APRIL 8, 2018
Meeting was called to order by the President Dale Cannon at 10:01 AM
Dale asked Brenda Lallathin if we have a quorum and Brenda replied that we do have a quorum.
ROLL CALL: President – Dale Cannon, Vic-President – Gary Kratz, Treasurer – Joanne Mociolek, Secretary – Lynn Barbee, Trustee’s – Spike Smith, Leonard Bittner, Dave Simons and Steve Phillips, all present. Excused absence – Quentin Childers.
READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: Pat Detrick made a motion that we dispense reading of the minutes from the October 2017 meeting. Tom Raudonaitis seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Dale related to the membership that we have new booths, thanks to Pat and Joanne from a restaurant that they patronized. Joanne bought them for a good price, new chairs, booths, tables, cost was $3,500.00. Membership applauded.
Second Access Road: Dale stated that were going to build the second access road exactly where it was. We are going to use I-Beam, build a regular bridge and not use any pipe, so we don’t have no flow back-up. This will be completed this spring and asked if anyone would be interested to help to let him know.
VOLUNTEERS: Dale stated that we need volunteers to help throughout the park during the year. He read off a list of jobs that needs to be completed. The Membership was given a slip of paper when they signed in with the list of jobs that needs to be done. Please see a Board Member to volunteer.
WORK WEEKEND: Dale stated that were going to start with work weekends again. We do need help, there is a lot of work were doing for improvements, even if you can only volunteer an hour, whatever you can do even if it is just picking up trash, he doesn’t care what it is, he wants everyone to help in some way. He stated that most of our volunteers are getting kind ofold andwould appreciate if we can get some kind of help. Dale further stated that Steve will be turning the water on soon and he is sure that he can use help because he will have a few leaks here and there. We do every year.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Gary stated that there has been a lot of work that has been done. The Trustee’s took out the old booths and there at the Sales Building. There going to go through them and see which booths are worth fixing and which ones needs to be discarded. Gary would like a few booths at the pool building.
POOL BUILDING: It was brought to our attention that for the month of February 2018 the propane bill was $4,000.00 for that building and the pool is not running. Were looking at having someone come in and put blown insulation in the ceiling, restrooms and front area. He is not sure what the cost of propane is going to be once the pool is up and running. Dan Carpenter is in the process right now of filling the pool. Hope to have the pool in operation as soon as we can.
Gary touched on the slip that the members received when they came into the meeting. This is a guideline of work that needs to be completed in the park. Gary stated, just to see one of the Trustee’s and they will put you in the direction of the work that needs to be done. Right now, the park is in the positions that most of the big items, regarding the infrastructure of the park. The comfort station that was a big expense, the lift station pumps and the sewage plant. This is a lot of money that has gone out of this park and you don’t see where it is going. Right now, until we get to the point doing something with this water, we need to get proper readings to see what we are going to have to do. We should have that this year. That expense will have to come out next year. Same thing with new water lines and sewer throughout the park, its just an ongoing thing that were spending the money to get it in progress. So, in the meantime, the money is actually going to things you can see. We’re going to need the help to get to this point and if not were going to have to hire out. That is the bottom line, has to happen, if it is with volunteers or hire outs. So, it is up to the members, if we get the help, the money goes farther.
We did purchase a new truck for the park. The one we had needed a lot of work. We were able to find a truck already set up, 4-wheel drive, GMC 2500 Heavy Duty, closed in bed. Gary explained how this truck will help the Trustees with their duties in the park. The park paid $3,800.00 for the truck. Gary thinks we got a good deal on this truck. He did a Kelly-Blue Book serch on it with the way this truck is set up, it was estimated between $5,600.00 – 9,000.00.
ELECTRIC UPDATE: Gary reltated that he meets with Ohio Edison Engineers and Rapid Electric this past week. Gary stated that we are having a new transformer put in on the lower end between Coast to Coast and the lower bridge. The distribution in the park at this time, is toolow for what we have because of the voltage once we get to that area. In order to correct some electrical problems from this corner all the way down through Coast to Coast, we have to set a distribution down at that end. This will also open, if we choose, to getthe inner circle (Lucy Lane) power in that area when we get to that point. Right now,there is not enough power to get trailers in that area.
He also spoke with Ohio Edison about getting the trailers on a residential rate. At this time, the park is paying $.16 kw and the members are billed at $.13. This is so that the park doesn’t make money on paying for utilities, the park is covering $.03kw difference. Changing over to a residential rate will drop your bill off roughly to $.08kw. But, we have some expense to get to this point. We have to put meters on all the commercial buildings so there read separately. Once this is completed, the members are going to need to contact Ohio Edison request service for your trailer. Your electric bill will no longer come from the park. This will happen once this is completed. Members who are not from this area or haven’t had prior service through Ohio Edison, you may have to pay a deposit in order to get electric connected. We do not know how much that fee is because it will vary from person to person and we do not know how Ohio Edison does this. You may want to contact Ohio Edison to find out, so it does not come as a shock when we do the changeover. Gary further stated that he is hoping that we can have this completed by October 1, 2018. You will then have from October 1st to May 1st to request for that service. If you do not call them and request service, and you come in here on May 1st and do not have power, its on you, the member. This will no longer be a park issue. This will take all the billing out of the office and free up the girls in the office. There will no more monthly electric bill coming out of the office. Charlie asked how is Ohio Edison going to guarantee our underground wire? Gary stated that right now we have power in that area, but we can not use it because of the voltage problem. If we were to request it we would have to pay 100% of Ohio Edison’s bill to put that in, on top of the 12,000-volt line and transformer, the ditches, they will have to set a telephone pole, this cost would be all on the park. But, because Gary pointed out to them that that distribution would be eliminated. Now this would fall into new construction. So then, the park would only have to pick up 40% of the cost. Ohio Edison would pick up 60% of the cost. Gary explained the process for setting another pole and trenches to the lake to put this update electric in. Ohio Edison will be sending Gary a quote and CAD drawings of what the cost and work that needs to be done.
CHECK VALVES: The check valves that you signed for that is required by the EPA, they need to be put on the stand pipe where your water spicket is. This valve goes onto the hose that runs to your trailer. If you haven’t yet, please pick-up your valve and sign for it today when you leave, this way we know who received them and who did not. Do not over tightened the valve.
Operational Savings Account:$55,465.07
Savings Account: 7,975.09
Checking Account: 7,402.91
Joanne stated that the money that is in the Operational Savings Account, $27,635.00 that is new dues money that has come in since the bills have been paid out. This money can not be touched until May 1st.
The records for November, December and January were reviewed and approved by Trustees Leonard Bittner and Steve Phillips. When the final quarter of the fiscal year is over, which is April 30th, she will have two Trustees again review the records, and then they will go to the accountant. The accountant will then start the process of our tax return which is due in July.
The members received a paper in reference to the electric billing. This gives you the dates that your electric bill will be available in the office. The paper also lists the process of how long you have to pay it and how you can pay. Please keep this notice in your campers so you know what is going on.
The Board voted yesterday to increase the fee for credit cards. We paid $1,730.00 in credit card fees to the bank. WE collected $675.00. The park is paying over $1,00.00 for members to use their credit cards. The board voted to increase the fee to 3% Effective May 1st. Anything under $50.00, the fee is $1.00 and anything over $50.00 will be 3% of the transaction.
Joanne referenced back to the volunteer list stating there were two items that were overlooked. Dan Carpenter is looking for help to get the pool up and going by May 1st. Roy Phillips, a member, has agreed to take care of the flower beds in the park, Joanne will be helping him along with Mrs. Smith. If anyoneelse is interested in helping, please see Joanne.
Pat stated that the members should have received a proposed budget sheet when they signed in today. For the coming year we have billed 250 members for a total of $252,217.00. We know we will not collect all that because there are people that are going to leave and not return. There are some Rovers that have passed away, so we won’t get their dues money from them. We haven’t collected everything that we bill from those Rovers, unfortunately, we try hard, but it doesn’t happen. We project $224,000.00 to collect in dues money. Other income would be $18,000.00, which would bring us up to $242,000.00 that we foresee that we can collect, and we budget off this amount. Last year we lost members and we got 14 new members, so we came close to what we projected last year. This is how it off sets, we loose members due to various reasons, but we have been fortunate to be able recoup on what we lost. On this budget we increased several categories. We looked at what we budgeted last year, what we spent so far and then we decided which ones we had to increase. Pat had to excuse herself because she forgot to identify who was on the budget committee. The committee consisted of our President – Dale Cannon, Vice President – Gary Kratz, Treasurer – Joanne Mociolek, then headed up the budget committee. From the membership it was Brad Dunn, Gwen Carlson, and herself. The committee began meeting in January 2018 to look over things. In January, we don’t have a complete picture, we still have to pay January, February, March and April’s expenses. We have to anticipate what some of these things are going to be like electric, propane, etc. We found that we had to increase Ameri-Gas by $1,000.00 due to the cost of propane. The phone was just a $50.00 increase. Allied Waste went up $200.00, Insurance cost went up $1,300.00 because of the bathroom, Property Taxes went up $1,200.00 because of the bathroom because it increased the value, Building Maintenance we increased $1,000.00, Gas and Diesel went up $1,500.00 and we found out that the bucket truck has been a great help to the park, but when you have to run the truck to use the boom. The truck ran the gas budget over $800.00 last year because it must remain running when in use. We saved on trees, but it cost us in gas. Office expense went up. Paper went up etc. We had to replaced one computer for the secretary, the other one we were working on was several years old. If the operating systems gets to old, we have to upgrade and if the system doesn’t accept it, then the equipment has to be replaced. Hopefully, this computer will last a few years. Security was raised $500.00; the sewer plant was increased over $2,000.00 because of increase with AKE because of the more things they do for us that the EPA requires them to do for us. Outside services went up a little for example the porta potties, etc. All those categories were increased. We were able to decrease trees, we took that from $6,000.00 down to $3,000.00, we have to maintain the bucket truck and equipment needed, ropes, harnesses etc. We didn’t want to wipe this budget out totally, but we cut it down in half. Grounds was cut down because it was increased last year for the piping down the main road, this was completed, so this category was decreased. Work weekend, were going to be doing something different with work weekend so we were able to reduce that budget $350.00. Capital Improvements took the big hit, this went down $6,950.00 because the other accounts were increased, it kind of came out of capital improvement. The total is balanced out at $242,000.00 is where we stand on the budget. Were not doing DirecTVso this was dropped. Down at the bottom of the budget we listed the Capital Improvements we would like to do. The top one is re-doing the emergency exit road and then other things listed. Some of these have been carried over for several years. Pat opened the membership for questions. No questions.
Joanne Mociolek made a motion that the budget be approved as stands. Crystal Mociolek seconded the motion. Sargent of Arms to take vote count. FOR – 106 AGAINST – 0. Motion passed. Budget approved.
SECRETARY REPORT: Lynn is looking for volunteers to help in the office this summer. We have gone back on to the summer hours for the office, Saturday’s from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and Sunday’s from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Still looking for help with Coast to Coast. I have had a few people walk up to say they would help, but everybody is not in the park at the same time when Coast to Coast is coming in. WE did very well with them last year and RPI. We changed the policy for the rental on the Hamlets and the buildings. WE are asking that you put at least half down for the rental and one week before the rental payment needs to be made in full.
Steve Phillips: The next couple weeks we will be turning the water on, he can not tell us when because it depends on the weather. Next was the green water hose. It should be white. The Health Department is going to be in here full force this year. Their going to be checking out us good this year. Department has already told Steve this last year that they will be in here because they hired somebody. You need a water hose on the trailer. You need to have the proper drinking water hose on your trailer. If the Health Department comes in here and sees the incorrect hose, they are going to cut it. Dale stated that it doesn’t have to be white, they make grey water hoses, blue water hoses, along with the white hose.
We got the new finishing mower, but now were looking at voting on a new tractor, a larger one then the Massey. Because when we move these big campers the front end of the Massey comes off the ground. Another thing Steve brought up is that we have a limit of $1,000.00 (over) that we have to come to the membership for, we need to raise that because everything is increasing. Pat explained to Steve that anything over $1,000.00 we need three bids. The Constitution gives the board the right to run the park. The $1,000.00 limit was to get bids, so we get the right price for the park. Steve stated that sometimes you can’t get three bids because of the history when this park was Shady Side. There was discussion on the bidding process. We need to try to get three bids if we can. Dale stated like the truck, this was a good deal and you can’t get three bids on that. Steve stated that the cost of a new tractor is $23,000.00 and that were not trading in the old tractor. Dale stated that we need to table the tractor for now, but Laurie Miller asked if she can make a motion to allocate up to $25,000.00 to buy a new tractor. Dale stated that we may not have the money because there are issues that have to be taken care of first. He knows Steve wants it and needs it, but, that electric has to get fixed in this park. Laurie stated if we can allocate it now and Dale answered we can allocate it for down the road, then we can proceed with the purchase when needed. Shawn Robinson seconded the motion. Dale called for a vote. Sargent of Arms took vote count. FOR – 104, AGAINST – 18. Motion to allocate the purchase of a new tractor when needed laterpassed.