• Type of Meeting: House Cleaning

• Roll Call

◦ Jonathon (President; Voting)

◦ Nicole (Psychology; Non-voting)

◦ Josiah (Resource & Environmental Studies; Voting)

◦ Mark Carter (Faculty Rep; Voting)

◦ Nancy Nussbaum (Accounting)

◦ Doug Bynam(Faculty Rep; Voting)

◦ Dan Smith (Faculty Rep; Voting)

◦ Richard (Staff- Housing/ Res Life; Voting)

◦ Neil (Bobcat Blend; Non-Voting)

◦ Miguel (Psychology)

◦ Rachel (Secretary; Voting)

◦ John Phillips (Geography; Voting)

◦ Timothy Hayes (Geography/ Nutrition)

◦ Tina Cade (Faculty; Voting)

• Announcements

◦ Present

▪ Dr. Cade and Tim are out for today.

▪ Hayley Householder has withdrawn from the university.

• If you know a graphic designer, please get them to come here.

▪ Please talk to Jonathon if you feel stressed so you can work it out with him.

◦ Project Liaisons/ Ambassadors

▪ For different projects this year

◦ Trello

▪ Please sign up, instructions are emailed out

▪ Will be intro next time on how to do that

◦ 2 volunteers for social media

▪ Nicole & Josiah

◦ Proposal narrative formatting

▪ Rachel, Josiah, & Neil present final product next meeting on the 23rd

◦ Skunk works 9/17

▪ An enriched environment For a small group to develop new ideas

▪ A creative meeting concept

▪ Committee Business

• Proposals

◦ Maia Wright- Solar Pump Proposal update

▪ President approved for September through November ($5000 for rental $2000 for workshops)

• Funding is the same, but timeline is shortened from the 2 months

▪ Placement needs to be discussed and finalized

◦ Maria Rocha- Indigenous Cultures Institute

▪ Indigenous cultures institute

▪ Work a lot with Texas State University to communicate with students about preserving the San Marcos River

▪ Annual Pow Wow;

• Sponsors

◦ Texas Commission of the Arts has joined their cause as well as private sponsors


◦ Sigma Lambda Beta and Sigma Lambda Gamma

• Money they are asking for from ESC is $2500

◦ For tents and garbage disposal & supplies

◦ Will not be staking in the ground

◦ Will have recycling

◦ Do not believe that they will need anything next year

◦ Jennell Rayos- Bobcats Go Green

▪ VP of SOS

▪ Wants to buy golf cart

▪ Issues with the walkie talkies

▪ Needs new shirts

▪ Registered for game day challenge

▪ Needs food for volunteers

▪ Advertising

• Jonathon says he advises to utilize the social media in a better way and save money for other necessary things

▪ Got 5 cu. yd.'s of waste last game

▪ $18,000 for this proposal

◦ Kara Solis- Bobcat Beauty

▪ Behalf of HEAT

• Bobcat Beauty

◦ Goal is campus cleanup, especially cigarette butts

◦ Make art out of trash and show it on campus

◦ Goal is also to instill school pride so people pick it up themselves

▪ Encourage people to post them picking up trash, etc.

◦ Trash and waste is a big issue on the surrounding parts of campus

▪ Speck parking

◦ Need bags, gloves, etc.

▪ Neon shirts?

• Vests instead of shirts

▪ Biodegradable bags?

• Size of bags, weight issue?

◦ Food

▪ Look at sustainable garden/ nutrition organization on campus

• Discussion/Voting

◦ Solar Pump Station

▪ Too much money for too short a time

▪ 5 oppose, proposal denied

◦ Indigenous Cultures Institute

▪ Josiah @ Meadows Center

• After speaking to people at the meadows center, the budget is pretty high

• They also change admission

▪ How many students will actually go?

• Advertising?

▪ Motion to approve

• 7 approve

▪ Josiah to talk to Indigenous Cultures Institute about approval

◦ HEAT: Bobcats Beauty

▪ $800

▪ Come back after:

• Talking to nutrition org. about food for volunteers

• Vests instead of shirts with logos

• And better bags

◦ Might get funding from TDS for bags and other things, talk to them

• Maybe trash picker uppers

• Talk to don’t mess with Texas and Keep San Marcos Beautiful

▪ Motion on table:

• 8 to table motion for better proposal

▪ John to talk to HEAT about these things

▪ Kara Solis to be student representative from ASG


▪ Marketing campaign is terrible, Jonathon will try to help her

• Does not want to fund marketing budget

▪ Give pedicab from Bobcat Blend to BGG instead of getting gold cart

▪ Maybe bags for t-shirts

▪ For NAVY game

• 6 for approving navy game

• 2 against

▪ For tabling rest of budget

• 7 for

• 1 against

• Adjournment