2009 Summer Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)

Development Grants for FAU Faculty

Seminar for Grantees:May 12-14, 2010, 9:00 to 3:00

Application Deadline: March 19, 2010

FAU is pleased to announce its 2010 Summer WAC Development Grant Program in support of innovation and instructional improvement in general education. Approximately 15 awards of $1,200 each will be competitively awarded to faculty who meet grant program eligibility requirements.

The grants will reward faculty who participate in the development of WAC courses. Awardees may revise an existing course, develop a new one, or convert a current Gordon Rule course to meet WAC requirements.

Interested faculty should review the requirements for College Writing II Substitute Courses and 2000-4000 level Writing Across the Curriculum courses and discuss the viability of teaching a discipline-based writing course with their respective department chairs prior to applying. Please address questions to Dr. Ed Pratt (), Dean of Undergraduate Studies or Jeff Galin (), Director of the UniversityCenter for Writing Excellence.

Grant Program Eligibility Requirements

1. Must be a full-time, multi-year instructor or tenured or tenure-earning faculty member.

2. Submit a one page proposal (form attached), with endorsement of department chair and dean.

3. Agree to participate in three four-hour seminars designed to familiarize grantees with the requirements of the new writing curriculum, techniques for helping students to develop effective strategies for writing and critical thinking, and strategies for managing writing portfolios.

4. Agree to submit course for approval through appropriate governance processes by December 2010.

5. Agree to participate in university-wide WAC assessment procedures.

2010 Summer Curriculum Development Grant Application

(please print legibly or type)

Applicant’s Name

Faculty Rank Department

Campus Address Email Ext.

Beginning with the WAC seminar May 12th – 14th, 2009, I propose to develop a course that will satisfy (circle one) College Writing Il Substitute or 2000-4000 level Writing Across the Curriculum course requirements. I have reviewed the appropriate requirements and understand that while the course will teach subject matter in my discipline, it also must incorporate specific strategies for teaching writing and composition skills. If I am awarded a curriculum development grant, I agree to attend the three-day seminar (four hours a day not including lunch) offered by the University Center for Excellence in Writing during the semester break between Spring and Summer A terms that are designed to help me understand the requirements for satisfying the writing component of College Writing II and Writing Across the Curriculum courses and to provide me with strategies for helping students to acquire content knowledge through critical thinking and writing and hone composition skills. In addition, I agree to participate in WAC program assessment procedures, which will include a faculty survey and periodic program-wide assessment protocol. I agree to submit the course described below for approval through appropriate governance processes by December 2010.

Applicant Signature Date

Please provide a preliminary course title, number, and brief description of the discipline specific subject matter of the course. (Attach additional page if necessary.)

Endorsement of Department Chair and Dean

By signing below, I agree to allow this course to be offered by my department or college as a regular part of the university’s writing curriculum, preferably no less frequently than once very other academic year.

Signature of Department Chair Signature of Dean

Return this application to: Dr. Edward Pratt, Dean of Undergraduate Studies

SU 216, Boca Raton Campus by March 19, 2010

Awards will be announced during the second week of April 2010