St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 2nd March to Sun. 10th March 2013
Sat. 2nd March [V] 7.00 p.m.: Danny Dowdican, Friarstown (1st Anniv.)
Sun. 3rd March 10.00 a.m.: Mary Gallagher, Coolcran
Mon. 4th March 10.00 a.m.: James, Ellen & Jack Kelly, Joan & Anthony Kilcullen
& Tony Murphy
Tue. 5th March 10.00 a.m.: Eileen Conway
7.00 p.m.: Jimmy (1st Anniv.) & Mickey Reape
Wed. 6th March 10.00 a.m.: Winnie Kelly (Month’s Mind)
Thu. 7th March 10.00 a.m.: Michael Healy & decd. Healy & Keane families
Fri. 8th March 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention
Rehins S. Centre: 8.00 p.m.: Decd. Ferguson & Culkin families, Marguerite & John Joe Martin
Sat. 9th March 10.00 a.m.: Noel & Josephine Hanahoe, Mary, Patrick & Paddy Hanahoe
& Margaret Casser
Sat. 9th March 7.00 p.m.: Martin John Kelly (Anniv.) Mary Kelly & Josephine Scott
Sun. 10th March 10.00 a.m.: Madelaine Breslin (14th Anniv.) & decd. Breslin family, Friarstown
CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass
READERS: 10th March - [V] Elizabeth Boland. [11] Andrew Sleater.
E. MINISTERS: 10th March - [V] Mary Crean. [11] Teresa Holmes.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 1: Frances Kelly, C. Ruttledge, Carmel Kelly, J. Hughes.
Rathduff Church: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wed. 6th March: 7 to 8 pm.
Knockmore GAA Lotto: Week 40-23rd Feb. Nos. 11. 14. 19. 30. No J.Winner. Weekly
Ticket: M. Howley, Francis Clarke,C. Loftus. Season Ticket: P.J. Gordon, G. Ring, Richie Timlin.
Next Jackpot €5,000. Draw in Clubrooms Sat. 2nd March. Knockmore GAA U8 indoor training starts 10th Marall players must be at least 6yrs in 2013 trainers to be worn.
Knockmore Ladies GAA: Registration on Fri. March 8th 6.30-8pm in R. Centre. Knockmore.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.
Laptop/desktop Computer Repair Service: Available locally – please contact 087 8066505.
Conn Rangers Lotto: 25th Feb. 2013 – 2. 7. 8. 30. No Winner. Season Tickets: Alice Walsh, Mary Hannifin, Peggy Mangan. Weekly Tickets: Chris McLoughlin, Mark Kelly, R. Diamond. Next Jackpot is €6,600. Draw in Brogan’s Bar on Mon. 4th March, 2013.
Conn Rangers Underage training: U.13 Sat. 10am on the old pitch. U.15 at 11.30 am.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: 2nd June & 21st Sept. Contact Bernadette 086 8196653. Spiritual Directors: Fr. Kieran Holmes & Fr. Martin Henry.
Knockmore Rathduff Butterflies Playschool: Registration for 2013/2014 on Thurs. 14th March 7pm in Resource Centre. Contact 086 8726632
Zumba Classes: In Resource Centre Knockmore. Mon. 8.30 pm. Contact Jackie 087 7643856.
Resource Centre: Now catering for Children’s Disco Parties. Contact (094) 9258016
Celebrate St Patrick’s Day on Station Island, Lough Derg – Sun. 17th March 11am - 3pm
Guest Speakers: Bishop Joseph Duffy & Fr. Tom Hamill. Mass 2pm. Cost: €20 (€8 per child). Advance booking required 071 9861518email:
Indoor Soccer training U.10 Boys only onTue. 5th March in the Community Hall, training in Foxford Sports & Leisure Centre Mon. 7 pm. The team play competition on Thur. 7 pm in An Sportlann Castlebar. Contact Billy 0868373646.
Community Games: All Swimming events will be held Sun. 10th March in Ballina S.Pool 3.30 pm. Entries must be in Ballina S. Pool by Mon. 4th March. Info. from 0868373646.
Knockmore Boxing Club is eligible for substantial grant aid to erect a new gymnasium in the Parish if a suitable site can be obtained. Contact 0868373646 or any club member ASAP.
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
3rd Sunday of Lent: 3rd March 2013
Sat. 2nd Mar. [V] 8.00 p.m.: John Mulhern, Carragorru
Sun. 3rd March 9.00 a.m.: Kathleen Gaughan, Lisaniska (25th Anniv.)
11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
Mon. 4th March 10.00 a.m.: Tom, Nell, Martin & Paddy Flynn & James McHale, Tav’more
Tues. 5th March 10.00 a.m.: Mary & John Nugent
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tues. 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Wed. 6th March 10.00 a.m.: Edward McDonnell, Ballinasleva
Thur. 7th March 10.00 a.m.: Mary & John McLoughlin
7.00 p.m.: Lenten Holy Hour
Fri. 8th March 10.00 a.m.: Tony, Katie & Mickie Butler, Knockmore
Sat. 9th March 10.00 a.m.: Martin & Marian Walsh, Knockmore
Sat. 9th March [V] 8.00 p.m.: Decd. Holmes & Ryan families
Sun. 10th March 9.00 a.m.: Jimmy O’Dowd (Anniv.) & decd. family
11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Mass.
READERS: 10th March [V] Confirmation pupils. [9] Anthony Coleman. [11] Aidan Mulvihill.
E. MINISTERS: [V] J. Feeney & D. Connolly. [9] P. Duffy. [11] A. McNeely & G. Bourke. SERVERS: 10th March [V] Laoise Coleman & Clíodhna Flynn. [9] Peter McTigue &
Michéal Holmes. [11] Amy McDermott & Sarah Langan.
CHURCH CLEANING: Carragorru, Runagry & Calladashin.
COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.
Special Ceremony for Confirmation Pupils – Vigil Mass on Sat. 9th March.
Lenten Holy Hour: In Knockmore Church on Thurs. next 7th March 7 to 8 pm. All Welcome.
Memorial Cards: Printed by Business Supplies, Garden Street, Ballina. Tel: 096 72755.
Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers - Vera Maughan, Corroy; Breege Herron, Calladashin; Jimmy Gilmartin, Foxford; Noreen O’Donnell, Tipperary (sister of Vin Brogan, Stonepark.. May they rest in Peace.
Afternoon Tea Dances: In The Merry Monk on Sun. 3rd & 10th March, 5-7pm Hosted by Josette Ruttledge & Ray Traynor. Strickly Come Dancing Group. Homebaking & spot prizes. Adm €8.
Stress Management Clinic: Opening in Knockmore Resource Centre on Thur. 7th March. Contact Annette 085 7858770.
Ballina Show Committee: Will hold 25 Drive in Ardagh C.Centre Sun. 10th March 9pm. Adm. €10. €1,000 prize money. Support appreciated.
Reflective prayer evening (Croí Nua) at Newman Institute Thurs. 14th March 7pm. Facilitated by Hilary Musgrave and Monica. All are welcome.
“Slash the Tash” – Will be held in GAA Clubrooms on Sat. 23rd March 9pm. 10 local celebrities are going to ‘lose’ their moustache’s to raise funds for Knockmore GAA Strictly Come Dancing. A celebrity Barber will be present on the night! All are welcome. It promises to be a fun night!
Ladies Keep Fit/Body Sculpting Class: Starts soon in Knockmore, NEW 8 Week Course. Please contact Donna on 0852418777 for info.
How to bring loved ones back to God: In Ardagh C.Centre Sat. 9th March 10.30 to 5pm (Bring packed lunch). Starts with Mass in Ardagh Church at 10.00 a.m. All welcome
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.