Matrix” Projects of external assistance on areas coordinated by the Ministry of Economy”
Ongoing Projects / Objectives/components / Time frame / Budget / Donor1.Development of small and medium enterprises
1.1 Innovative Entrepreneurship for sustainable employment of labor (SYSLAB - Phase II "Career Advisory Centers Network in Moldova"
Implemented by UNDP / Objectives / Components: Support existing network of career centers and supporting entrepreneurial training component included in SYSLAB program that will enhance business development potential and will promote entrepreneurial skills and spirit in the region. / 2015-2018
(shortened by the donor to 31.12.2016) / 1,57mil USD / Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2015-2016
UNDP partially for 2017
1.2 Innovative business development for sustainable economic growth locally (LED)
Implemented by UNDP / Objective: Stimulating innovation in business start-ups and small and medium business development process for generating sustainable jobs locally / 2015-2018 / 1 667 864
USD / Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1.3 Assistance project ENTRANSE / Objective: The objective of the Memorandum of Understanding to promote and to achieve cooperation between the two Parties in order to stimulate growth, create jobs and reduce poverty through sustainable development of the SME sector in Moldova. / 2015-2018 / To be approved anually
2016 – 420,221 EUR 2017 – 423,336 EUR / Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1.4 EU Program "Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME 2014-2020)
* Note: Moldova is eligible to 3 of 4 components, except the financial component. / Objectives:
- Strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of EU enterprises, especially for SMEs;
- Encouraging entrepreneurial culture and promote the SMEs creation and development. / 2014-2020 / Total budget
2,3mlrd EUR / EU
2.Regulating entrepreneurial activity
2.1 Moldova Investment climate reform / Objective: The main objectives of the project consist of: improving the regulatory environment of entrepreneurship, enhancing market access, especially for agricultural entrepreneurs by increasing and facilitating exports, increasing investment protection and ensuring gender equality. / 2015-2018 / 3,2mil. USD / Sweden (SIDA)
2.2 Competitiveness Enhancement Project II (CAP II / CEP II).
Component (3): Regulatory Reform / Objective: The main project goal is to strengthen the export competitiveness of domestic private enterprises and decrease the framework constraints and burdens / 2014-2020 / 15mil. USD (IDA)
30mil. USD (IBRD) / World Bank
3.Macroeconomic forecasting and analysis
3.1 Support for Moldova in the process of implementation of the deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA). / Objective: Support for Moldova in the implementation of the DCFTA by capacity building of the Ministry of Economy and other relevant organizations in the fields of design and selection of policies, legislation harmonization, coordination, implementation, communication, monitoring and evaluation.
Action: assistance in improving and updating the model of forecasting and macroeconomic analysis / 09/2016 – 04/2017 / 40 working days / European Union
4.Trade regimes (DCFTA)
4.1 EU mission to support high-level public policy phase II. / Objectives / Components:
- Strategic advice on EU integration agenda in general and in particular the transition from the European Neighborhood Policy to a new cooperation agreement between Moldova and the EU
- Support and advice on central administration reform and decentralization
- Support and advice on the implementation of economic stabilization and recovery plan
- Strategic advice on the agrarian sector reform / 2016-2018 / - / European Union
4.2 Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the Government of the European Union on Support to the implementation of DCFTA process in Moldova / Objective: To assist the Government of Moldova in promoting sustainable and inclusive growth, and consolidating and improving democratic and economic governance / 2014 -2017 / 30 mil EUR / European Union
4.3 Support for Moldova in the implementation of The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area / Objective: To support the implementation of the DCFTA in the Republic of Moldova by building the capacity of the Ministry of Economy and other relevant organizations in the field of designing and selection of policies, legislation harmonization, coordination, implementation, communication, monitoring and evaluation. / 2014 -04/2017 / 1,927mil EUR / European Union
5.1 Budget support program in the energy sector. / Objective: To support the Government of Moldova in implementing reforms in the energy sector, with a particular focus on security of supply, energy efficiency and renewable energy, by providing funding, technical assistance. Was approved to extend the project for supplementary policy matrix for the years 2014-2015 with 3 new objectives, focused on the construction of the gas pipeline Ungheni- Chisinau and the transposition of the energy package. / 2012-2017 / 50mil EUR / European Union
5.2 Technical assistance for the implementation of sectoral policy support program "Support for energy sector reform" (AT-SPSP Energy Project) / Objective: The overall objective of the sector policy support program (SPSP) 'Power Sector Reform Assistance' components: energy sector policy and legal framework
• Develop institutional framework
• Promote research and development in energy efficiency and RES
• Regular monitoring of the implementation of the SPSP in the energy sector under the Policy Matrix. / 2012-2017 / 2,6mil EUR / European Union
5.3 Rehabilitation of electric transport (preferential loan) / Objective: The aim of the project is to help beneficiary to rehabilitate internal network interconnection of energy transportation. Consolidate regional networks and regional energy market development through support for Moldova's integration to the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity. / 2012-2019; 2013-2019 / EBRD 20 mil. USD
EIB 17 mil.
EU 8 mil. EUR
Grant Neighborhood Investment Fund / European Union
5.4 Energy and Biomass II / Objective: To contribute to a secure, competitive and sustainable energy production from renewable sources, especially biomass from agricultural waste. The project will increase energy consumption from renewable sources mainly in public institutions and households in rural communities. / 2015-2017 / 9,41mil. EUR / European Union
5.5 The thermal power project in Bălți(S.A. CET-Nord) / Objective: The aim is to rehabilitate heating system components with heat in mun. Bălți / 2015-2019 / 7 mil. EUR (EBRD)
3 mil. EUR The Eastern Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership E5P / EBRD
5.6 The project of improving the efficiency of centralized heat supply / Objective: The objective is to help to improve operational efficiency and financial viability of the new company of centralized heat supply and improve the quality and security of services of heat suply to consumers in Chisinau. / 2015-2020 / 40,5mil. USD (IBRD) / World Bank
5.7 EU mission to support high-level public policy phase II / Objectives / Components:
- Strategic advice on EU integration agenda in general and in particular on the transition from ENP to a new cooperation agreement between Moldova and the EU
- Support and advice on central administration reform and decentralization
- Support and advice on the implementation of economic stabilization and recovery plan
- Strategic advice on the reform of the agricultural sector. / 2016-2018 / - / European Union
5.8 Interconnection of power systems of Moldova and Ukraine to the European network of electroenergetic operators / Expanding ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) synchronous area of ENTSO-E, connecting energy systems of Ukraine and Moldova. Incorporating electricity market of Ukraine in the regional energy market in Southeast Europe. / 2013-2016 / 7,067,376.80 EUR, Available budget for Moldova: 5,043,129.90 EUR / European Union
6.Access to Finance
6.1 Capacity building of the Ministry of Economy in energy efficiency and renewable energy. / Objective: Technical assistance for the implementation of Moldova's energy sector reform by strengthening the technical and institutional capacity of the basic institutions in the energy sector for measures to achieve the aim of increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy resources / 2011-2016 / 2,48mil. EUR / Sweden
6.2 Financing line for Energy Efficiency in Moldova (MoSEFF). / Objective: Loans with a grant component for increasing energy efficiency. / 2009-2019 / 46,7mil. EUR / EBRD
6.3 Financing facility of energy efficiency in the residential sector in Moldova (MoREEFF). / Objective: Loans with a grant component for energy efficiency projects in the residential sector. / 2012-2017 / 40,2mil. / EBRD
6.4 Competitiveness Enhancement Project II( CEP II) / Objective: The main project goal is to strengthen the export competitiveness of the private domestic enterprises and decrease the framework constraints and burdens.
Component (2,3): Development SMEs access to finance / 2014-2020 / 15mil. USD (IDA)30mil. USD (IBRD) / World Bank
6.4 Agreement between the Government of Moldova and the Government of Poland on obtaining credit support (agriculture). / Objective: Increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector through restructuring, modernization and gradual increase in the share of agricultural products with high added value. / Active / 10 mil. EUR (10% for industry from the total of 100mil. EUR) / Republic of Poland
Domain / Objective/components / Responsible1.DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES
1.1 Assistance for small and medium enterprises in Moldova to penetrate new markets. / The project aims to contribute by reducing the trade deficit of Moldova
- Develop and disseminate an analysis of the situation, trends and advice, needs of the SME sector in Moldova;
- Develop professional skills with mentors MIEPO and ODIMM, provide support to SMEs for export;
- Develop of a diagnostic activity of SMEs and analysis on training needs of SMEs - beneficiaries of the project and training methodology development;
- Obtain business skills and knowledge needed to improve the ability of SMEs to export;
- Develop professional "development strategies" for SMEs and assist in their implementation;
- Develop and disseminate exporter guidelines "Step by step towards the foreign market." / ODIMM
1.1 Smart specialization strategy for regional development / 1. Strengthen "special knowledge" of regions on key technology areas and specific sectors.
2. Stimulate coordination, at national level, the debate on planning, policies implementation and evaluation.
3. Improve the quality and efficiency of government interventions to monitor and evaluate results. / ODIMM
1.2 Establishment of a new national mechanism to promote social inclusion and poverty reduction / Establishment of a new national mechanism to promote social inclusion and poverty reduction, according to the European practices, which contributes to the improvement of government policies in order to ensure poverty reduction and strengthening social cohesion.
• Identifying a new functional mechanism in order to promote social inclusion and poverty reduction, according to strategic and institutional framework, taking account of good practices in the field;
• Removing deficiencies identified in previous assessment decision (see above);
• Promoting the concept of "social inclusion" and define a standard set of indicators that would facilitate the decision-making process and improve the quality of policies. / Division for policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation, MoE
1.3 Entrepreneurship support in launching and managing business / Developing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge based on the optimal management of resources and facilitate access to financial resources needed to launch and develop business.
The program is designed for entrepreneurs who want to: develop entrepreneurial skills to start their own businesses in rural and urban areas and / or expand their own business, create new jobs. / Division for small and medium – sized enterprises policy development and trade, MEc,
1.4 Promoting entrepreneurship by creating Moldova Start-Up Program / Develop entrepreneurial skills and knowledge in the field of potential entrepreneurship based on the optimal resources management and facilitate access to financial resources for young entrepreneurs to launch and develop their own business.
The program is designed for entrepreneurs who want to: develop entrepreneurial skills to start their own businesses in rural and urban areas and / or expand their own business, create new jobs. / Division for small and medium – sized enterprises policy development and trade, MEc,
1.5 Support and promotion of social entrepreneurship. / The program on supporting and promoting social entrepreneurship aims to create a favorable environment for employment of socially vulnerable groups in distinct regions (including Transnistria), creating social enterprises managed by civil society, NGOs. Social entrepreneurship has a positive effect by generating jobs in various local regions, also resulted in a decrease of unemployed immigrants number. Therefore, it will help to develop the local business environment and increase social responsibility of citizens. / Division for small and medium – sized enterprises policy development and trade, MEc,
1.6 Women entrepreneurship / The program is intended for women who want to develop business in multiple economy areas. Priority will be considered innovative entrepreneurship with export potential, primarily in rural areas of the country, where women are marked by certain stereotypes and lower business opportunities.
Three development stages:
1. Support in starting a business;
2. Support for newly created businesses;
3. Growing Business.
This program will include the following components defining women entrepreneurship promotion in Moldova through private and public sectors partnership:
- Consider the interests of all participants of concerned civil society in the women entrepreneurship development in Moldova, development and implementation of complex actions for learning and improvement;
- Create a base for the development of public-private dialogue and partnerships;
- Reduce barriers to female entrepreneurship and improve the business climate;
- Promote economic growth and stable life quality of citizens;
- Encourage entrepreneurship among women;
- Promote products and services of companies managed by women / Division for small and medium – sized enterprises policy developmentand trade, MEc,
1.7 Green Economy / Objective: This program will include the following components:
- Establish regional and international business relations;
- Promote 'green' enterprises on local and international market;
- Improve export opportunities of local enterprises on international level, through exhibitions, international workshops, seminars and meetings;
- Provide grants to promote 'green' SMEs and facilitate export transactions; / Division for small and medium – sized enterprises policy development and trade, MEc,
2.1 SME investment profiles. / Objectives: To attract long-term financial resources for 20 local SMEs with export potential by using joint efforts of MIEPO and the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprise Development (ODIMM) and contracted services.
Specific Objective / Added Value of new shares:
- Increase the capacity of local SMEs to attract long-term financial resources internationally
- Exports initiated or increased by 50%, at least 10 SMEs participating for a period of 3 years from the start of the project;
- Creation of 400 jobs over a period of 3 years from the start of the project. / MIEPO
2.2 Communicating strategic messages about Moldova / Develop and disseminate strategic messages to the local community and potential investors and buyers in the European market (ex. Germany / Romania).
Specific Objective / Added Value of new shares: Raising awareness about the opportunities for investment and trade in Moldova
- Increasing the number of requests for information, Moldova is included in lists of potential investors
- Increasing number of missions for identifying areas of potential investors in Moldova
- Increasing awareness about local and international Moldova
- Increasing the number of visitors on the website MIEPO
- Increasing the number of visitors from your local companies in fairs and exhibitions in the countries concerned and the increasing number of local companies willing to participate in such events / MIEPO
2.3 Promoting innovation through the development of clusters / 1. Analyzing the needs and possibilities for cluster creation in the Republic of Moldova;
2. Informing of the SMEs, central and local public authorities, SME support organizations, business associations about the implementation of Clustering Concept in the Republic of Moldova;
3. Promotion of clustering activity in the Republic of Moldova and raising awareness of its importance for Moldovan SMEs development;
4. Transferring the European know-how, expertise and best practices, on cluster building, importance, role for the economy and relevant actors;
5. Elaboration of tailor-made guide and step-by-step instructions on how to create a cluster in the Republic of Moldova;
6. Encouraging and teaching the potential cluster stakeholders on how to create a cluster;
7. Improving the capacities of the clusters’ actors and stakeholders on managing and working within a cluster;
8. Networking with foreign clusters and cluster stakeholders. / ODIMM
2.4Development of clusters in the industrial sector of the Republic of Moldova / Development and implementation of state policy to support the development of the cluster industry in the Republic Moldova.
According to the Concept of cluster development in the industrial sector, the first stage of carrying out the nominees provides information and legal environment creation process of cluster development in the industrial sector.
Specific Objective / Added Value of new shares: In order to achieve the first stage of the policy are set out following specific objectives:
- Promoting in society, especially in business, new possibilities related to the development of clusters by organizing seminars for managers of industrial enterprises and representatives of central and local government to pick up the best practices of EU countries;
- Develop, based on sectoral analysis, the paper reflecting skills industries that have formed the best economic prerequisites for the creation of clusters;
- Develop Roadmap clusters development of the industrial sector of Moldova;
- Organizing the training of cluster managers, potential future leaders clusters;
- Support the initiation and completion of the pilot project on the creation of an industry cluster, there are economic prerequisites. / Division of Investment Policy and Competitiveness, MoE
3.1 The SMEs internationalization and export promotion. / This program include the following components:
1. Establish entrepreneurial relations at regional and international level;
2. Promote local enterprises on international level;
3. Improve export opportunities of local businesses by attending at international exhibitions, workshops, seminars and meetings;
4. Grant subsidies to promote SMEs and facilitate exports. The program is designed for entrepreneurs who want: to develop a business nationally and internationally, to establish relationships with international partners, to penetrate new markets, create new jobs. / Division for small and medium – sized enterprises policy development and trade, MoE,
3.4 Export Academy / Piloting an export academy using joint efforts of MIEPO and ODIMM for the period 2017-2020, graduating at least 40 managers of export per year for up to 20 weeks, with about 10 software modules, which would educate business managers ready for international export. To achieve these goals, more objectives were identified:
- Establishing a common understanding on the importance of dedicated export managers, with performant abilities of export sales;