Math U See Beta Subtraction (2nd grade)
Class Description:
In this 2nd grade math class, the student will use Math U See Beta to build on the foundation learned in 1st grade by applying students’ mastery of single-digit addition and subtraction to multiple-digit addition and subtraction. An important concept to aid in this is place value. Math U See is a curriculum that uses manipulatives to illustrate and teach math concepts. Student work toward building understanding by using a multi-sensory, mastery-based approach. (
Learning Materials: Main Curriculum:
Math U See Beta Instruction Pack
Math U See Beta Student Kit
Math U See Manipulative Block Set
Learning Goals/Performance Objectives: 2.2.C Add and subtract two-digit numbers efficiently and accurately using a procedure that works with all two-digit numbers and explain why the procedure works.
2.2.D Add and subtract two-digit numbers mentally and explain the strategies used.
2.2.H Name each standard U.S. coin, write its value using the $ sign and the ¢ sign, and name combinations of other coins with the same total value.
2.3.A Identify objects that represent or approximate standard units and use them to measure length.
2.3.D Describe the relative size among minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
2.4.B Collect, organize, represent, and interpret data in bar graphs and picture graphs.
Learning Activities: The student will complete 3-4 lessons (units) per month, per the timeline below. Each lesson consists of video instruction, 3 practice worksheets on new material, 3 systematic review worksheets, an activity page (optional), and a test. There is a unit test after every 7 lessons and a final test at the end.
Math U See Beta Table of Contents/Timeline of lessons
LESSON 1 Place Value and the Manipulatives
2.1.C Identify the ones, tens, and hundreds place in a number and the digits occupying them.
2.1.B Connect place value models with their numerical equivalents to 1,000
LESSON 2 Sequencing; Word Problem Tips
LESSON 3 Inequalities
LESSON 4 Rounding to 10 and Estimation
LESSON 5 Multiple-Digit Addition
2.2.C Add and subtract two-digit numbers efficiently and accurately using a procedure that works with all two-digit numbers and explain why the procedure works.
LESSON 6 Skip Count by 2
LESSON 7 Addition with Regrouping (Carrying)
2.2.C Add and subtract two-digit numbers efficiently and accurately using a procedure that works with all two-digit numbers and explain why the procedure works.
LESSON 8 Skip Count by 10
LESSON 9 Skip Count by 5; 5¢ = 1 Nickel
LESSON 10 Money: Decimal Point and Dollars
2.2.H Name each standard U.S. coin, write its value using the $ sign and the
¢ sign, and name combinations of other coins with the same total value.
LESSON 11 Rounding to Hundreds
LESSON 12 Adding Money; Mental Math
LESSON 13 Column Addition
LESSON 14 Measurement: 12 Inches = 1 Foot
2.3.A Identify objects that represent or approximate standard units and use them to measure length.
LESSON 15 Perimeter
LESSON 16 Thousands and Place-Value Notation
LESSON 17 Rounding to Thousands
LESSON 18 Multiple-Digit Column Addition
2.2.D Add and subtract two-digit numbers mentally and explain the strategies used.
LESSON 19 More Multiple-Digit Column Addition
LESSON 20 Multiple-Digit Subtraction
LESSON 21 Telling Time: Minutes
2.3.D Describe the relative size among minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
LESSON 22 Subtraction with Regrouping (Borrowing)
LESSON 23 Telling Time: Hours
LESSON 24 Subtraction: Three-Digit Numbers
2.2.D Add and subtract two-digit numbers mentally and explain the strategies used.
LESSON 25 Ordinal Numbers; Tally Marks
LESSON 26 Subtraction: Four-Digit Numbers
LESSON 27 Subtraction: Money
2.2.H Name each standard U.S. coin, write its value using the $ sign and the
¢ sign, and name combinations of other coins with the same total value.
LESSON 28 Subtraction: Multiple-Digit Numbers
LESSON 29 Reading Gauges and Thermometers
LESSON 30 Bar Graphs and Line Graphs
2.4.B Collect, organize, represent, and interpret data in bar graphs and picture graphs.
Progress Criteria/Methods of Evaluation: For successful completion of this course, the student will complete at least 70% of the lessons/goals, at a minimum of 70% accuracy.
September Complete Lessons 1 – 3 Beta
October Complete Lessons 4-6 Beta
November Complete Lessons 7-9 Beta
December Complete Lessons 10-12 Beta
January Complete Lessons 13-16 Beta
February Complete Lessons 17-19 Beta
March Complete Lessons 20-23 Beta
April Complete Lessons 24-26 Beta
May Complete Lessons 27-29 Beta
June Complete Lesson 30 and Review