I would like to take this time to welcome you back to the STEMS Magnet program at Westview Middle School. All classes will follow the 7th grade South Carolina World History curriculum. This includes the units of study: Exploration, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, World War I, World War II and many many more. Students will participate in many hands on activities, events and projects.
Materials needed: You must have all of the following by Friday August 23th, 2013.
- Textbook – World History: Journey Across Time (Leave in your locker)
- Pencil
- Colored Pencils
- TOPS Notebook
- Highlighter (any color)
- Flash Drive
- 2” 3 Ring Binder
Homework: Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday and will be written in your agenda and on the classroom website. There will be occasional homework over the weekend. It is your child’s responsibility to copy the assignments in their agenda. These agendas are a wonderful way to communicate between parents and Teacher, please look in your child’s agenda daily. Students will also have the opportunity to scan a QR code as they walk into the classroom. This will also have the homework listed. Prior notice will be given for tests and projects.Students will receive an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) for this class. This is where all of their homework and study materials will be. DO NOT LOSE THE ISN!!!
Extra Help: If a student feels they need extra help I will be available from 7:15 till 7:40 each morning. (Except Mondays) I will also be available after school if needed.
Contacting me: Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments that you may have. The best way to do so is to email me. I do check my email many times during the day and at night.On Fridays, a newsletter will be emailed to parents, letting them know what is going on the following week.
- Homework – 10%
- Projects – 30%
- Tests – 35%
- Quizzes – 25%
Grading Scale:
A-100% - 93%B – 92% - 85%C – 84% - 77%
D – 76% - 70% F – 69% - below
Interactive Student Notebook
Each 7th grade student will receive an Interactive Student Notebook.They are to have them in class everyday, from the day they get them until the end of the school year. YES, everyday!!!!!More information concerning the ISN is in the ISN itself.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me! Email is the best way to get ahold of me!
Sign below to show that you have read this….Cut at the line below and return by Thursday
August 22nd , 2013.
By signing this I have read and agree to follow the classroom Expectations and Overview for Mr. McMahon’s Social Studies Classroom.
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Email Address: ______