Math 090 and Math 100 Syllabus – Summer Quarter, 2016
Instructor:Rosalie TepperEmail:
Course Description:MATH 090 and MATH 100 are courses through which students may earn credits for using the Math Learning Center (MLC) as a resource for success in another Shoreline CC mathematics course.
Course Requirements:Students enrolled in MATH 090/100 must be enrolled in another math course. MATH 090/100 must be taken on a Pass/No Credit basis.To earn a Pass, students must spend the number of hours indicated below (depending on the number of credits taken) in the MLC;all hours must be spent working on their math courseworkfor their other math class.
1 credit: 18 hours and 20 minutes per quarter, or about 2.5 hours per week for all of Summer quarter
2 credits: 36 hours and 40 minutesper quarter, or about 5 hours per week for all of Summer quarter
3 credits: 55 hoursper quarter, or about 7.5 hours per week for all of Summer quarter
Students may attend at their convenience whenever the MLC is open.To earn hours, students must check in and out with their Shoreline Student ID Card every visit.If a student fails to check in or out, only 30 minutes will be credited for the visit. No hours will be credited if the student neither checks in nor out.Students may check their total hours at any time. Leaving for more than 5 minutes (a bathroom or water break) without checking out is not permitted.
Student Conduct:Students are expected to behave respectfully to other students and MLC staff in accordance with SCC Policy 5030.Discussing mathematics with staff and students at a reasonable volume is permitted; other discussions are discouraged.Disruptive conversations or behaviors will not be tolerated and may result in being asked to leave the MLC.Persistent problems may result in an NC (No Credit) grade forMATH 090/100 and/or other disciplinary action.
School Closure:If the college is closed for a holiday or an emergency such as inclement weather, the MLC will be closed. Due to the flexible nature of Math 090/100, no accommodation for the closure is typically made, but may be considered in extreme situations (e.g. closure of 3 or more days).
A Word of Caution:Students who don’t attend regularly all quarter sometimes have trouble finishing their hours. Follow the number of hours per week stated above for your number of credits to make sure this doesn’t happen to you, especially if your stakes of non-passing are high (e.g. losing a funding source such as financial aid)