Massachusetts Even Start IPQ Outcomes & Performance Indicators

FY 2010 – 2011*

For Adults
Achievement in reading, writing, English language acquisition, problem solving and numeracy / §  At least 50% of Even Start adults who receive ESOL instruction and who participate in at least 65 hours or 2 months of instruction will make significant scale score gains on one of the following two assessments:
BEST Plus: 33 score gain
REEP: 4 score gain
§  At least 45% of Even Start adults who receive ABE instruction and who participate in at least 65 hours or 2 months of instruction will make gains in reading and/or math as measured by the Massachusetts Adult Performance Test.
Pre- and Post-
Assessment Rule** / §  At least 65% of all Even Start adults who participate in ABE/ESOL instruction for at least 65 hours or 2 months will take at least two assessments over the course of a year.
Receipt of a High School Diploma or GED / §  At least 68% of school aged Even Start adults*** with a short term goal of earning a high school diploma, GED or an ADP/EDP and who participate in 90 hours of instruction will meet the goal within the current program year.
§  At least 68% of non-school aged Even Start adults with a short term goal of earning a high school diploma, GED or an ADP/EDP and who participate in 90 hours of instruction will meet the goal within the current program year.
Employment or career advancement / §  At least 33% of Even Start adults will enter employment or obtain career advancement within the current program year.
Entry into a post secondary school or job –retraining program / §  At least 10% of Even Start adults will enroll in a post secondary school, job training/re-training within the current program year.

Massachusetts Even Start IPQ Outcomes & Performance Indicators

FY 2010 – 2011*

For Children
Reading readiness or reading on grade level / §  60% of school-aged children (K -Grade 6) who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will read on grade level as reported by the child’s school district and/or report card.
§  75% of Even Start children, 2.6 to 4 years of age, who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will make a standard score gain of 4 points on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III).
§  66% of Even Start children, 5 years of age, who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will make a standard score gain of 4 points on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III).
§  80% of Even Start children, 6 years of age and up, who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will make a standard score gain of 4 points on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III).
§  All Even Start children who are 4 years of age or eligible for kindergarten in the Fall of the following school year and who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will identify an average of 14 letters correctly as measured by the PALS Pre-K Upper Case Naming Subtask.

Massachusetts Even Start IPQ Outcomes & Performance Indicators

FY 2010 – 2011*

For Children
Grade retention and promotion / §  85% of all school –aged children (K - Grade 6) who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months during the school year will be promoted to the next grade level as reported by the child’s school district and/or report card.
School Attendance / §  80% of school-aged children (K - Grade6) who participate in Even Start will attend 90% of the school days offered as reported by the child’s school district.
Pre- and Post-
Assessment Rule / §  At least 65% of all children who participate in Even Start for 6 months or longer will take two PPVT-III assessments over the course of a year.

Massachusetts Even Start IPQ Outcomes & Performance Indicators

FY 2010 – 2011*

For Families
Progress of parent awareness, impact and change in their role to support their children’s language and learning / §  50% of the parents who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will achieve their goal of supporting children’s learning in the home environment.
§  50% of the parents who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will achieve their goal of supporting interactive literacy with their children.
§  50% of the parents who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will achieve their goal of supporting their child’s learning in formal education settings.
§  50% of the parents who participate in Even Start for at least 6 months will achieve their goal of assuming the parent role in providing opportunities for: setting choices, rule, and limit; and or managing stresses on their children; and or making informed decisions/practices for the safety and health of their children.

* These may be revised for FY 2011 pending FY 2010 performance results.

** For ABE pre- and post- assessments, students are excluded with:

less than 12 hrs. of attendance;

an initial scale score in TABE reading;

writing or math less than 584; and

students with an intake date after April 1.

*** A school-aged Even Start adult is defined per USDOE reporting requirement as any parent who is 16 years of age or younger.