Part A

Assessor/ Person(s) assisting with the assessment / Mr Ian Golding / DATE / 28.2.18
TASK / ACTIVITY(Include duration and frequency of task activity) / Significant levels of snowfall
Likelihood of Occurrence / Severity of Outcome
Negligible / 2
Slight / 3
Moderate / 4
Severe / 5
Very Severe
Very Unlikely / LOW (1) / LOW (2) / LOW (3) / LOW (4) / LOW (5)
Unlikely / LOW (2) / LOW (4) / LOW (6) / MEDIUM (8) / MEDIUM (10)
Possible / LOW (3) / LOW (6) / MEDIUM (9) / HIGH (12) / HIGH (15)
Probable / LOW (4) / MEDIUM (8) / HIGH (12) / HIGH (16) / HIGH (20)
Very Likely / LOW (5) / MEDIUM (10) / HIGH (15) / HIGH (20) / HIGH (25)
/ Persons / groups at risk
A / Employees / E / General Public / Pupils
B / New Employees / F / Visitors
C / Contractors / Sub-Contractors / G / Volunteers
D / Young person / Work experience / H / Clients / Service users
Likelihood of occurrence X Severity of outcome = Risk Rating
Likelihood (possible 3) X Severity (Moderate 3) = Risk Rating (Medium 9)

Part B

What are the hazards
What could happen / Affected persons
groups / What are the existing control measures / Risk rating
(refer to chart) / Further action required to eliminate or reduce the risk
(who by and Date) / Residual risk
(refer to chart)
Significant snow fall makes travelling to and from school dangerous for families. / E / Potential closure of school means that unnecessary journeys will not be made by parents. / Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school sufficiently early to prevent parents having to travel in adverse weather conditions.
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
/ High
Significant snow fall makes travelling to and from school dangerous for staff. / A / Potential closure of school means that unnecessary journeys will not be made by staff. / Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school is sufficiently early to prevent staff having to travel in adverse weather conditions.
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
/ High
Significant snow fall makes travelling to and from school via the bus service dangerous for children. / A,C,E / Potential closure of school means that unnecessary journeys will not be made by staff. / Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school sufficiently early to prevent staff and students having to travel in adverse weather conditions.
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
  3. A member of SLT will contact Yellow Bus to ascertain their view of likely impact of expected weather.
/ High
Insufficient staff can attend school due to snowfall, this leads to inadequate levels of supervision. / A,E /
  1. Potential closure of school means that levels of supervision becomes irrelevant.
  2. Staff who have been able to get to work are used to support classes.
  3. Classes are crashed together to ensure the efficient deployment of staff.
  4. Large numbers of children are supervised in larger spaces ie multi-purpose hall by members of SLT.
/ Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school sufficiently early to prevent inadequate levels of supervision.
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
  3. All staff contact the school to indicate their ability to make it to work by 6.45 AM.
/ High
Significant snow fall makes the car park unsafe for use / A,C,E /
  1. Potential closure of school means that the car park will not be used.
  2. Clearing snow from key junctions/lines in the car park.
  3. Gritting of the car park.
  4. Close supervision of the car park by site team and SLT using high-vis bibs.
/ Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school is takensufficiently early to prevent use of the car park
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
  3. The site manager will ensure sufficient grit is available.
/ High
Significant snow fall makes the grounds unsafe to be used by children and staff. / A,E /
  1. Potential closure of school means that the grounds will not be used.
  2. Clearing snow from key paths and walkways
  3. Gritting of key areas of the school.
  4. Close supervision of the grounds by site team and SLT using high-vis bibs.
/ Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school sufficiently early to prevent use of the school grounds.
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
  3. The site manager will ensure sufficient grit is available and deployed to key areas.
/ High
Chartwells are unable to provide food to the school. / A,C,E /
  1. Potential closure of school means that the provision of food is irrelevant.
  2. The finance manager will ask for confirmation of the Chartwells. procedures in the eventuality that they cannot provide food to students.
/ Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school is takensufficiently early to prevent use of the car park.
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
  3. The finance manager is in contact with Chartwells.
/ High
In the event of an accident at the school, emergency services will have difficulty getting to the site. /
  1. Potential closure of school means that the provision of food is irrelevant.
  2. Ensure that access to the site is cleared and gritted.
/ Probable x moderate, 4x3 = 12 /
  1. SLT take the decision to close the school is takensufficiently early to prevent use of the car park
  2. SLT regularly review MET office guidance on expected weather conditions.
  3. The site manager will ensure sufficient grit is deployed.
/ High

Part C

Links to other risk assessments and or safe working instructions - please state / Not applicable
Name and Sign
When the assessment is complete it should be signed to say that is the case and all identified actions have been implemented / Mr Ian Golding
/ Date
Review - Before work starts, it is important to consider the content on this risk assessment to ensure it still valid.
For example, are there any significant changes, additions or omissions at the site not identified on the assessment? Are there any additional hazards or risks?
Please record any changes required and or action taken, then date and sign
Reviewer Name & Date / Notes