Material Transfer Note (3.8.1)

During project execution material received is unloaded in a specific area but later on for effective use of storage area and other reasons the material may be shifted from one location to another location. To facilitate this interface is used.

The screen captures the following information:

Column Name / Source / Description
Transaction Number. / System Generated / Trans No. Contains the Internal Control Number generated by system. In the New mode the number assigned here is 0, when the entry is saved the system auto generates the value for this column. Ex. TRN000001. Subsequently in the Modify, Delete and View Mode the user has to specify the system generated value ex. TRN000001, in order to perform the desired operations with the already entered data.
Contract No. / Purchase Order / Select the contract number from the list of values.
Contractor Name / Display Information / The name of the logged in contractor.
Staff Id. / Display Information / The staff if of the logged in BHEL staff.
Mat. Handl. Contractor / User Input / Purchase Order / Select the material handling contractor’s code from the list of values.
Mat. Hand. Contract No. / Purchase Order / Select the material-handling contract No. From the list of values.
MH Sr.No. / Purchase Order / The serial number of the contract.
Category / Purchase Order / The rate schedule category.
Activity / Daily Report Activity Master / Select the applicable activity from the list of values specified.
MU Code / EC MU Definition / Select the manufacturing unit code from the list of values.
Item Code / Master Shipping List / BHEL Item / On clicking the item button, a block for item appears in which the item code is entered (depending upon the MU code identified)
Inv. Type / Fixed Values:
·  Accepted
·  Damaged
·  Rejected / Select Type of inventory :
Damaged or
Quantity / User Input / Enter the Quantity of item being transferred
Trans. From / Inventory Stores Location / Select the location from where the material being transferred.
Tag No. / User Input / Enter the tag number of the material being transferred if the material is identified thru tags.
Trans. To / Inventory Stores Location / Select The location to which the material is being transferred.