Master Class: Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse; Medical Aspects

Saturday, Nov 18th 2017

9:00 – 15:00


This Master class is a 6-hour event that will take place on Saturday Nov 18th 2017 from 0900-1500 and includes lunch.

It will be of interest to pediatricians and other medical and multidisciplinary professionals who are managing cases of child sexual abuse (CSA) and will provide an opportunity to spend a day with regional and international experts in the field of child abuse and neglect.


·  Know the presentations of CSA

·  Know how to conduct a history and physical examination for a child suspected of CSA

·  Recognize normal ano-genital anatomy ano-genital findings due to CSA, medical conditions & accidental trauma

·  Understand normal behaviors of children and those indicative of CSA

·  Recognize sexually transmitted infections in CSA

·  Understand the principles of response to CSA (treatment, prevention, investigation)

·  Know the global aspects of child sexual abuse; including female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), early child marriage, trafficking of children for purposes of sex exploitation and Internet facilitated child sexual abuse.

·  Understand the public health and child rights approach to child protection

The Program

First Session


Welcome remarks and introduction: Dr. Sue Bennett

09:15- 10:30am

Definitions, normal anatomy and approach to the child (taking a history & conducting a physical examination Dr. Fadiah Al-Khattabi

Presentations of CSA: physical aspects Dr. Fadheela Al-Mahroos

Presentations of CSA: behavioral aspects Dr. Azhar Abu-Ali

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

Second Session

11:00- 12:00

Medical Conditions affecting genitalia and sexually transmitted infections. Dr. Fadiah Al-Khattabi

Genital injuries in children: abuse vs. accidental. Dr. Fadheela Al-Mahroos

12:00-12:30 Discussion

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

Third Session

13:30-14:15: Treatment and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Dr. Fadiah Al-Khattabi and Dr. Azhar Abu-Ali

14:15-14:45: Global aspects of Child Sexual Abuse Dr. Sue Bennett

14:45 – 14: 55 Discussion

14:55 -15:00: Closing remarks Dr. Sue Bennett

Speakers’ bio

Sue Bennet

Dr. Sue Bennet is a Full professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa. She is a pediatrician and mental health professional by training and has been recently appointed as Director of Social Pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) after more than 2 decades as Director of the Child & Youth Protection Program at CHEO, working clinically with maltreated children, youth and their families. She was a founding member and first president of the Child & Youth Maltreatment Section at the Canadian Paediatric Society. She is a prominent advocate for the rights of children, youth & their families and conducts research and education in child protection, social pediatrics and global & child health for multidisciplinary professionals at the local, national and international level. She is a Councilor with the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN).

Dr Bennett was the co-chair of the Program of Development international Working group to develop the draft UN policy document on child protection (General Comment 13 to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)) which was adopted by the UN in February 2011.

Her work has evolved from the perspective of the protection of children solely from maltreatment and violence to the overarching perspective of protection and indeed promotion of all of the child’s rights as exemplified in the UN CRC in order to secure and assure the well-being, health and development of the child to their fullest potential.

Fadheela Al-Mahroos

Dr. Al-Mahroos is a Full Professor of Pediatrics at the College of Medicine & Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf University and a Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics; 1988. She is a consultant pediatrician and child abuse and neglect (CAN) expert since 1990. She functioned as the Chairperson of Child Protection Committee at SMC, the main Ministry of Health general hospital in Bahrain; 1995-2014. She served as the chairperson of the team, which established the first national advocacy center: Child Protection Center, 2007.

Dr. Al-Mahroos has played a crucial role in National Child Law enacting process from the first draft to the national assembly discussion and decreeing in 2012. She was a member of the National Childhood Committee, 1999 – 2014 and the National Supreme Council for Women 2001 – 2016.

She functioned as a Faculty Expert in the International Society for the Prevention of child abuse & neglect (ISPCAN) and was the president of the Arab Network for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect; 2009-2013. She was a member of the International Executive Committee that drafted the “General Comment-13 “The right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence”. It was adopted on2011 and serves as a guide for the UN Committee on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Contributed as the leading author of the CAN chapter in "Textbook of Clinical Pediatrics" 2011. Springer Publisher. She has been active in research about CAN and published in national, regional, and international journals.

Azhar Abu-Ali

Dr. Azhar Abu-Ali is currently a senior licensed clinical psychologist at Latifa Hospital under the Dubai Health Authority. She is an active member of the Emirates Child Mental Health Society and the Arabian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Association. Dr. Abu-Ali specializes in working with children, adolescents, and families. Her other specializations include working with trauma survivors such as domestic violence, child abuse, war, medical trauma, grief and loss, and complex trauma. Additionally, Dr. Abu Ali provides specialized psychotherapy modalities including play, sand, and art therapy.

Dr. Abu-Ali has previously served as the Director of Care and Rehabilitation in the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children, worked as a Research Consultant with the World Bank, and served in other capacities such as Clinical Intern Supervisor, and Director of the school-based mental health program for immigrants at the Center for Multicultural Human Services in the United States. Dr. Abu-Ali has received her academic and clinical training in California and Virginia.

Dr. Abu-Ali published and participated in comprehensive regional research and theoretical projects focusing on adolescent identity development, child survivors of trauma, treatment efficacy, and multicultural competency. Currently, Dr. Abu-Ali is conducting grant-funded research on caregiving and chronic pediatric illness in the United Arab Emirates. She further specializes in developing and conducting training workshops for professionals in the field of mental health and health care. Recent topics have focused on pediatric psychology and interpersonal childhood trauma. Dr. Abu-Ali is also committed to community mental health awareness and prevention, and has provided community-based workshops.

Fadiah Al-Khattabi

Dr. Fadiah Al-Khattabi is a Consultant pediatrician in General Pediatrics with subspecialty in Child Abuse and neglect. Currently working at the department of Pediatrics in King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSHRC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She is the Deputy Program Director for Pediatric Residency Training Program at the Department of Pediatrics and Assistant Professor, at the College of Medicine at Alfaisal University.

She completed her Fellowship training in Clinical General Pediatrics, Academic Fellowship, and Fellowship in Clinical Child Abuse and Neglect in Canada, 2009 - 2015. She has done several research projects on child abuse and neglect at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. She is leading the Child Advocacy Committee at KFSHRC since 2016. She is also involved in the National Family Safety National Committee. Through these committees she contributes to the welfare of abused children and their families. Furthermore, as part of her endeavors to promote the welfare of pediatrics patients, several Child Abuse Awareness Days have been held under Dr. Al Khattabi’s leadership.