19 year-old junior Fred is “super senior” (received 3a Modified Diploma at 18, “walked” with his peer/classmates at graduation and decided to return to school until his entitlement to FAPE ends at 21), attending a “Community Transition Program” (CTP) in an off campus community-based setting. He has had 2 “on campus” Work Experiences each school year since he was 16 years old. They included custodial jobs, teacher aide jobs, working in the cafeteria, doing some grounds maintenance, helping with recycling, and delivering AV equipment to classrooms. The school district has called these experiences “internships”, but they are unpaid and campus-based.
When Fred has participated in “transition interviews” specific to the idea of employment and independent living, Fred has stated, “I love to work and I want my own apartment.” When the interviewers have probed, Fred says he wants “any job that pays good!”
Fred is eligible for special education under the eligibility category called “Intellectual Disability”. He is not connected to any other services except those that he gets through his school Special Education Program. His family is not aware of any other services. Fred has been served by Special Education since he was in Pre-Kindergarten. Fred has an African-American father and a Asian mother. Fred identifies as “black”.
Fred’s Special Education Program is located in a suburb of a large city. There is good public transportation in the area although since Fred’s program has primarily been “campus-based” or connected to the Community Transition Program but, he has not spent very much time in the community or using public transportation.
Fred’s teacher’s professional development did include content in some evidence-based practices in his Master’s Program and attendance at a few conferences over the years. Although he focuses IEPs on independent living and social skills, he does not spend much time on community participation or employment goals. His academic goals tend to focus on functional academic (e.g. money and time, etc.). He is not very aware of adult services in the community, nor has he connected any of his families to those services. He has heard of concepts like “Employment First”, “Employment First Seamless Transition Projects”, and even has a colleague in a neighboring district that participates in initiatives like this, but he hasn’t yet.
Fred has indicated that he wants a job this summer because he gets bored “sitting around the house all summer.” Fred has even told his teacher that he is starting to get bored coming to the CTP because “all we do is the same thing every year”.
1) What part do each of you play in your roles, under IDEA and WIOA mandated services and how will the YTP scope of services enhance transition for this student? Please discuss and write a team response that will touch on at least one of these essential areas:Employment, post-secondary education or training, work related skills, self-advocacy, community participation, or transportation.
2) Is Fred eligible for or will Fred be found by your local YTP team and identified as in need of services? What is the referral and communication chain? Who will determine / confirm Fred’s disability “diagnosis” and related needs for school/work and how?
3) Describe what type of plan might be developed for Fred, look at how each local team member contributes and how?
4) Describe what strength based assessments across multiple transition domains (e.g. employment, independent living, post-secondary education/training, self-determination, etc.) at different points in time will be used to assist Fred and the Local YTP Team in developing measurable post-school goals. Who? what? when? how? At this point in the exercise, be creative and determine measurable post-secondary goals for Fred.
5) Describe how your team will provide Fred with individualized transition curriculum and instruction based on his post-secondary goals in education, employment, and independent living. What do you use? a specific curriculum? a workbook? specific course of study, or a set of activities? Discuss evidence based instruction practices that could be helpful. Who? what? when? how? Don't forget to address transportation, self-determination, goal setting, and decision-making.
6) How can classroom instruction for Fred be supported /practiced in natural environments/ community settings?
7) Describe when, who and how of how Fred might receive Pre-ETS, and if Fred is picked up by YTP, how will he receive “core YTP services? Discuss how Fred will navigate through the VR application process. Discuss coordination of services with VR for Fred, including chain of actions and communication patterns (the “who does what?”). How will the IPE development occur, what services are likely needed, and how is service provision be coordinated? How will Fred’s IPE be coordinated or aligned with his IEP? Does Fred (or his family) need information and referral to employment and other related services?
8) What other adult service agencies might need to be included in Fred’s transition planning? How, when will this occur and who will coordinate?
9) How will Fred’s family be provided training, get involved in transition planning, and connected to support agencies and information networks? Did you feel that your team has to address language and cultural diversity issues? How?
10) Discuss providing PRE-ETS for Fred throughout the scope of services. How will this be ensured? Are you able to check them off asdone within the process you described already? What remains to be done, where, who and how?
a) Vocational exploration
b) Work-based learning experiences
c) Counseling on opportunities for higher Ed and vocational training
d) Self-advocacy
e) Independent living
11) Describe how Fred is/was provided with opportunities to engage with non-disabled peers in provision of Pre-ETS in school as well as in the community?
12) How will Fred’s progress be monitored and assessed in the domains of academics, daily living, personal, social, and occupational development? How will the Local YTP Team share this information?
13) Does your team function well (e.g. responsively, quickly, are there roadblocks or timing issues, etc.) in response to needs presented? Does your current YTP scope of services provide the needed support for Fred, or do you need to develop any additional services, obtain additional training, or build alliances to better serve Fred’s (and other students’) needs?