Dear Parents


“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: on those who live in a land of deep shadow a light has shone.”

As we come to the end of a busy term at school and prepare for Christmas at home, please encourage your children to take some quiet time to think about the true meaning of Christmas.

Please visit our crib in the reception area after school this afternoon or on Friday morning.

Mass times in our Aldershot parish over Christmas are as follows:

St. Mary’s, Bellevue Rd Thursday 24th December 5pm

St Joseph’s, Queens Rd Thursday 24th December 8pm

St Joseph’s, Queens Rd Friday 25th December 10.30am

Thank you for all your kind cards and presents, they are very much appreciated. Thank you also for your support over the last year, we continue to develop to provide the children with the best possible opportunities.

Our Advent liturgies and Christmas events received tremendous support once again and thank you for your generosity in supporting our Advent Charity (CAFOD). It has been a pleasure to worship with you and we thank you for your great example to the children in showing respect and reverence.

Bishop Philip’s Visit:

As you know Bishop Philip visited the school on Tuesday 15th December. It was just a fantastic experience for all involved, but especially for the children who received the Bishop’s blessing as part of our liturgy. During the visit, Bishop Philip rededicated the Well (as we now have a tabernacle), agreed to come and celebrate with us our 150th anniversary in 2017 and gave us permission to fly his crest at school during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Thank you to everybody who took part: Mrs Newey, who represented the parents, Mr Paterson and Mrs Greze who represented the Directors, Fr. Chris and Mr Aburn, who represented the Parish and Ewan (school), Lucy (nursery), Logan (Preschool) who represented the children. Thanks also to Marjorie, Mrs McNeill and Mrs Smith, who made sure the visit, and the liturgy in particular, were so successful. I was very proud of everybody involved and it was a great day for St. Joseph’s.

Admissions consultation:

We are currently consulting on our admission arrangements for the year 2017/18. The consultation runs from today Thursday 16th December and Thursday 28th January. You can find all the details on the website under the INFORMATION TAB. If you would like a paper copy of the information please contact the school office.

Carol Service:

Our Carol Service yesterday was once again a lovely experience for all who attended and helped us to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you to Mrs Liney, Mrs Smith and Mrs Kelly for all their hard work in preparing the children.

Infant Performances:

Well done to all the children who took part with such vigour! Thank you to all staff that helped with the preparations and costumes. It was fantastic!

Christmas Dinner:

Congratulations to Mrs Hunt and our catering team. Yesterday the team served approximately 580 lunches. A fantastic effort and a fantastic lunch!

Dinner Money Accounts

Dinner Money for the first half of next term will be 5th January – 12th February = £66.70

Dinner Money for the second half of next term will be 22nd February – 23rd March = £52.90

Please ensure this money is on your child’s account before the children return to school as it will alleviate several issues of running debt reports and letters.

Outstanding money:

All monies owing should now have been paid. However, if you still have money owing, please pay as soon as possible.

Applications for Reception 2016:

Please remember the closing date for Reception 2016 applications is 15thJanuary 2016.


A big “THANK YOU” to all our parent helpers who give of their time so generously. You really are making a difference in helping the children to learn. Thank you also to the members of ‘Friends of St Joseph’s’, who have given so much help and support to the school. The build-up the Christmas has been extremely busy for them and they have given up their time so generously. Thank you especially to those parents who are on our morning reading scheme and our fantastic library team. Thank you to all the staff in the school for their hard work this term. It has been a real team effort.

Friday 18th December

This is a FREE mufti day.(Christmas jumpers very welcome!)

Parents can pick up from 1.45pm.

On behalf of the staff, governors, directors and pupils, we wish you a happy and holy Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back safely in the New Year. Once again thank you for all your help and support.


17th December - Christmas Disco Year 5/6 4.00pm – 6.00pm

18thDecember - Last day of half term.Pick up from 1.45pm


Yours faithfully

Bill James Deirdre McNeill

HeadteacherDeputy Headteacher

A Catholic School in Aldershot since 1867