ATEFI and EAST Join Forces in the Global Fight against Payment Crime
ATEFI has joined forces with the European ATM Security Team (EAST) in order to further strengthen cross border cooperation in combating all types of payment crimeincluding payment cardfraud, hi-tech crime and ATM cyber and physical attacks.
EAST participated at the first annual Latin American Forum on Security in Payment Systemsin Paraguay last November, hosted by Oscar Castellano, ATEFI. Úna Dillon, EAST Development Director, shared information and data on payment crime activities affecting EAST members in Europe and around the world. The two organisations have been working together since then.
In his statement about the venture, EAST Executive Director, Lachlan Gunn, said: “EAST is pleased to increase its global reach through cooperation with ATEFI, creating a greater network for combatting the threats of payment crime. Today, to further strengthen the relationship, the two organizations agreed to mutual Associate Membership in order to facilitate the sharing of information on crimes affecting the payments industry and to help identifyglobal threats.
Over the past 13 years ATM-related payment card fraud has been the major issue faced by all of our EAST National Members. Logical and malware attacks are now recognized as an increasing threat. Our National Members, representing 34 countries with a total of over 1.3 millionATMs, welcome this official working relationship with ATEFI and recognize itof great strategic importance in battling cross border issues."
Oscar Castellano, ATEFI Executive Director also expressed his vision on this mutual association: “ATEFI understands this mutual cooperation as a strategic alliance to fight cyber-crime related to payments. Through this Associate Membership we envision a better understanding of the threats the industry faces every dayat a worldwide scale”.
Mutual Associate Membership allows ATEFI and EASTto exchange strategic data and other non-operational information.
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Founded in February 2004, EAST is a ‘non-profit’ organisation with memberscommitted to gathering information from, and disseminating EAST outputs to, ATM deployers and networks within their countries/regions. EAST National Members represent 34 countries with a total deployment of 1,332,228 ATMs. More information can be found at
ATEFIis the Latin American Association of Operators Electronic Funds Transfer and Information Services founded twenty years ago. ATEFI represents 25 ATM networks in 18 countries throughout Latin America, Spain and The United States. More information can be found at