsey Estuary as an Area of Special Scientific Interest. Mrs Vivien Quane advised that she will be attending a presentation regarding this, and would report back to the members.

Department of Home Affairs Consultation on the Anti Terrorism and Crime (amendment) Bill 2010

This consultation has been sent to the Commissioners via email. Comments are to be given at the next meeting.

MGP Supporters Club Bob Taylor Chairman requesting permission to borrow chairs and tables for their refreshment tent. All agreed to this request.

Mrs Quane invited the attending public to speak.

Mrs Morris commented regarding the ASSI area on the North Promenade in Ramsey, advising that it is just left.

Mr Postlethwiate asked for the Commissioners help. He was in discussions with Hugo McKenzie with regard to vehicles crashing into his wall. It had been suggested that crash barriers are erected to prevent future vehicles damaging the wall and that he should consult with the Commissioners regarding this. He requested if Vivien Quane would agree to meet him to suggest a practical solution.

Arthur Radcliffe commented that barriers should be placed from the top of the Tholt y wil Road down to the hairpin, as the fence that is currently in situ would not prevent a vehicle falling over this side should they loose control.

Mr Morris commented that he would like to see the land to the rear of Carrick Park restored for the beneficial use of all in the Parish.

Mr Sadd asked for the Commissioners to support his application for a certificate of lawfulness for the Chalet. The Commissioners advised that when this application was received, it would be discussed in private.

The attending public advised that they were pleased to be invited to speak at the meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.35pm.

The next meeting was arranged for the 9thh August in the Board Room of the Commissioners Offices, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre, at 7pm.

Signed (Chairman) Date