Massage Practitioner Certification Program
This program lays a solid base— over 150 hours of physical sciences: Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology and Pathology. Upon this foundation, we establish a framework: Swedish massage, Asian Integrative Energetics and Reflexology. This combination of western and eastern treatment styles blend muscular and bio-energetic therapies. The business and movement classes, first aid, and CPR, supervised practicum, and private lessons form the protective roof sheltering the beginning massage practitioner in a very competitive marketplace.
January, February,
March, April / Core Sciences / 154
Trimester B
May, June,
July August / Therapeutic Massage & Assessment
Swedish I & II;
Asian I-IV; / 144
Trimester C
September, October, November, December / Professionalism / 24
Other Requirements / 114
Supervised Practicum / 70
(2 Saturdays per month)
(Note: More detail of subjects covered on a daily basis will be provided in class syllabus)
436 CLASS ROOM HOURS AND 70 CLINIC HOURS…………………………..$5,119.00
Massage Practitioner Program
Spring & Fall 2009 Program Plan
TOTAL PAYMENT IN FULL: (15% Discount) when tuition is paid in full 30 days prior to start of class. Discounted Tuition = $4,452.00.TWO EQUAL PAYMENTS:(10% Discount) when tuition is paid in two equal payments. Discounted Tuition $4,654.36 half (50%) due 30 days prior to start of class and final payment due at the midpoint of course. Two equal payments in the amount $2,327.18.
12 MONTH PAYMENT PLAN: (5% Discount) Discounted Tuition totaling $4,863.81 with down of $563.81 and the remaining balance of $4,300.00 to be paid in 11 equal payments of $358.33, and a final payment of $358.37.
24 MONTH PAYMENT PLAN: Total Tuition $5,119.80 with 1st down payment of $319.80 and the remaining balance of $4,800.00 paid in 24 equal tuition payments in the amount of $200.00.
All above plans require signing of a promissory note. Click here for Promissory Note.