Dear Parents,

In the coming weeks you and your 5th grader will sit down to select courses for 6th grade. Birdville ISD offers Pre-AP courses in the four foundation subjects of math, English language arts and reading (ELAR), social studies, and science. Eligibility for entrance into Pre-AP Math and ELAR are determine by student performance on specific data points. The levels of recommended performance indicate if your child is academically ready for the pace and rigor of these Pre-AP courses. While there is no specific performance level recommended for social studies and science, it is a good idea to carefully consider that these advanced courses will also require advanced reading levels, intensive writing, and sophisticated products. These courses may require more time dedicated to research, homework, and independent problem-solving.

Pre-AP Middle School Math Entrance Recommendations

Course going into / Universal Screener / Grade in Current Course / STAAR Raw Score
Pre-AP 6th Grade / 758 / 90% or higher / At least 23
758 / 80 -89% / At least 25
758 / 70 – 79% / At least 30

Pre-AP Middle School ELAR Entrance Recommendations

Course going into / Universal Screener / Grade in Current Course / STAAR Raw Score
Pre-AP 6th Grade / 630 / 90%-100% / At least 25
630 / 80%-89% / At least 29
630 / 70%-79% / At least 33

If you have any questions regarding these scores, please contact your child’s counselor. If you have questions regarding the Advanced Academic program offered at Birdville ISD middle Schools, please contact the Coordinator of GT and Advanced Academics.


Julia M. Hyman, M.Ed.

Coordinator of GT and Advanced Academics

(817) 547- 5785