Examination December 2011

M. A. -Final

Master of Arts in Public Administration


Elective-I: Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

Time : 3 Hrs.M.M. : 70

veesš–Fme ØeMve he$e ceW Ûeej Keb[ nQ~ Gòej osves kesâ henues efveoxMeeWkeâes meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keâ heÌ{W~

(This Question Paper consists of 4 Sections. Read Instructions carefully before attempting the Questions.)

KeC[–De (Section–A)

Deefle ueIeg GòejerÙe SJeced Jemlegefve‰ Øekeâej kesâ ØeMve

(Very Short Answer and Objective Type Question)

meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~10 1 = 10

(All Questions are Compulsory)

1.ceeveJeerÙe mecyevOe keäÙeeW DeeJeMÙekeâ nw?

Why human relation is required?

2.ØeefMe#eCe kesâ GösMÙe efueKeW?

Write objective of training?

3.cepeotjer DeefOeefveÙece keâye heeefjle ngDee Lee?

When labour legislation was passed?

4.mesefJeJeieeaÙe ØeyevOekeâ kesâ keâeÙe& efueKeW?

Write the functions of personal manager?

5.vÙetvelece cepeotjer DeefOeefveÙece kesâ GösMÙe efueKeW?

Write objective of minimum wages act?

6.DeefOeMeemeer efJekeâeme keäÙee nw?

What is executive development?

7.keâce&Ûeejer YeefJe<Ùe efveefOe DeefOeefveÙece keâye heefjle ngDee Lee?

When employee provident fund was established?

8.DeewÅeesefiekeâ efJeJeeo DeefOeefveÙece keâye heeefjle ngDee Lee?

When industrial dispute act was passed?

9.heefjJesovee efveJeejCe keäÙee neslee nw?

What is grievance redressel?

10.›eâefcekeâ efJekeâeme keäÙee neslee nw?

What is the meaning of systematic development?

KeC[–ye (Section-B)

ueIeg GòejerÙe ØeMve (Short Answer Type Questions)

efkeâvneR ome ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej oerefpeÙes~10 2 = 20

(Attempt any Ten Questions)

11.heefjJesovee efveJeejCe kesâ efJeefYeVe lejerkesâ efueKes?

Write various method of grievance redressel?

12.cepeotjer efveOee&jCe keâs efJeefYeVe keâejkeâes keâes mecePeeFÙes?

List various factored for wage determination?

13.ceeFkesâue HeäÙetefMeÙeme ves keâewve mee efmeæevle Øemlegle efkeâÙee Lee?

What was the principle presented by Michel Jucious?

14.ßece keâuÙeeCe kesâ GösMÙe yeleeFÙes?

List various objectives of labour welfare?

15.efJeefYeVe ßece keâuÙeeCe keâeÙe&›eâcees keâes efueKeW?

Write various programme of labour welfare?

16.keâce&Ûeejer YeefJe<Ùe efveefOe keäÙee nw?

What is employees provident fund?

17.meecetefnkeâ meewosyeepeer mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?

What do you understand by collective bargaining?

18.keâce&keâej Øeeflekeâej DeefOeefveÙece keäÙeeW ueeÙee ieÙee Lee?

Why workers compensations act was evolved?

19.keâeÙe& cetuÙeebkeâve hej efšhheCeer keâjW?

Comment on work evaluation?

20.keâeÙe& efJeMues<eCe hej efšhheCeer keâjW?

Comment on job analysis?

21.megJÙeJeefmLele DevegMeemeve JÙeJemLee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?

What do understand by systematic discipline system?

22.keâejKeeve DeefOeefveÙece kesâ efJeefYeVe GösMÙe efueKeW?

Write various objectives of factory act?

23.peveMeefòeâ keâe keäÙee cenlJe nw?

What is the importance of Man power?

24.keâeÙe&-mLeue hej ØeefMe#eCe mes keäÙee mecePeles nw?

What do you understand by on the job training?

25.efJeJeeo kesâ efJeefYeVe Øekeâej efueefKeÙes?

Write various kinds o dispute?

KeC[–me (Section-C)

efJeMues<eelcekeâ/mecemÙeelcekeâ ØeMve (Analytical/Problematic Questions)

efkeâvneR oes ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 350 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~2 10 = 20

(Attempt any Two Questions in 350 words.)

26.‘‘efkeâmeer mebie"ve ceW heefjJesoveeÙeW DeeJeMÙekeâ nesleer nw’’ Fme keâLeve keâer meceer#ee keâjW?

Critically examine the statement that “Grievance is required in organization?

27.mesefJeJeieeaÙe ØeyevOe kesâ cenlJe keâes Jele&ceeve mevoYe& ceW efJe#esefÛele keâjW?

Analyse the importance of personal management in present scenario?

28.keâeÙe&-cetuÙeebkeâve keâer efJeefYeVe efJeefOeÙeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes?

Explain various method of work evaluation?

29.Jele&ceeve mevoYe& ceW vÙetvelece cepeotjer DeefOeefveÙece kesâ cenlJe keâer meceer#ee keâjW?

Critically evaluate the importance of minimum wags act in current scenario?

30.DeewÅeesefiekeâ efJeJeeo DeefOeefveÙece kesâ efJeefYeVe ØeeJeOeeveeW keâes efJemleej mes mecePeeFÙes?

Explain various provisions of Industrial disput act in detail?

KeC[–o (Section-D)

oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve (Long Answer Type Questions)

efkeâmeer Skeâ ØeMve keâe Gòej 700 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~1  20 = 20

(Attempt any One Question in 700 words.)

31.keäÙee ceeveJeerÙe mecyevOeeW keâes megJÙeJeefmLele ØeefMe#eCe Éeje yeveeÙes jKee pee mekeâlee nw?

Can we inculcate human relations through proper training?

32.cepeotjer DeefOeefveÙece kesâ efJeefYeVe ØeeJeOeeveeW keâes efJemleej mes mecePeeFÙes?

Explain various provisions of labour legislation in detail?