Note: These minutes were compiled by extracting certain facts the essence of testimony from an audiotape made of this meeting. Complete detail and verbatim statements can be heard and transcribed from the tape. The tape is available in the Mayor’s office for a nominal fee.

Master Plan Review Commission

Minutes for 3/13/2013 Amended

Regular Meeting


Call to Order

Jerome Pavlick called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation

Roll Call: John Albaneze, Mayor Glenn Broska, Ken Claypoole, Chuck Kocisko, Jane Rowe, Joe Wolfe and Jerome Pavlick

Also Present: Assistant Law Director Matthew J. Vazzana, Todd Peetz, Claudia James, Planning Director John Cieszkowski, Clerk Melissa Procop

Amended minutes were approved: Add Melissa Procop as attending the meetings. Correction on the spelling of Mr. Wolfe

Add Shalersville as Well location and Ravenna as surface water location

Mr. Pavlick: Opened the floor to discuss Hot Button issues.

1. Data and Analysis

2. Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Mr. Albaneze)

3. Ground water quality referencing horizontal fracturing (Mr. Albaneze)

4. Mixed use by scrap yard on State Route 14(Jeff Allen)

5. Jeff Allen spoke for resident Steve at 8725 St. Rt. 14 who is also in favor of mixed use

Mr. Albaneze asked Todd Peetz how many hours we have used up to this point.

Mr. Peetz stated 171 hours have been used up to this point. We have a total of 233 hours to work with.

*Mr. Albaneze made a motion to suspend the activity of PCRP

*Mr. Claypoole seconded for discussion purposes

Discussion of the motion ensued

Following discussion, motion was denied 6-1: Mr. Albaneze Y, Mr. Claypoole N, Mayor Broska N, Chuck Kocisko N, Jane Rowe N, Joe Wolfe N, and Jerome Pavlick N.

Ken Claypoole asked John Cieszkowski to prepare a list of possible planning firms.

Todd Peetz began review of Data and Analysis. Please refer to Exhibit A that was handed out by PCRP. Claudia listed changes in yellow on the sidebar. Proposed changes are next to the existing paragraph in the Master Plan. Page numbers noted below reflect pages in existing Master Plan. Please refer Exhibit A (provided in packets) attached to these minutes for more in-depth explanation of proposed changes.

Page 13 Population Growth

  1. Mr. Albaneze questioned the 2030 date
  2. Mr. Peetz stated that the 2030 was the timeline from the original Plan
  3. Population figures are from US Census
  4. AMATS projected Portage County’s population growth of 3000 from 2010-2020

Page 19 and 20 Employment/House Value

  1. Strike Solon from comparison data
  2. Mr. Albaneze would like to see snapshots of Streetsboro in 2000 and Streetsboro data from 2010
  3. Mr. Claypoole would also like data from 2000 and 2010 along with surrounding community’s data, for comparisons.

Page 22 Transportation Outlook

  1. John Cieszkowski will be working with Bruce to update transportation section of the Plan.
  2. Mr. Albaneze would like clarification of SR 303 to SR 303 Bypass as to what is wrong with that section of roadway
  3. Mr. James will get clarification from AMATS on that specific area
  4. Mr. Albaneze questioned 2030 regional Transportation Plan -2005
  5. Mr. James stated that the AMATS Regional Transportation Plan-2009 supersedes the 2030 Regional Transportation Plan-2005. She suggests eliminating the 2030 Regional Transportation Plan -2005 and replacing it with the AMATS Regional Transportation Plan-2009.

Page 27 Housing

  1. Ms. James will update with current Census data which includes smaller household sizes (2.49 in 2000 and 2.43 in 2010)
  2. Mr. Albaneze questioned where the 550-home subdivision is located
  3. Mr. Pavlick stated it was Meadowview area

Page 28 Housing

  1. Mr. Claypoole asked for clarification of one unit detached and one unit
  2. Ms. James will look up definition in Census bureau

Page 23

  1. Mr. Albaneze asked the Mayor if Parks and Recreation Master Plan-2007 has any intention of being revisited
  2. Mr. Cieszkowski stated that page 23 is an overview of existing plans
  3. Mr. Albaneze would like to see that paragraph simplified.

Page 25 Survey highlights

  1. Will be modified with the most current survey information

Mr. Ruediger located definition of one unit attached: One or more walls existing to ground to roof separating it from adjoining structures. In roughhouses sometimes called townhouses, double houses or houses attached to non-residential structures. Each house is a separate attached structure if the common wall goes from ground to roof.

Two or more units and structures are defined as containing two, three, or four, five to up to 50 or more units.

Page 26 Housing

  1. Ms. Rowe questioned the Land use and residential character. She would like to strike the last sentence stating; “Generally, lower densities occur on the outskirts of the City, with areas of medium and higher density closer to the center or spread out along SR 14, SR 43, and Frost road”.

Page 30 Housing Values

  1. Mr. Claypoole stated it has changed but we are not sure why it has changed. Outside circumstances lead to the change of affordability with in a household.

Page 37 Environment

  1. If it is not an approved plan it should not be present in the Master Plan( Mr. Pavlick)

Page 45 –Developable areas (Changes)

  • Few limitations
  • Moderate limitations
  • Severe limitations
  • Very Severe limitations
  • Existing development

Mr. Albaneze would like the first paragraph (Page 45) noting Code Chapters to be replaced with general references.

Mr. Claypool made a motion to extend the meeting 30 minutes

Ms. Rowe seconded the motion

Motion carries

Page 47 Priority Conservation Areas

  1. Priority 2-Areas with significant natural features important for preservation and connection: It was recommended to strike the statement(Mr. Pavlick)

Page 49-Envirnoment

  1. Mr. Claypoole would like the Proposed PCA Procedures deleted

Page 55 Community Facilities and Services

  1. Mr. Cieszkowski would like to provide revised content when he receives input from Directors. Mr. Cieszkowski will email input text changes to commission as soon as they are available.

Page 59 Community Facilities and Services Map

  1. Map to be pulled out from plan (Mr. Pavlick)

Page 64 Community Facilities and Services

  1. Ms. James is adding city owned- properties/parks only to the existing schools map

Page 73 Economic Development

  1. Mr. Albaneze discussed whey he would like to see the entire Economic Development section deleted
  2. Mr. Peetz feels it should stay in the plan; it enhances the guidance of the city.
  3. Mr. Albaneze is upset with last sentence in first paragraph; about 90% of Streetsboro’s growth has occurred because of its location, not because the City has promoted itself.

Page 78 Economic Development Cost of services study-build out analysis

  1. Mr. Cieszkowski stated these are general figures and it is a general concept that residential land use demands more in services than the taxes it pays. Commercial provides more revenue than the services it requires.
  2. Mr. Claypoole asked if these statistics reflect city and schools services
  3. Mr. Cieszkowski stated they include both city school services
  4. Mr. Albaneze stated this section should indicate the City is in need of more industry.
  5. Mr. Peetz stated the goals objectives and strategies have a series of strategies and objectives to improve the economic development within the City.
  6. Mr. Kocisko stated that it is the Economic Developer’s job to promote what types of businesses are developed.

Page 80 Economic Development

  1. Ms. James recommended changing the statement” the abundance of housing is a hindrance to Streetsboro’s ability to remain a sustainable, well balanced community because residential uses create more cost in the form of service than its revenue justifies.
  2. Mayor Broska stated we need to continue to grow but grow in a balanced fashion
  3. Mr. Albaneze questioned last sentence in sidebar-does it relate to TND?
  4. Mr. Peetz stated the statement has to do more with the amount of housing as the strain on services not TND
  5. Mr. Claypoole stated the section needs the wording revised

Mr. Claypoole made a motion to adjourn

Wolfe seconded the motion

Meeting adjourned.

Motions were withdrawn to finish agenda items

Mr. Claypoole made a motion to extend the meeting by five (5) minutes to do citizens comments and announcements.

Mr. Wolfe seconded the motion

Motion carries

Citizen Comments:

Brett McClafferty


Next meeting is next Wednesday March 20th, at 7:00pm

Mr. Cieszkowski stated the survey is available

Motion to adjourn by Mr. Claypoole

Seconded by Chuck Kocisko

Motion Carried

Adjournment: 9:35pm
