This Work Request is issued under your Contract with the Department of Management & Budget, Acquisition Services (DMB), as established under the Master Vendor Program.
Project Title:
Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System – System Upgrade Requirements Gathering / October, 2004 – December, 2004
Requesting Department:
Environmental Quality – Air Qualitity Division / September 16, 2004
Agency Project Manager / Program Manager:
DIT - Vic Mankowski DEQ – John Schroeder / Phone:
517 241- 8636 / 517 335-0730
DIT Contract Liaison:
Patty Bogard / Phone:
517 335-4051
Category of Service Requested
_____ Data Warehouse
_____ Security
__X__ Business requirements/needs assessment/system design/quality assurance
_____ Project Development Services
Required Skill Category Requested
___X_ Junior – a minimum of one (1) year of recent experience and demonstrated knowledge, skills and abilities
___X_ Journey – a minimum of three (3) years of recent experience and demonstrated journey level knowledge skills, and abilities
___X_ Senior – a minimum of five (5) years of recent experience, and demonstrated superior knowledge, skills, and abilities
_____ Expert – a minimum of ten (10) years of increasing levels of responsibilities, and supervisory or management responsibility
_____ Project Manager – Expect skills plus a minimum of three (3) years of recent experience in managing projects
Required Skills
A team experienced in Business Process Analysis and reengineering; documented experience working with Federal Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) Reporting for Air Quality; documented experience with Environmental Air Quality Database design, experienced with Air Quality related Information Technology systems and projects; documented experience working with State/EPA Exchange Network communications protocols including working with Environmental Data Standards Committee (EDSC) published standards; experience with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and the State of Michigan’s Project Management Methodology for Information Technology Project Management; experience developing technical documentation including specifications, work proposals and systems development documentation and working with diverse groups, consensus building and team building.
Brief Description of Services to be provided:
Provide a business team experienced in business process analysis, business process re-engineering, system design and project management. The business team must also be experienced in environmental reporting and database formatting, particularly in the Air Quality area. The team will gather requirements that will become a Business Process Analysis document, high level system design and project plan. The team will produce documents that will be used as a basis for Information Technology development of a project to enhance and upgrade the existing Michigan Air Emissions and Reporting system, Emissions Inventory systems and related Air Quality systems and databases. Project management experience will be required to document risks, define project scope, estimate costs and develop a high level project plan.
The Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System (MAERS) and related Emissions Inventory (EI) Toolkit software have been in service for about six years with no significant upgrade to the database model. The performance and functionality of the existing system needs to be improved.
The current database was built around the Regional Air Pollution Inventory Development System (RAPIDS) data model that was developed to create and maintain an inventory of Great Lakes air pollutants. The RAPIDS model is not compatible with the EPA’s National Inventory Formats (NIF). Reporting emission data to the EPA has become problematic due to the reformatting required to get the data into the NIF format. Updating and maintaining tables, which should be routine, require repeated intervention by Department of Information Technology (DIT) development and database staff. The current database structure does not support easy access to historical data.
Support table updates are required due to periodic improvements in the data on which emission calculations are based. In the current system, emission factor updates are almost entirely a manual process, with all the effort and potential for errors that it implies. The current control device table is so out of date that a third of the control device types recognized by EPA are not available to users of MAERS. These support tables are all available from the EPA in reasonably well-structured, electronic formats. Standard format tables could be maintained in an automated manner. Currently maintenance and operations of MAERS requires about ½ of a Full Time Employee’s time.
Currently companies enter their emissions data into a desktop application (MAERS) and submit the data to DEQ district offices via e-mail. With the increase of daily cyber attacks, transferring data using e-mail has become a security problem. One of the goals of a new system would utilize the Internet and state-of-the-art Exchange Network compatible data communications protocols to permit the secure exchange of data between DEQ clients, the Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency of the Federal Government. The current system also requires a great deal of preparation time and effort to send individualized packages to clients and process the data that has been returned. Integration of the MAERS database into the Michigan Air Compliance and Enforcement System and other Michigan Air Quality databases is also needed.
Review existing Air Quality Division (AQD) systems and provide a synopsis of the current systems and processes. Gather requirements to produce a project plan and system design that address issues that exist with the current systems. The high level plan will provide a means to consolidate and integrate appropriate AQD databases. The high level system design will allow for the interoperability between MAERS and other Air Quality systems currently in production or defined in the Air Quality Division information technology plan. The system design and plan for the enhanced MAERS software must:
1. Support the EPA’s National Inventory Formats.
2. Provide reporting support to the EPA.
3. Utilize state-of-the art communications protocols when transferring data.
4. Simplify information gathering for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
5. Develop a User-Maintained administrative function within MAERS, eliminating DIT intervention for table maintenance and operations.
6. Provide the ability to have history accessible on-line. This will permit year-to-year comparison and trend analysis of emission data.
7. Build a system to enable a secure web-based submission, review and update of emissions data.
8. Provide customers the ability to review their data via the internet during the year.
9. Continued support of an on-line emissions calculator for client use.
10. Interface with the Accounts Receivable system for yearly billing for operating permits.
11. Centralize views of the databases of emissions data currently collected in each district.
12. Improve response time and system performance when accessing and updating the emissions inventory database.
13. Integrate with other Air Quality systems and databases.
14. Be compatible with State/EPA Exchange Network protocols, schema and data standards for facility-to-state and state-to-EPA data exchanges were applicable.
§ Document, produce and deliver a Scope Statement based on the Air Quality Division and Department of Information Technology provided solution recommendations from the information gathered from the facilitated sessions.
§ Produce and deliver an estimate package that will:
o Outline the current business process.
o Make recommendations to re-engineer processes that need improvement.
o Recommend business changes that support the needs of re-designed MAERS and Emissions Inventory systems.
o Identify potential cost savings.
o Detail a risk management plan.
o Provide a work breakdown structure.
o Give a project schedule estimate.
o Estimate project effort.
§ Make recommendations for improvements based on knowledge of project management, knowledge of information technology and Air Quality’s business needs.
Deliverables will not be considered complete until the Agency Project Manager has formally accepted them. Deliverables for this project include:
§ Preparation and participation in pre-session meeting(s) at which high-level project details will be gathered and session expectations will be set. Air Quality Division management and Information Technology personnel will participate in this meeting.
§ Facilitate information gathering session(s) to capture business requirements, business process and technical considerations related to the project.
§ Produce and deliver a current business processes review and synopsis. Capture necessary models, diagrams and narratives from the work and review sessions.
§ Produce and deliver a document of recommended improvements of AQD business processes.
§ Produce a high-level project plan and design for an enhanced MAERS product.
§ Produce a high-level project plan and design for an enhanced Emissions Inventory (EI) toolkit
§ Provide alternative solutions for the system solution
§ Produce a high-level project plan and design that will integrate the separate Air Quality databases which currently exist.
§ Facilitate review session(s) to discuss the draft document and determine the appropriate revisions.
A weekly team meeting with Project Management staff will be scheduled to report and review the progress of the project. Each weekly meeting must report the following:
1. Hours: Indicate the number of hours expended during the past week, and the cumulative total to date for the project. Also state whether the remaining hours are sufficient to complete the project.
2. Accomplishments: Indicate what was worked on and what was completed during the current reporting period.
3. Funds: Indicate the amount of funds expended during the current reporting period, and the cumulative total to date for the project.
Agency standards, if any, in addition to DIT standards.
Payment will be made on a Deliverable basis. DIT will pay CONTRACTOR upon receipt of properly completed invoices which shall be submitted to the Project Manager upon delivery of the approved deliverable and at the end of the engagement. All invoices should reflect actual work completed by payment date and must be approved by the DIT Project Manager prior to payment. The invoices shall describe and document to the Project Manager’s satisfaction, a description of the work performed, the progress of the project, and fees. In the event it is necessary for contractual staff to travel for this project, approval must be obtained by the project manager. Travel charges will be reimbursed at current state-authorized rates as outlined by DMB guidelines and must be accompanied by actual receipts. Travel time will not be reimbursed. When expenses are invoiced, provide a detailed breakdown of each type.
Payment shall be considered timely if made by the DIT within thirty (30) days after receipt of properly completed invoices.
§ Business Requirements and Technical Considerations Requirements will be combined sessions.
§ Session Attendees are knowledgeable of the impacted business processes.
§ Senior-level facilitated session(s)
§ Staff-level facilitated session(s)
§ Session attendees will receive a draft version of the deliverables five days prior to the review session
§ Review session attendees will have read the provided materials and come to the review session prepared to discuss review comments.
§ All documents will be submitted as both a hard copy and in an electronic format.
§ All work products are owned by the State.
Consultants will work at Constitution Hall in Lansing, Michigan.
Work hours are not to exceed eight (8) hours a day, forty (40) hours a week. Normal working hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm are to be observed unless otherwise agreed to in writing.
No overtime will be permitted without prior written approval of both Vic Mankowski and John Schroeder
The designated Agency Business Project Manager is:Name John Schroeder
Department Environmental Quality
Area Air Quality
Building/Floor Constitution Hall, Third Floor, North
Address 525 W. Allegan
City/State/Zip Lansing, MI 48933
Phone Number (517) 335-1588
Fax Number
Email Address
The DIT Project Manager for this project is:
Name Vic Mankowski
Michigan Department of Information Technology
Building/Floor Constitution Hall, Fifth Floor, South
Address 525 W. Allegan
City/State/Zip Lansing, MI 48933
Phone Number (517) 241 8636
Fax Number (517) 241 2777
Email Address
The DIT Contract Administrator for this project is:
Patty Bogard
Michigan Department of Information Technology
Contract Management Vendor Relations
Constitution Hall, Sixth Floor South
525 W Allegan St.
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone 517 335 4051
Fax 517 241 8379
Agency Project Manager Date