Healthy Schools London: Barnet Partnership Directory
Directory of Services contributing to the Healthy Schools London in Barnet
June 2017
Please note this directory is updated on a regular basis as additional information is received from partner services.
The latest version can be downloaded from:
Alcohol Education Trust - Talkaboutalcohol programme 4
Alive ‘N’ kicking / STOP 6
Barnet Partnership for School Improvement (BPSI) 7
Barnet Partnership for School Sport (BPSS) 8
The Barnet CAMHS Primary and Secondary Project 9
CAMHS – Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service (HEWS) 10
Central London Community Healthcare Trust – Oral Health 11
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust – School Nursing Service 12
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust – School Nursing Service Health Matters 13
Children’s Food Trust 14
CWP Resources 19
Diana Award 20
Food Growing Schools: London 21
Health Education Partnership (HEP) – Barnet Healthy Schools 23
Healthy Children’s Centre Project 24
HOPE Harrow (Harrow Family Learning Network) – Parenting Support 25
Just Enough UK 27
MindUP™ - A product of the Hawn Foundation 29
Non Stop Action 30
NSPCC Schools Service 31
P3 – The Social Inclusion Charity 32
Rethink Mental Illness - Mental Health Promotion Team 33
Safe and Sustainable Travel Team - Road Safety Education 34
Safe & Sustainable Travel Team – School Travel Plans and STARS (Sustainable Travel; Active; Responsible, Safe) 35
Safe & Sustainable Travel Team – Cycle Training 36
Safe & Sustainable Travel Team – Bike It Programme 38
Safe Partnership Ltd 39
Saving Londoners' Lives – St John Ambulance Schools and Community Team 40
Your Life You Choose 41
Alcohol Education Trust - Talkaboutalcohol programme
Contact: Kate Hooper,
Schools Co-ordinator
Address: Alcohol Education Trust
Frampton House
Dorset DT2 9NH
Tel: 01300 320869
Borough: All boroughs (National, with regional staff)
Provision Summary:
This service is fully evaluated and is a PSHE Association and Mentor Adepis CAYT accredited early intervention education programme for 11- 18 year olds.
Talkaboutalcohol focuses on what pupils can do to be healthy and stay safe. Using ‘bottom up’ activities, pupils categorise risk, act out ‘real life’ scenarios and engage in decision-making games to build knowledge, confidence, resilience and life skills. A 100 page teacher workbook, fully supported online and with email and phone support can be ordered free of charge by schools across London. In house training can be provided in proved techniques and in supporting pupils in a discreet and appropriate manner at a reasonable charge (£150).
In addition, bespoke picture and story led resources for use with children with moderate learning difficulties in mainstream education that complements the 100 page teacher workbook is available for £90. This gives access to PowerPoints, full colour activities and 6 suites of lessons and activities.
The programme is shown by The National Foundation for Education Research to significantly delay the onset of teen drinking, improve knowledge and engagement in PSHE. It is awarded 3/3 for effectiveness by DFE appointed Centre for Analysis for Youth Transitions and is one of the Early Intervention Foundation’s top 50 most effective programmes across all disciplines for effective outcomes.
Schools are encouraged to engage parents via schools, making them aware of the law and that they are key in setting boundaries, being role models and using 'tough love' parenting skills. Talkaboutalcohol sessions can be booked for parents and a bi-termly newsletter and bespoke website for parents is provided.
The Talkaboutalcohol programme covers:
· Planning, guidance and evaluation
· Assessing knowledge
· Alcohol and its effects Social and physical
· Units and Guidelines
· Alcohol and The Law
· Staying Safe
· 16+
· Visual rich resources
· Organisations that offer support services
As part of our work in Greater London, we are able to offer schools the options on how they would like to receive the programme, which are:
Option 1: to receive the PSHE Association accredited talkaboutalcohol 100 page workbook, a bi-termly newsletter and online/phone support. The workbook is supported with the website of film clips, resources, research and guidance. Furthermore, a bi-termly newsletter is provided to share with parents in addition to a bespoke web area. Schools are also supported with information leaflets for one year group per annum with ‘Alcohol and You’ for older teenagers and ‘Talk about Alcohol’ for parents. Schools can use the new online learning zone which includes games and activities for pupils around alcohol education.
Option 2: The above, plus a highly recommended training session for teachers/PSHE leads on how to use the materials effectively or a parent support evening which can be tailored to suit and can be a stand-alone session, form part of a meet the tutor evening, GCSE option evening or be combined with another issue such as safety etc. These sessions cost £150 and can be shared with other schools to spread costs. Parent support information evenings are also recommended (£150).
Option 3 The above, plus a suite of picture and story led resources that should be used in conjunction with the 100 page work book for those with moderate learning difficulties. The resources (£90 per school or organisation) plus training at £150 per session, irrespective of the number attending.
Target Group:
Year 7-13 with tailored resources for different ages and abilities, parents, carers, PSHE leads and teachers.
Cost Implication for Schools:
· Main resources: free of charge to schools
· Full resource package with tailored SEN resources: £90
· CPD training £150
· Parent support and information sessions £150
Alive ‘N’ kicking / STOP
Contact: George Bell
Alive' N' Kicking Programme Manager
Address: One Stop Shop,
4-5 The Concourse,
Grahame Park,
Tel No: 02081020530 or 07932773374
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
The School Time Obesity Prevention (STOP) programme provides a school-based intervention to raise awareness of healthy eating and physical activity and to allow children to explore how they can positively impact their own lives through food and activity choices.
· It is aimed at children aged 8-11 years old.
· The programme uses interactive materials to educate children and teachers in their schools, as well as providing information and homework to take home to the whole family.
· Children attend a combination of nutrition workshops and physical activity sessions on a weekly basis.
· Take home materials and homework challenges provide families with an opportunity to set whole family goals, work together to overcome hurdles and barriers to healthy eating, and to be more active as a family. Parents will also receive a guide which contains information and resources that are delivered during the workshop.
· Teachers mark the family homework and provide feedback to the children, cementing the child, teacher, parent connection.
Target Group: Primary School
Cost implication for the school: FREE
Barnet Partnership for School Improvement (BPSI)
Contact: Tania Barney
BPSI Associate Adviser
Tel No: 07816673731
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
BPSI is a school improvement traded service, offering a quality training programme, consultancy support to schools and exchange of good practice between schools.
As an associate adviser, Tania runs central training and in-school support for PSHE (including half termly network meetings). She is also able to provide training and consultancy re whole school Emotional Health and Wellbeing/ Mental Health/ Building Resilience.
Target Group: Primary School
Cost implication for the school: FREE to BPSI partnership schools
Barnet Partnership for School Sport (BPSS)
Contact: Vanessa Pender
School Games Organiser
Tel No: 020 8344 2137
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
An association that has been created to build upon the success of the previous School Sport Partnerships. The BPSS is a “not for profit” organisation that has been established as a mechanism to retain the outcomes achieved by the School Sport Partnerships, including the organisation of events, competitions, festivals and leadership opportunities with a generic outcome of increasing participation at all levels.
The BPSS is a subscription based membership organisation, lead by the Strategic Manager to:
"enable all children and young people in Barnet schools to become confident, physically competent and emotionally resilient learners who can independently and successfully make sustainable healthy lifestyle choices and pursue personalised sporting and physically active pathways (including those for the gifted and talented) through the opportunities offered in their local and wider community."
Target Group: Primary School
Secondary School
Cost implication for the school: Yes
The Barnet CAMHS Primary and Secondary Project
Contact: Tina Read
Team Manager
Address: CAMHS,
Holly Oak Clinic, Edgware Hospital, Burnt Oak Broadway, HA8 0AD
Referral form:
Tel No: 020 8702 3388
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
We are a team of Specialist (CAMHS Tier 2) Child and Adolescent Mental Health professionals who work with children, young people and their families within the school setting to support their emotional needs. We assess and offer individual short term treatment in school (6 sessions). We also offer Specialist (CAMHS Tier 2) consultation and mental health training to promote mental health awareness and resilience in schools.
Our target group are children and young people in Primary and Secondary School, aged 3-18 years, with the following : Low mood or depression, Anxiety, Low self esteem, Eating and sleeping difficulties, Problems at school, Anger difficulties, Difficulties relating to change or loss, worries about friendships or bullying, Family difficulties, Behavioural difficulties, Parenting, School refusal, Selective Mutism
Target Group: Primary School
Secondary School
Cost implication for the school: FREE
CAMHS – Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service (HEWS)
Contact: Tina Read
Team Manager
Address: CAMHS
Holly Oak Clinic,Edgware Hospital, Burnt Oak Broadway. HA80AD
Email: Tina.Read
Tel No: 020 8702 3388
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
In addition to the Barnet Secondary School Project (universal service) with HEWS CAMHS can also offer:
· Staff group consultation (Staff Sharing Model and Classroom Observation Model)
· Specific Child Mental Health issues training for school staff e.g. Self-harming, Eating Disorders, ADHD, ASD, Depression, and Anxiety. Bereavement, How to work with challenging parentsor other MH training tailored to school's requirements.
· Individual Specialist (CAMHS Tier 2) therapeutic sessions up to 12 sessions (instead of 6)
· Groupwork, delivered throughco- working and/or formal training for school staff (e.g. friendships, social skills, support group)
Target Group:
Cost implication for the school: Available to be bought in by schools.
Central London Community Healthcare Trust – Oral Health
Contact: Oral Health Coordinator
Vale Drive Primary Care Centre
Tel No: 0208 447 3550
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
Oral health to under 5’s working with health visitors, childrens’ centres, toothbrushing programmes in schools nursery to reception.
Target Group: Early Years
Primary School
Cost implication for the school: FREE
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust – School Nursing Service
Contacts: Angela Cody
Clinical Business Unit Manager (0-19 services)
Address: Vale Drive Health Centre,
Vale Drive,
Tel No: 020 8447 3537 or 07920 821 090
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
In summary, the School Nursing Service is a service for all children between the ages of 5 and 19 which aims to increase the health, well-being and safety of children and young people. This will be achieved by working in partnership with children and their families offering a range of interventions that include, parenting advice, advocacy and public health promotion.
The Public Health Outcomes Framework and NHS Outcomes Framework clearly define a range of outcome measures that are significant to the school-aged population.
School nursing teams lead and contribute to improving the outcomes for children and young people but are not solely responsible for achieving these and there needs to be a partnership approach. School nursing teams need to work with a number of partners including health and social care teams, teachers and youth workers to deliver the evidence based public health interventions as outlined in the Healthy Child Programme (5-19), and using the core principles of Making Every Contact Count for intelligent, opportunistic interventions.
Target Group: Primary School
Secondary School
Cost Implication for schools: FREE
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust – School Nursing Service Health Matters
Contacts: Donna Thornley
Health Matters Lead
Address: Grahame Park Health Centre
Tel No: 07712632057
Borough: Barnet
Provision Summary:
Health Matters is a health website aimed at providing information and signposting to secondary school children to manage their health and development needs.
It also enables pupils to contact a school nurse or post a health question on the site.
Target Group: Secondary School
Cost Implication for schools: FREE
Children’s Food Trust
Contact: Natalie Greenslade
Regional Manager - London
Address: Head Office,
3rd Floor,
1 East Parade,
S1 2ET
Tel: Head Office: 0114 299 6901
Mobile: 07795 427750
Alternative websites:
Borough: All
Provision Summary:
The Children’s Food Trust is on a mission to get every child eating well at home, in childcare, at school and beyond.
We are a charity sharing the skills, knowledge and confidence to cook from scratch, helping anyone who provides food for children to do a great job and encouraging industry to help families make better food choices. We believe every child has a right to nutritious food and when children eat better, they do better. We do what we do because by getting children eating well today, we’re creating the healthier adults of tomorrow.
Early Years
Eat Better, Start Better Programme / children eating well for life means starting early. Whether you run a nursery, work in a children’s centre, look after children as a childminder or if you oversee early years education in a local authority, we’re here to help you deliver great food for under-fives.
Eat Better, Start Better was commissioned by the Department for Education and developed with organisations like PACEY, the National Day Nurseries Association and the Pre-School Learning Alliance. Joining the programme is a great way to show how you meet the welfare and nutrition requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Ofsted’s new Common Inspection Framework.
Resources / A variety of resources are available as free downloads and to purchase including: The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England, Menus, guides and practical tools for early years settings
Menu checking service / Our menu checking service is a way for caterers to demonstrate that their menus meet national best practice guidelines for pre-schoolers and offer children the nutrients and energy they need to do well.
Children’s Food Award Scheme / Join our award scheme and show off your commitment to helping children eat well at nursery, at pre-school, in your children’s centre or with you as a childminder
Primary School/Special Educational Needs Schools/PRU’s/Secondary schools