Master of advanced studies (MAS) in humanitarian action

1. General information

Criteria for award of a scholarship :

You can apply for a scholarship if you are from and work in one of the least developed countries or one of the other low income countries or one of the lower middle income countries and territories.

Tuition fees and living costs in Geneva:

Tuition fees / CHF 15,000
Living costs / CHF 20,000

Living costs in Geneva are estimated at about CHF 2,000.-/month (accommodation, public transport, health insurance, food, phone)

2. Personal information

Family name (as on passport):

First name:

Date of birth (day/month/year):


Address (for postal delivery): Please give your full address including postcode and country


Tel. (private):

Tel. (work):

Tel. mobile:

3. Personal financial contribution and amount of scholarship requested

CERAH cannot cover the whole amount for tuition fees as well as living costs. Please indicate in Swiss francs how much you can contribute yourself and how much you request from CERAH:

Living costs in Geneva / Tuition fees
Your financial contribution
(including other scholarships you may receive) / CHF / CHF
Your scholarship application to CERAH / CHF / CHF
Total / CHF 20,000 / CHF 15,000

4. Financial information

Applicant/family income and wealth:

Annual gross income in CHF / Gross wealth in CHF / Nature of employment /employer (name/adress)
Applicant (prior to arrival in Geneva)
Other (person you live with, guarantor)

Charges of applicant:

Applicant’s dependents (children, parents, siblings, etc.)

Surname and first name(s) / Date of birth / Relationship / Monthly amount

5. Financial support/sponsorship

-If you are being sponsored, please state the name of the authority responsible for payment of tuition fees and enclose written confirmation from sponsors.

-Please note that sponsorship by a family member is classified as self-funding.

a) Self-funded:yes no

b) Sponsored:yes no If YES, please complete the questions below:

Have you applied for a scholarship/sponsorship: yes no

If YES, please indicate:

Name and address of funding body:

Date of contact:

Amount requested:CHF

6. Declaration

I certify that the information provided on this form is exact.

An incomplete dossier or one containing inaccurate information will not be considered.



CERAH - 20 rue Rothschild – CP 136 - CH-1211 Genève 21 - Tel. +41 (0)22 908 45 33 - -