Math 351 Project/ Homework: 15% of grade (560 points)
- Homework pages (approximately 300 points). These are in-depth activities that correlate to the in-class material and the activity pages. Most homework activities are worth 10 points each. These are usually due one week after being assigned. LATE homework is accepted with a 20% penalty.
- REVIEWS (R-# on assignment sheet)(90pts). These should beTYPED summaries / reflections on professional readingsand videos. Each review is worth 10 points.
- Typing should be 12-pt font, Arial, ½ inch margins top / bottom, left / right, double-spaced.
- The top line should include your name and class (M 351) on the left and the review number and title on the right.
- RUBRIC: 4 points for summary quality (no “I” or opinion), 2 points for summary length (1 page minimum), 3 points for reflection (personal opinion), and 1 point for reflection length (½page minimum). LATE reviews are accepted with a 20% penalty (2 points).
- Lessons (230 points) due Monday, December 5:One activity per manipulative (40 points); oneactivity per topic (120 points; 6 activities minimum; 9 activities maximum) using 5 resources (50 points) and in the correct order in the notebook. (20 points)(NOTE: You are NOT writing the lessons, but finding the activities / lessons.)
- Topics, in ORDER, are
- fractions (non-operations),
- fraction operations,
- decimals,
- ratio / proportion / percent,
- statistics,
- probability.
- The dividers should be labeled with the topics: Fractions Non-Op, Fractions Op, Decimals, Ratio / %, Statistics, Probability, Extras
- Only one manipulative can be credited per activity, even if the activity uses more than one.
- Only ONE activity should be behind each divider.
- Extras are stapled to their cover sheets and included behind the divider labeled "Extra." Maximum 3 extras. All extra activities should be on topics covered in Math 351.
- Lessons should reflect the following sources (10 points per source)
a. NCTM Illuminations: Choose “Lessons,” a grade level and
topic strand, then Search.
b. NCTM journal: Search online for appropriate articles, then find the actual article in OUR
LIBRARY’S bound periodical section under the title of the magazine OR in Mrs.
Singleton’s office. You may use TeachingChildren Mathematics for EC – 4, or
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School for grades 4 – 8. NOTE: Mathematics
Teacher (MT, the high school magazine) and OnLine activities do NOT receive credit for
this source.
The website for searching for articles is click on "Advanced
Search, fill in “Key Words,” check OFF all except “Journals,” then click on “Submit.”
c. Texas Education Agency Toolkit: Instructional
Materials, choose a grade level K – 8, Clarifying Activities, scan for the TEKS / topic you
need. You may also use the lessons under “Clarifying Lessons.
d. Resource book (from a teacher you know, one you have bought, in our curriculum library,
or one of Mrs. Singleton’s)
e. Website. Any website may be used. Some good websites include:
- Order of the Lesson activities, both by topic and on each cover sheet. (20 points)
- Cover Sheet for each lesson should be on solid, light-coloredor white paper. STAPLE each activity / lesson behind its cover sheet.
- Cover sheet should be in this order. Skip a line between parts.
- Topic (2 pt)
- TEKS for the TOPIC, not the activity. Quote a TEK for the topic from any grade level (K – 8).Quote the entire TEK (number and words). TEKS can be found at pts)
- Lesson title (1 pts)
- Bibliography for lesson / activity. (1 pt – although each required source is 10 pts; only 5 pts credited for incomplete bibliographies)
- Manipulatives (State “none” if there are none.). Only one manipulative can be credited per activity.(2 pts)
- Lesson summary (max 1 medium paragraph) (4 pts)
- 5-E fit – How does this activity fit into a 5-E lesson? Explain how. (4 pts) This should be separate from the lesson summary.
- Actual copy of the activity included behind the cover sheet. (2 pts)
Checklist for LESSON NOTEBOOK: due Monday, December 5
LESSONTopics: 20 points each. Only ONE lesson behind each divider.
□ Fractions (non-operations)Activity name:
□ Fraction operations (+, -, X, )Activity name:
□ DecimalsActivity name:
□ Ratio / Proportion / Percent Activity name:
□ Statistics (data analysis)Activity name:
□ Probability(chance)Activity name:
Manipulative activities:10 points each. These should be covered in the topic lessons above.
□ Fraction circle activity. Activity name:
□ Pattern block activity. Activity name:
□ Base 10 blocks activity. Activity name:
□ Cuisenaire rods. Activity name:
Sources for activities: 10 points each. These should be covered in the topic lessons above.
□ NCTM IlluminationsActivity name:
□ NCTM journal Activity name:
□ TEA ToolkitActivity name:
□ Resource book Activity name:
□ WebsiteActivity name:
Correct order: 20 points - See page 1, part 3 for divider order; page 2, part 5 for the cover sheet.
NOTE: Maximum 3 extra activities. Any extra activities should have a cover page and must be on a topic covered in this course. Staple the activity to its cover sheet. Place all extra lessons behind a divider labeled "Extras."