Local Risk Assessment Worksheet for Work with Biological Materials
Completed By: Enter text here. / Date Completed: Enter text here.Material Description
- Name or Description of material being handled:
Enter text here.
- Is material considered pathogenic: ☐ Yes ☐ No
If Yes… / If No…
Indicate Risk Group: ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3
How was risk group determined?
- ☐Pathogen data sheet
- ☐By supplier or other researcher
- ☐Pathogen risk assessment
- ☐Other:
- ☐Material comes from an otherwise healthy individual; or,
- ☐Material comes from the environment in an unaltered state: or
- ☐Other:Enter text here.
Personnel Factors
- Vaccine available?
- All personnel working with or near any of the above material in use have been:
Offered any available vaccinations and the department has a record of the vaccination being received OR declined with counselling. / ☐Yes ☐ No
Is a medical surveillance plan in place and documented. Please Describe:
Enter text here. / ☐Yes ☐ No
Is a Medical Contact Card required? / ☐Yes ☐ No
Instructed in signs and symptoms of infection / ☐Yes ☐ No
- PPE required when working with agent (check all that apply)
☐Face shield / ☐safety glasses / ☐N-95 / ☐face mask
☐back-closing gown at BSC
*Note: labcoat, close toed shoes, and gloves are all mandatory for all microbiological work!
- Frequency of contact with agent: ☐Routine/daily ☐Weekly ☐Random/monthly /yearly
Assessment of Factors Associated with the Specific Work Processes
- Concentrations and volumes used:
Largest single volume used:
☐< 1Litres ☐1-10Litres ☐>10Litres / Indicate volume if greater than 10 L
Indicate concentrations used (If concentrated enter both before and after concentrations): / Enter text here
Indicate concentration required to cause infection: ☐N/A / Enter text here
- Is all work with the active agent done in a BSC?( not required for CL1 ) ☐Yes ☐No
- Is bench work completed on agent? ☐Yes ☐No
Is material inactivated prior to manipulation?
☐Yes ☐No / If NO, indicate type of procedures done on open bench (refer to SOPs used): Enter text here
How will the hazards of exposure by bench workbe mitigated? / Enter text here
Will any process performed on the bench create aerosols?
☐Yes ☐No / If YES, indicate how exposure to aerosols will be minimized:Enter text here
- Will sharps be used?☐Yes☐No
If YES, are you using safety engineered sharps? If not, explain:Enter text here
- Processes that increase exposure potential should be identified. Do you use any of the following processes (check all that apply):
☐Cell sorting / ☐Sonication / ☐Centrifuging in open containers
☐Blending / ☐Flaming loops / ☐Shaking or vigorous mixing
☐Grinding / ☐Pipetting / ☐homogenizing
☐Opening containers with high internal pressures
☐Other procedures that may create an airborne exposure to a pathogen: Enter text here
- Will your experiments involve centrifugation? ☐Yes ☐ No
- IfYES, are sealed rotors, or sealed centrifuge safety cups available for use? ☐Yes ☐ No
- If NOto “10 a”, do you only use screw –cap non-glass tubes? ☐Yes ☐ No
- Will you open the tubes in the BSC after centrifuging? ☐Yes ☐ No
If YES, click here to explain how you will protect against exposure.
Disinfection and Waste Disposal
- At what stage of your work will the infectious agent be inactivated or lysed? ☐N/A
Enter text here – note N/A should only be used if there is no infectious agent. /
- Specify disinfectants and decontaminants and decontamination procedures in use: ☐N/A
Disinfectant / Working Concentration / Contact Time (min) / Preparation Frequency / Used Against
Enter text here. / Enter text here. / Enter text here. / Enter text here. / Enter text here. /
Enter text here / Enter text here / Enter text here / Enter text here / Enter text here /
Enter text here / Enter text here / Enter text here / Enter text here / Enter text here /
- Complete the table to identify how biohazardous wastes generated by your research are treated (Any autoclaving and direct disposal requires weekly efficacy logs):
Waste Generated and disinfection process / Disinfection Parameters
☐Yes ☐No ☐N/A / Solid waste contaminated with biohazardous material and all microbial and eukaryotic cell cultures, including broth cultures.
Disposal by:
☐Biowaste bin (UW Disposal Service) or ☐Autoclaving / ☐N/A
Autoclave temp & time
Enter text hereoC
Enter text heremin.
☐Yes ☐No ☐N/A / (Sharps) Needle and syringe assemblies will be
Disposed by:
☐Biowaste sharps bin (UW Disposal Service) or ☐Autoclaving / ☐N/A
Autoclave temp & time
Enter text hereoC
Enter text here min.
☐Yes ☐No ☐N/A / Used glass and hard plastic pipettes and Pasteur pipettes will be:Disposed by:
☐Biowaste sharps bin (UW Disposal Service) or ☐Autoclaved and disposed as regular waste / ☐N/A
Name of Solution
Enter text here
Contact time
Enter text here hrs
☐Yes ☐No ☐N/A / Liquid waste contaminated with biohazardous material will be
Disposal by:
☐Biowaste bin (UW Disposal Service) , ☐Autoclaving,
☐Chemically / Enter Autoclave temp and time OR chemical contact time here.
☐Yes ☐No ☐N/A / Other, specify: Enter text here / Enter text here
Summarize the SOPs or describe the processes you will be using to minimize risk. Use reference numbers or naming conventions that you use in your lab, and provide a short description of its purpose. These must be made available to the Biosafety Officer upon request.
Identify SOPs or Controls used for your workExample – SOP 734 – Purification of xxx by centrifugation….
Enter text here
Enter text here
Enter text here
Identify Controls used for your work
Enter text here
Safety Office Comments:
Supervisor Name:Signature: / Date:
Biosafety Officer Name:
Signature: / Date:
September 2015 Version 2