MACBETH Reading Log

As we are reading and listening to Macbeth in class, you will be keeping a double-entry reading log. You will have time to work on your reading log in class, but you may need to work on it on your own time as well. Just remember that at the end of each act, you will be responsible for having the log in class for me to grade.

For each act of the play, your log must contain the following:

  1. Three (3) questions that you ask while you are reading. Also, attempt to answer the questions as we continue to read. Each question must have an attempted answer.
  2. Three (3) quotes from the text with explanations. Why is the quote important? What does it mean? Why did you choose it? Make sure to note the scene and the speaker.
  3. Personal impressions of at least two (2) characters and their actions. Do you like or dislike this person? What type of person do you think he or she is? What would you say to this person if you met him or her?
  4. Three (3) words or phrases that you find interesting or would like to add to your own vocabulary. Explain the definition and tell why you chose the word or phrase. Some of these may be words still in current use and some archaic that you enjoy because of the way they sound. (Ex. “cherubin” - angel) in Macbeth’s soliloquy.

Please write neatly in blue or black ink so that I can read your answers. You may also type your logs if you prefer. 

BTW-These logs will come in handy later, so I firmly suggest completing them.

Please see examples on reverse.

Left side of page: Write the question, quote, character and word you will respond to.

Question 1: What is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship like?

Quote: “Out, damned spot; out, I say. One, two,—why, then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky..” (Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 1)

Character/Actions: Lady Macbeth wants to murder Duncan so that Macbeth can be king.

Word 1: “Neptune’s ocean” (Act 2, Scene 2, Line 55)

Right side of page: Respond to the left side of the page. Answer the question, explain the quote, write your impressions of the character and tell the meaning what the words/phrases and why you chose them.

Answer 1:Atypical to the standards of the time, they are extremely attached by each other and united by their crimes.

Quote: Lady Macbeth is losing her cool here and seeing blood spots due to guilt and madness.

Impression of Character: Lady Macbeth is a crazy woman. She is too ambitious and seems like a psycho. I do not trust her at this point.

Word 1:Macbeth is paranoid and is referring to the mythical Neptune because even the vast ocean cannot cleanse him of his sin.