1. You are:
1 = male
2 = female
3 = other
2. What grade are you in?
12 = grade 12
11 = grade 11
10 = grade 10
9 = grade 9
8 = grade 8
7 = grade 7
6 = grade 6
ST = Teacher
3. You are more attracted to:
1 = same gender
2 = opposite gender
3 = both genders
4 = prefer not to say
4. What age do you prefer to hang with?
1 = doesn't matter
2 = younger
3 = older
4 = same age only
5 = same age and younger
6 = same age and older
5. Your current hair color is:
1 = blonde
2 = not-so-blonde
3 = brown
4 = red
5 = black
6 = mixed
6. What hair color do you like on others?
1 = doesn't matter
2 = blonde
3 = not-so-blonde
4 = brown
5 = red
6 = black
7 = mixed
7. Standing up straight you’re:
1 = under 4'9"
2 = 4'9" to 5'0"
3 = 5'1" to 5'4"
4 = 5'5" to 5'8"
5 = 5'9" to 6'0"
6 = over 6'0"
8. What height do you prefer?
1 = doesn't matter
2 = under 4'9"
3 = 4'9" to 5'0"
4 = 5'1" to 5'4"
5 = 5'5" to 5'8"
6 = 5'9" to 6'0"
7 = over 6'0"
9. The best thing you have going is:
1 = incredible intelligence
2 = gut-splitting humor
3 = amazing honesty
4 = super looks
5 = compassionate caring
6 = exceptional enthusiasm
10. What do you look for first in others?
1 = doesn't matter
2 = intelligence
3 = sense of humor
4 = honesty
5 = looks
6 = caring
7 = enthusiasm
11. The most annoying sound is:
1 = fingernails on a chalkboard
2 = your parents' disco soundtrack
3 = busy signal on the phone
4 = the school buzzer
12. The most over used saying is:
1 = cool
2 = sweet
3 = dude
4 = hey baby
5 = f'get about it
13. During a test I:
1 = fire on all cylinders
2 = chug along
3 = hope the hamster in my head doesn't sleep
14. I get my news flashes from the:
1 = newspaper
2 = internet
3 = TV
4 = radio
5 = bathroom walls
15. My CD collection has:
1 = 1-10 CD's
2 = 20-50 CD's
3 = they call me DJ for short
16. When you want to meet someone do you?
1 = call them on the phone
2 = send an E-mail
3 = say hello in person
4 = try the mind meld
17. How many colors are in the rainbow ?
1 = about 4
2 = about 6
3 = about 9
4 = let me call my leprechaun friend
18. After school I usually:
1 = work
2 = sleep
3 = study
4 = shop
5 = hang out
19. If your life were a candle you would be:
1 = burning bright
2 = flickering in the wind
3 = still waiting to get lit
4 = a puddle of wax
20. If you saw a friend shop lift would you:
1 = turn the rat in
2 = look the other way
3 = demand a cut
21. If your bank machine gave you an extra $20, you:
1 = party on
2 = give it back
3 = return it and hope for a reward
22. When someone says "when pigs fly" do you:
1 = get mad
2 = get sad
3 = ignore it
4 = imagine pigs with wings
23. If you had x-ray vision would you:
1 = suffer in silence
2 = sit and smile
3 = study to be a surgeon
24. Rules are:
1 = guidelines for fair play
2 = ok if they can bend a little
3 = made to be broken
25. On Saturday night you usually:
1 = sleep
2 = hang out with friends
3 = watch TV
4 = take advantage of the empty Library
26. In the animal kingdom you would be a:
1 = bull
2 = snake
3 = pussycat
4 = lion
5 = crocodile
27. The best way for someone to notice you is:
1 = introduce yourself
2 = smile and wink
3 = have a friend introduce you
4 = do the worm in the hall
28. Where do you see yourself in 3 years ?
1 = university
2 = working
3 = still in school
4 = what am I... psychic
29. I spent most of last summer:
1 = at the beach
2 = hanging out at home
3 = travelling
4 = at school
30. Would you stop to pick up a penny ?
1 = yes
2 = no
3 = only if no one saw me
31. Procrastination is:
1 = something everyone does
2 = everyone but me
3 = a quality I'm proud of
32. If you missed curfew your excuse would be:
1 = my watch stopped
2 = the line up at the library was huge
3 = I helped a busload of seniors cross the street
4 = I thought you said 1 o'clock
33. The scariest words are:
1 = you're late!
2 = pop quiz
3 = the phone is broken
4 = the net is down
34. When you get some juicy info about someone do you:
1 = keep it to yourself
2 = tell a few close friends
3 = post it on the net
35. Your decisions are mostly based on input from:
1 = your intuition
2 = your friends
3 = your parents
4 = your morals
5 = the psychic hotline
6 = eenie, meenie, minie...
1. Click on 'File' on the menu bar.
2. Click on 'Save As...'.
3. Find a place to store your custom questionnaire on your computer. Remember where it is so you can edit it later on!
4. Click on the 'Save' button.
How to edit your Custom SP Questionnaire:
Important: The first 10 questions must remain as they are.
However, for the rest of the questions you can...
1. Use your editor's cut and paste functions to move any of the sample questions (below) onto your custom questionnaire on page 1.
2. Edit any of the wordings of the questions and/or the answers.
3. Add or delete the answers to questions. Each question can have up to 8 answers (numbered from '1' to '8').
4. Make up your own questions and answers.
You can have a maximum of 35 questions. Delete the questions you do not want to use and make sure you only have 35 in total (you can have less if you prefer).
Shorter questionnaires with fewer answer choices are quicker to fill out. If you have limited time to fill out your questionnaire, try and limit the # of questions to between 30 and 34 and limit the # of answers to only 3 or 4.
Once you have edited the questions, save your file. You will need to print a copy of your custom questionnaire for each person in your school. If you have access to a photocopier at your school, you can just print 1 copy and use the photocopier to make enough. Your students will use the questions found on your custom questionnaire, but they will mark their answers on the Matchmaker Answer forms we send you when you order. Remember to only print PAGE 1 of your file!
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-665-0396.
Additional Sample Questions…
36. Does it bother you when others smoke?
1 = always
2 = sometimes
3 = never
37. What would you do if you’re going to be home past curfew?
1 = call home
2 = take your chances once you got home
3 = try and sneak in
4 = don’t have a curfew
38. How late can you generally stay out on weekends?
1 = before 10
2 = 10
3 = 11
4 = 12
5 = 1 am
6 = 2 am
7 = my decision
39. Do you enjoy participating in sports?
1 = all the time
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely
4 = only as an armchair athlete
5 = never
40. How do you rate yourself academically?
1 = genius
2 = superior
3 = average
4 = poor
5 = failure
41. Who should pay on a date?
1 = male
2 = female
3 = both
4 = parents
42. Do you plan on contacting the people on your list?
1 = depends on the person
2 = yes
3 = no
43. Which of these best describes your classroom participation?
1 = participate in all discussions
2 = listen intently
3 = work on other homework
4 = daydream
5 = socialize
6 = make sure my snoring does not interrupt others
44. What is most of your leisure time spent doing?
1 = sports
2 = TV
3 = talking on the phone
4 = going to parties
5 = collecting money for UNICEF
45. How old are you in relation to your brothers and sisters?
1 = oldest
2 = middle
3 = youngest
4 = don't have any brothers or sisters
46. Which domestic arrangement do you prefer?
1 = both man and woman working
2 = man working, woman at home
3 = woman working, man at home
47. What would you prefer to do on a date?
1 = romantic walk in the park
2 = go to a movie
3 = go out for dinner
4 = dancing
5 = spontaneous evening
6 = rent a video
7 = cuddle on the couch
48. What are your plans after high school?
1 = college or university
2 = trade school
3 = military
4 = working
5 = travel
49. Which of these best describes your bedroom?
1 = spotless
2 = neat & organized
3 = livable
4 = untidy
5 = dust bunny heaven
6 = condemned
50. What would you do first if you won a million dollars?
1 = take a trip
2 = invest
3 = give some away
4 = buy something expensive
51. Do you play a musical instrument?
1 = all the time
2 = occasionally
3 = never
4 = only when my armpit is in the mood
52. What is your greatest goal in life?
1 = money
2 = fame
3 = happiness
4 = power
53. What would you do if you saw someone you like?
1 = introduce yourself
2 = get someone to introduce you
3 = wait for the person to talk to you
4 = 'accidentally' bump into the person
54. How do you feel about showing affection in public?
1 = embarrassed
2 = indifferent
3 = excited
4 = great when its me
55. What do you pay most attention to at a movie?
1 = the movie
2 = your date
3 = another person's date
56. Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy for a date?
1 = yes
2 = no
57. What would be your ideal vacation?
1 = sunbathing on a beach
2 = a big city
3 = camping
4 = skiing in the mountains
5 = travelling overseas
6 = world tour
58. If you wake up with a pimple on your forehead, what would you do?
1 = nothing, everybody gets them
2 = squeeze it to death
3 = sleep until it goes away
59. What kind of dating relationship are you interested in?
1 = serious
2 = casual
3 = friendship only
4 = one date only
5 = not interested
60. Do you find yourself:
1 = leading
2 = following
3 = watching
4 = getting trampled
61. Who do you seek advice from most often?
1 = friends
2 = parents
3 = brother/sister
4 = teacher
5 = your pet
62. What is your favorite subject?
1 = Math
2 = Science
3 = English
4 = History
5 = Band/Music
6 = Art
7 = Phys. Ed.
8 = Lunch
63. If someone you really liked was on your list would you ask them out?
1 = yes
2 = no
64. How should a first date end?
1 = handshake
2 = punch on the shoulder
3 = hug
4 = kiss on cheek
5 = kiss on lips
65. When would you introduce your date to your parents?
1 = before the first date
2 = after the first date
3 = after a week
4 = one month
5 = longer
66. How would you end a relationship?
1 = tell them in person
2 = send them an E-mail
3 = have a friend tell them
4 = avoid the person
67. How do you feel about adults drinking alcohol?
1 = don't approve of it
2 = don't see anything wrong with it
68. What would you do if someone likes your best friend, but you promised not to tell?
1 = tell them anyway
2 = hint
3 = set them up
4 = keep it to yourself
69. Would you date someone your parents don't approve of?
1 = yes
2 = no
70. Do you participate in extra-curricular activities?
1 = all the time
2 = sometimes
3 = never
71. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
1 = yes
2 = no
3 = I think so
72. Why are you filling out this survey?
1 = to find a date
2 = to check on my current catch
3 = just curious
4 = because everyone else is doing it!
73. When talking about world issues, you are:
1 = very interested
2 = somewhat interested
3 = not interested
74. What would you do if you were given the chance to cheat on your exam?
1 = ignore it because its wrong
2 = ignore it because you might get caught
3 = jump at the chance
4 = do it because you're going to fail anyways
75. When kissing you keep your eyes:
1 = open
2 = closed
3 = on your wallet
76. Your first date should be:
1 = just the two of you
2 = together with a group of people
3 = a double date
4 = begin as a group and end up just the two of you
77. Do people who use profanity offend you?
1 = yes
2 = sometimes
3 = who the !#* cares
78. Where do you put your clothes when you undress for bed?
1 = where they belong
2 = onto a chair or dresser
3 = drop them on the pile from the day before
79. How much TV do you watch on an average school night?
1 = less than 1 hour
2 = 1 to 2 hours
3 = over 2 hours
80. What would you do if someone played a practical joke on you?
1 = laugh
2 = ignore it
3 = get mad
4 = get even
81. How do you generally find a date?
1 = ask everyone you meet
2 = ask one person until they say yes
3 = wait for someone to ask you
4 = wait until I get my Matchmaker result form!