Äquivalenzliste: Angebot Lehre

Masterstudium Anglistik und Amerikanistik Lehramt Englisch

Kompetenzbereich Advanced Language Studies
Pflichtmodul 1: Advanced Language Studies
UE 2: Awareness I
UE 2: Awareness II
UE 2: Awareness III
Kompetenzbereich English Linguistics and Culture
Pflichtmodul 2: English Linguistics and Culture
VO 2 + Leseliste: English Linguistics and Culture / VO 2: Linguistics and Culture (mit Leseliste)
SE 2: English Linguistics and Culture / SE 2: Linguistics and Culture
Kompetenzbereich English Literature and Culture
Pflichtmodul 3: English Literature and Culture
VO 2 + Leseliste: English Literature and Culture / VO 2: English Literature and Culture (mit Leseliste)
SE 2: English Literature and Culture / SE 2: English Literature and Culture
Kompetenzbereich American Literature and Culture
Pflichtmodul 4: American Literature and Culture
VO 2 + Leseliste: American Literature and Culture / VO 2: American Literature and Culture (mit Leseliste)
SE 2: American Literature and Culture / SE 2: American Literature and Culture
Kompetenzbereich Advanced Language Studies
Wahlmodul 1: Professional Communication Skills I
UE 2: Presentation and Mediation Skills
Wahlmodul 2: Professional Communication Skills II
UE 2: Translation and Mediation Skills
Wahlmodul 3: Professional Text Skills I
UE 2: Advanced Text Skills
Wahlmodul 4: Professional Text Skills II
UE 2: Advanced Editing and Proofreading Skills
Kompetenzbereich English Linguistics and Culture
Wahlmodul 5: Present-Day and Historical English
SE 2: Present-Day and Historical English / SE 2: Linguistics and Culture
Wahlmodul 6: Applied English Linguistics
SE 2: Applied English Linguistics / SE 2: Linguistics and Culture
Wahlmodul 7: Research and Master Thesis / English Linguistics and Culture
KO 2: Research and Master Thesis
Kompetenzbereich English Literature and Culture
Wahlmodul 8: Literatures in English
SE 2: Literatures in English / SE 2: English Literature and Culture
Wahlmodul 9: Anglophone Cultures
SE 2: Anglophone Cultures / SE 2: English Literature and Culture
Wahlmodul 10: Research and Master Thesis / English Literature and Culture
KO 2: Research and Master Thesis
Kompetenzbereich American Literature and Culture
Wahlmodul 11: American Literature
SE 2: American Literature / SE 2: American Literature/Culture
Wahlmodul 12: American Film, Media and Culture
SE 2: American Film, Media and Culture / SE 2: American Literature/Culture
Wahlmodul 13: Research and Master Thesis / American Literature and Culture
KO 2: Research and Master Thesis
Kompetenzbereich erweiternde und ergänzende Kompetenzen
Wahlmodul 14: Sprache und Gender
PS 2: Sexus und Genus
Wahlmodul 15: Gender Studies (Vertiefung)
KO 2: Geschlecht und Kultur
VO 1: Der Geschlechteraspekt in den Kulturwissenschaften
Wahlmodul 16/17: Module aus anderen Masterstudien der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät