Master Syllabus: HSA 6680 2


HSA 6680
Health Services Administration and Policy


Graduate standing.


The course focuses on the unique characteristics of the U.S. health care delivery system; acquaints students with increased understanding of the context of health services administration and health care policy; and examines key factors and forces impacting total health system performance in the United States.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Describe the historical, philosophical, social, economic, political, scientific, and cultural foundations of the US health care system.

2. Describe the interaction among health, environments, organizations, populations, and the health professions in terms of the structure, operation, and policy outcomes associated with the US health care system.

3. Evaluate the impacts of policy models, legislation, reform efforts, and regulatory requirements on care-seeking behavior, health care system performance and outcomes.

4. Demonstrate comprehension of the public-health context of the profession in terms of determinants and measures of health and disease, and population health management.

5. Integrate alternative health system delivery concepts into an evaluation framework useful for practicing managers.

6. Develop recommendations and healthcare management strategies to address healthcare organizational issues using basic medical terminology effectively.

7. Demonstrate communication and research skills appropriate to practicing HSO managers.

8. Evaluate applicable scenario to apply health services administration and policy strategies to meet business objectives.


To provide prospective and actual healthcare managers and advisors foundational and contextual knowledge upon which to develop abilities to manage or advise the management of an effective healthcare enterprise. These abilities will help prepare them to carry out healthcare management responsibilities in the private and public sectors. EMBA Healthcare Management concentration requirement. MSM Healthcare Management concentration requirement. MBA unspecified elective (non-Accounting). MSHRM elective. This should be the first HSA course taken.

Approved Texts

Sultz, H. A., & Young, K.M. (2011 or current). Health Care USA; Understanding Its Organization and Delivery (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Williams, S., & Torrens, P. R. (2007 or current). Introduction to health services (7th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson/Delmar.

Shi, L, & Singh, D. A. (2011 or current). The Nation’s Health (8th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Dennerll, J. T., & Davis, P. E. (2005 or current). Medical terminology: A programmed systems approach: Revised (9th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson/Delmar Learning.

Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space):

1.  Course title
2.  Course number + section
3.  Term
4.  Instructor
5.  Prerequisites
6.  Office hours
7.  Class days, times / 8.  Classroom location
9.  Office location + e-mail address
10.  Office telephone
11.  Course description, objectives
12.  Text(s)
13.  Other materials / 14.  Grading methods, criterion weights, make-up policy, mid-term grade reports
15.  Procedure, course requirements / 16.  General supports (computer works, writing center)
17.  Daily assignments, holidays, add/drop & open dates, dead day, final exam / 18.  ADA statement
19.  Electronic device statement
20.  Additional services, statements
21.  Absence policy
22.  Incomplete-work policy / 23.  Cheating policy
24.  Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies)