Mathematics Teaching Plan

______to ______, second term (2C)Class ______

Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N4
4-digit numbers / 1.Recognise the hundreds place of a number.
2.Be able to count in groups of 50 or 100. / 1.Enable pupils to read and write 4-digit numbers.
2.Enable pupils to know the value each digit stands for.
3.Enable pupils to compare 4-digit numbers. / Module 1
4-digit Numbers / 1
4-digit numbers / 1.Develop an understanding of 1000 through counting and with the abacus.
2.Learn how to read and write 4-digit numbers and recognise the place values.
3.Compare 4-digit numbers.
*4.Learn how to make 3-digit numbers and 4-digit numbers systematically. / 3 / •cubes
•number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.An amusement park
2.Showing 1000 with the abacus
3.4-digit numbers
4.Comparing the number of people
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 1

Workbook: Unit 1

* Advanced Learning Centre:
Arranging number cards
1.Enable pupils to count in groups of 500.
2.Enable pupils to count in groups of 1000. / 2
Counting activities / 1.Learn how to count in groups of 500.
2.Learn how to count in groups of 1000. / 2 / •cubes
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.In a cinema
2.Signature campaign
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 2
Workbook: Unit 2
Summary / Test on Concepts

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Measures / 2M3
Hong Kong money (II) / 1.Recognise and be able to use the coins in Hong Kong.
2.Be able to perform addition up to the hundreds place.
3.Be able to perform subtraction up to the tens place. / 1.Enable pupils to recognise the money in Hong Kong.
2.Enable pupils to exchange money. / Module 2
Notes and Coins / 3
Hong Kong notes and coins / 1.Recognise Hong Kong notes.
2.Investigate on different cases about money exchanging.
3.Learn to find the total value of coins and notes by looking at pictures.
*4.Find the features of Hong Kong notes by searching for information on the Internet. / 3 / •money
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Cherry’s purse
3.Enchanging money
4.Dad’s wallet
Class Activities:
A role-play in groups about money
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 3

Workbook: Unit 3

* Advanced Learning Centre:
Is a note real?
1.Enable pupils to read and write prices.
2.Enable pupils to pay according to the prices (without changes).
3.Enable pupils to know how much more money is needed. / 4
Buying presents / 1.Learn to read prices and pay according to the prices (without changes).
2.Learn to pay for two items together.
3.Learn to find how much more money is needed to buy things. / 3 / •price tags
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.How much are they?
2.How much do they pay?
3.How much more is needed?
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2C,
Activity ─ Buying and selling
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 4
Workbook: Unit 4
1.Enable pupils to perform addition and subtraction of dollars and cents.
2.Enable pupils to use addition and subtraction to solve problems about shopping. / 5
Shopping together / 1.Learn the addition of dollars and cents.
2.Learn the subtraction of dollars and cents.
3.Learn the calculation involving changes and extra money needed for payment. / 3 / •daily necessities
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Buying baby products
2.Buying snacks
3.Ordering a cake
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 5
Workbook: Unit 5
* Problem-solving Training Camp
Summary / Test on Concepts

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Shape and Space / 2S3
The four directions / 1.Be able to describe the relative positions of two objects using ‘in front of’, ‘behind’, ‘on the left’, ‘on the right’, ‘above’ and ‘below’.
2.Recognise right angles. / 1.Enable pupils to tell the four directions – north, east, south and west.
2.Enable pupils to tell directions using a compass. / Module 3
Direction / 6
Direction / 1.Recognise the four directions.
2.Use a compass to find directions. / 4 / •compasses
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Sunrise and sunset
2.The compass
3.The scout’s activities
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2C,
Activity ─ Using a compass
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 6
Workbook: Unit 6
Summary / Test on Concepts
Integrated Exercise 1 / Assessment 1
Number / 2N5
Addition and subtraction (III) / 1.Be able to perform addition within two places (including the addition of three numbers).
2.Be able to solve simple problems involving addition within two places (including the addition of three numbers). / 1.Enable pupils to perform addition within three places (including the addition of three numbers).
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving addition within three places (including the addition of three numbers). / Module 4
Addition and Subtraction / 7
Revision on addition / 1.Revise addition up to three places, including the addition of three numbers.
2.Solve simple problems involving addition within three places. / 3 / •number sentence cards
•roulette cards
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Let’s do addition
2.Number games
3.A trip to the countryside
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2C,
Activity ─ Addition wheel
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 7
Workbook: Unit 7
1.Be able to perform subtraction within two places (without borrowing).
2.Be able to solve simple problems involving subtraction within two places (without borrowing). / 1.Enable pupils to perform subtraction within two places (including the subtraction of three numbers).
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving subtraction within two places (including the subtraction of three numbers). / 8
Revision on subtraction / 1.Revise subtraction up to two places, including the subtraction of three numbers.
2.Learn how to check the answers after subtraction.
3.Solve simple problems involving the subtraction of 2-digit numbers. / 3 / •number sentence cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Let’s do subtraction
2.How to check the answers?
3.In a stationery shop
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 8
Workbook: Unit 8
* Advanced Learning Centre:
Interesting subtraction

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N5
Addition and subtraction (III) / 1.Be able to perform subtraction within two places (including the subtraction of three numbers.)
2.Be able to solve simple problems involving subtraction within two places (including the subtraction of three numbers). / 1.Enable pupils to perform subtraction (borrowing once) and the subtraction of three numbers within three places.
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving subtraction (borrowing once) and the subtraction of three numbers within three places. / Module 4
Addition and Subtraction / 9
Subtraction (1) / 1.Perform subtraction (without borrowing or borrowing once) and the subtraction of three numbers up to three places.
2.Solve simple problems involving subtraction (without borrowing or borrowing once) and the subtraction of three numbers up to three places. / 3 / •money
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Pocket money
2.An evening party
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 9

Workbook: Unit 9

1.Enable pupils to perform subtraction (borrowing twice) and the subtraction of three numbers within three places.
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving subtraction (borrowing twice) and the subtraction of three numbers within three places. / 10
Subtraction (2) / 1.Perform subtraction (borrowing twice) and the subtraction of three numbers up to three places.
2.Solve simple problems involving subtraction up to three places (borrowing twice). / 3 / •money
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Children’s wear sale
2.Discounted goods
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 10
Workbook: Unit 10
1.Be able to perform addition and subtraction within three places (including the addition and subtraction of three numbers.)
2.Be able to solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction within three places (including the addition and subtraction of three numbers). / 1.Enable pupils to perform mixed operations of addition and subtraction.
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving mixed operations of addition and subtraction. / 11
Mixed operations of addition and subtraction / 1.Perform mixed operations of addition and subtraction.
2.Solve simple problems involving mixed operations of addition and subtraction. / 4 / •abacuses
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Playing chess
2.Playing a video game
3.How many passengers are there?
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2C,
Activity ─ Story-telling relay race
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 11
Workbook: Unit 11
Summary / Test on Concepts
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Data Handling / 2D1
Pictograms (I) / Be able to use the method of one-to-one correspondence for comparing the number of objects. / 1.Enable pupils to read simple pictograms.
2.Enable pupils to construct simple pictograms.
3.Enable pupils to report on the findings in pictograms. / Module 5 Pictograms / 12
Pictograms (1) / 1.Recognise pictograms.
2.Read simple pictograms whose pictures are arranged in vertical lines.
3.Construct simple pictograms whose pictures are arranged in vertical lines and discuss about them. / 3 / •stickers
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Matching things
2.Which is more?
3.In a gift shop
4.Easter eggs
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 12

Workbook: Unit 12

1.Enable pupils to read simple pictograms.
2.Enable pupils to collect data and construct simple pictograms.
3.Enable pupils to report on the findings in pictograms. / 13
Pictograms (2) / 1.Read simple pictograms whose pictures are arranged in horizontal lines.
2.Construct simple pictograms whose pictures are arranged in horizontal lines and investigate the information given in it.
3.Learn how to collect data and construct pictograms. / 3 / •stickers
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Our favourite snacks
2.Playing a dart game
3.Our brothers and sisters
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 13
Workbook: Unit 13
* Problem-solving Training Camp
Summary / Test on Concepts
Integrated Exercise 2 / Assessment 2

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

______to ______, second term (2D)Class ______

Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N6
Basic division / Be able to perform subtraction up to the tens place (including borrowing). / 1.Enable pupils to divide objects equally.
2.Enable pupils to record the results after dividing objects equally (including remainders). / Module 1
Dividing and Grouping / 14
Dividing games / Learn how to divide objects equally (including remainders). / 3 / •pencils
•exercise books
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.On a farm
2.Feeding the cats
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Dividing cubes
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 14

Workbook: Unit 14

1.Enable pupils to group objects according to a given number of objects in each group.
2.Enable pupils to record the results after grouping objects (including remainders). / 15
Grouping games / 1.Learn how to group objects (without remainders).
2.Learn how to group objects (with remainder). / 3 / •pencils
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Having a P.E. lesson
2.Grouping the balls
3.Grouping the drinks
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Grouping cubes
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 15
Workbook: Unit 15
Summary / Test on Concepts
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N6
Basic division / 1.Be able to perform basic multiplication.
2.Be able to divide objects into a given number of groups or into groups of a given size. / 1.Enable pupils to understand the concept of division.
2.Enable pupils to record the results after division using mathematical expressions. / Module 2
Basic Division / 16
What is division? / 1.Learn how to represent division (without remainder) in the horizontal form.
2.Learn how to represent division (without remainder) in the column form.
3.Learn how to represent division (with remainder) using mathematical expressions. / 3 / •pencils
•number cards
•number sentence cards
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet 1
- Worksheet 2 / Learning contents:
1.Homemade cookies
2.Sharing the food items
3.Sharing the snacks
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Number card game
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 16
Workbook: Unit 16
1.Enable pupils to understand the relationship between multiplication and division.
2.Enable pupils to apply basic multiplication to carry out basic division. / 17
Multiplication and division / 1.Recognise the relationship between multiplication and division.
2.Learn how to carry out division using the multiplication table. / 3 / •number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.In a Chinese restaurant
2.How to calculate?
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 17
Workbook: Unit 17
1.Enable pupils to make use of the relationship between multiplication and division to carry out division.
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving division (without remainder). / 18
Basic division (1) / 1.Perform division (without remainder) using the relationship between multiplication and division.
2.Solve simple problems involving basic division (without remainder). / 4 / •number sentence cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Grouping the stickers
2.Having a P.E. lesson
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 18
Workbook: Unit 18
Number / 2N6
Basic division / 1.Enable pupils to make use of the relationship between multiplication and division to carry out division.
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving division (with remainder). / Module 2
Basic Division / 19
Basic division (2) / 1.Perform division (with remainder) using the relationship between multiplication and division.
2.Solve simple problems involving basic division (with remainder).
*3.Learn how to check the answers after division. / 4 / •number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
2.Having an Art lesson
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 19
Workbook: Unit 19
* Advanced Learning Centre:
How to check the answers?
Summary / Test on Concepts
Integrated Exercise 3 / Assessment 3
Measures / 2M4
Weight / 1.Recognise that objects have weights and different objects usually have different weights.
2.Be able to count and compare numbers up to 100. / 1.Enable pupils to compare the weights of objects using a beam balance.
2.Enable pupils to indirectly compare weights using small objects (improvised units). / Module 3
Weight / 20
Measuring weights / 1.Compare the weights of objects directly.
2.Learn how to use simple tools to compare the weights of objects.
3.Compare the weight of objects using a beam balance.
4.Measure the weights of objects using a beam balance and small objects.
5.Arrange the objects in the order of their weights. / 3 / •canned food
•rubber bands
•beam balances
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Light and heavy
2.Beam balance
3.Measuring the weights of objects
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Measuring with a beam balance
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 20
Workbook: Unit 20

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Measures / 2M4
Weight / 1.Enable pupils to recognise a unit for weight - gram.
2.Enable pupils to recognise how heavy 1 gram is.
3.Enable pupils to estimate and measure the weights of objects using gram as a unit. / Module 3
Weight / 21
Grams / Recognise ‘gram’ (g) and measure light objects. / 3 / •beam balances
•weighing scales
•standard weights
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.What is ‘gram’?
2.Let's measure the weights of objects
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Using weighing scales
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 21
Workbook: Unit 21
1.Enable pupils to recognise a unit for weight - kilogram.
2.Enable pupils to recognise how heavy 1 kilogram is.
3.Enable pupils to estimate and measure the weights of objects using kilogram as a unit. / 22
Kilograms / 1.Recognise ‘kilogram’ (kg) and measure heavy objects.
2.Choose the appropriate measuring unit and tools for measuring.
3.Learn how to measure body weight. / 2 / •beam balances
•weighing scales
•standard weights
•rice in 5 kg package
•bathroom scales
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.What is ‘kilogram’?
2.The best choice
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Stacking newspapers
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 22
Workbook: Unit 22
Summary / Test on Concepts
Shape and Space / 2S4
Quadrilaterals (I) / Recognise squares and rectangles intuitively. / 1.Enable pupils to recognise squares and rectangles.
2.Enable pupils to recognise the properties of squares and rectangles so as to identify their similarities and differences. / Module 4
Four-sided Shapes / 23
Squares and rectangles / 1.Identify squares and rectangles intuitively.
2.Recognise the properties of squares and rectangles.
3.Construct squares and rectangles using tools such as geo-strips and dotted paper.
*4.Learn how to draw squares and rectangles on paper. / 3 / •square objects
•rectangular objects
•split pins
•rubber bands
•dotted paper
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Shapes of objects
2.Squares and rectangles
3.Making squares and rectangles
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2D,
Activity ─ Making squares and rectangles
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 23
Workbook: Unit 23
*Advanced Learning Centre:
How to draw?
1.Enable pupils to recognise rhombuses, parallelograms and trapeziums.
2.Enable pupils to identify rhombuses, parallelograms and trapeziums intuitively. / 24
Four-sided shapes / 1.Recognise rhombuses and parallelograms.
2.Recognise trapeziums.
*3.Recognise kites. / 3 / •straws
•craft paper
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Rhombuses and parallelograms
3.A cat
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 24
Workbook: Unit 24
*Advanced Learning Centre:
What are kites?

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.