John Arp: CAM High School
Personal value narrative: empty template (for any professional)
Name: / How participation is changing me as a professional (e.g., skills, attitude, identity, self-confidence, how you feel, etc.) / How participation is affecting my social connections (e.g., number, quality, frequency, emotions, etc.) / How participation is helping my professional practice (e.g., ideas, insights, material, procedures, etc.) / How participation is changing my ability to influence my world as a professional (voice, contribution, status, recognition, etc.)Reasons for participation
(e.g., challenges, aspirations, professional development goals, meeting people, etc.)
+/- / Required reading in order to fulfill my credit requirements for the algebra CoPi.
Great review of community and network. / Reading the paper has reminded me to network with my CoPi colleagues, in addition to participating in the BOF class. / I’m getting ready to teach my blended algebra 1 class this fall and my CoPi will be a valuable asset for this purpose. / Being in a community of practice and networking with colleagues will aid me with my PD goal of technology integration.
Activities, outputs, events, networking
(e.g., lesson material, discussion, visits, etc.)
+/- / Using this template is helping (making?) me think about how the paper refocused my attention on my CoPi. / I already have seen that I can access other personal value narratives and find out what my colleagues are talking about. / I gained insight in different ways to look at the knowledge I’ve gained and how to create value from this knowledge. / Reading the paper will enable me to contribute more to discussions and visits at our next CoPi meeting.
Value to me
(e.g., being a better professional, handling difficult situations,
Improving organizational performance, etc.)
+/- / Learning more about community and network will help to prepare me as I enter the ephase of my teaching career. / The value to me in relation to my social connections is simply that I’m now reading what most of my community has already read and commented on. / Reading this paper in itself helps my professional practice because I am putting time and effort in with the ultimate goal of being a better teacher. / This narrative gives me a voice and lets me contribute my narrative to the others.
Note: +/- Indicates that you can provide positive / negative experience
Value-creation story: empty template for any professional
Note that the story does not need to start at 1, or go all the way to 5.
NameTypical cycles / Your story:
1. Activity:
Describe a meaningful activity you participated in and your experience of it (e.g., a conversation, a working session, a project, etc.)
2. Output:
Describe a specific resource this activity produced for you (e.g., an idea or a document) and why you thought it might be useful.
3. Application:
Tell how you used this resource in your practice and what it enabled that would not have happened otherwise.
4. Outcome:
a. Personal: Explain how it affected your success (e.g., being a better professional, job satisfaction,)
b. Organizational: Has your participation contributed to the success of your organization (e.g., metrics they use)
5. New definition of success:
Sometimes, such a story changes your understanding of what success is. If it happened this time, then include this here.